Chapter Three

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Brianna's Pov

The next morning, I went over to see mom. Thankfully, Dad had left for work because I couldn't bear seeing him.

'Mom!" I yelled.

There was no point yelling cause the whole house was huge. Even if she was in the living room and I was in my room she wouldn't still hear me.

"She's at the backyard." Margaret the help answered. The backyard was one of the places i liked in our family house. It had a gorgeous pool with pretty stones that glowed in the night. The patio had a pretty fireplace and I remembered when we used to have smores and mom used to tell us all sort of stories. Although i used to he a loner in my family, i enjoyed her stories. The rest of the backyard was a garden decorated with exotic and rare flowers. There was a stone pathway that led to a pond and where the most expensive flowers were.

I finally noticed Mom at the patio working on something on her laptop and sipping her tea.

"Mom, did you hear about what your husband did?" I said as I took a sit beside her.

"There's my favorite baby girl. How are you?" she hugged me but I didn't respond.

Mom sees everybody as her baby. She would brag non-stop to her friends about me and Jake. She was good at everything. Back in high school, she was prom queen, and most popular everyone wanted to be her. She was sweet, loved classy and elegant things, kind, never disliked anybody-at least that's the way I saw it. She was good at everything but I think she still needed to work on the mother thing. Like right now.

On our birthdays, Dad and Mom would literally narrate our birth stories and achievement to the guest and it was a really long story. "Mom, did you really take part in firing me?" I said quickly before she soothes me with her sweetness.

"Sweetie, I didn't mean to. It's just that every person I've set you up with is scared of you. When you were in high school, we used to stop you from going on dates but please, Bree am begging, just show me and your dad that you can have a boyfriend who likes you and isn't scared of you."

"But mom, I like it that way." I protested

"Is it because of that boy, Riley? Honey, you know you don't have to hold on to the past. Move on. You're grown now, you're beautiful, you're wiser. Don't let a little word hunt you for the rest your life."

"Mom, don't start, you and dad can't decided on what I do with my life. It is my life for a reason. You don't bother Jake with this dating crap anyway." I said in annoyance

"Don't use that tone on me young lady. Besides Jake is a man. Age isn't a problem for them."

''Ugh!! I can't stand you right now, why did you even give birth to me? You should've only kept your precious son, Jake." Deep down, I knew they loved us equally but I was just so angry at her for bossing my life around. I walked out before I would say something I would regret later.

Later that night, I was in my apartment thinking about what to do. I realized that I had no social life. This was bad. I've lived my whole life in the office even on weekends, I worked. I had no fun. Suddenly, i had an idea.

I dialed the first number that came in mind. Rachel.

"Oh my goodness, is this Brianna?"

I chuckled, "The one and only."

"Bree, I've missed you so much. Jaaaaane bree is on the phone." I heard some shuffling and running through the phone.

"Brianna Conrad? The one we know? What are you waiting for? Put her on speaker."

"Hi guys, i'm so sorry. It's been so long and I promise, I will make up for it. So, do you want to spend the week with me at the Grand Hotel?"

"Eeeee!!!!!" I shifted the phone from my ear because of their squeals.

Rachel and Jane had been my best friends since college. Anytime I needed them, they were always there. After the Riley incident, I got engrossed in work and pushed everyone out of my life and work became my companion. I wanted to make up for everything during this 5 months deal. Back in college we used to help girls get back at their men or get back their men.

There was this girl we helped, her boyfriend cheated on her and still cheated on the person he cheated with. So I, Rachel and Jane insisted they get back at him. Six women against one man, trust me it didn't end well. One of the best memories of our lives.

Everytime we met, we always made good memories. I was really excited to see what memories would come out of this.

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