Chapter Two:Deal

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Brianna's POV

Chapter Two

Brianna's POV

"The reason for the downfall in the market is because we've only been concentrating on supplying to restaurants, hotels, hospitals and offices. We've forgotten about the homes which we live in. Our main focus should be the homes because home furnitures are of absolute neccessity.

Every day, couples are getting married and starting a home. Good quality furnitures sounds like good homes. We need to make them trust us with their future home furnitures. We can show them that our furniture would last as long as their marriages. If not longer." I shrugged. "I believe this new line of furnitures would adapt well to their homes as we plan on making them adjustable, light and most importantly durable. Thank you". I concluded my presentation and shut down my laptop.

"Did Frank agree to do the designs?" Mr Conrad, my dad asked me.

"Yes, he loves the idea as he is also starting his own family."

"Okay then, ladies & gentlemen are you okay with this?" My dad asked the board directors.

''Yes!'' they all agreed and we ended the meeting.

"Andrew, I need you around this weekend so you can help to review some files that came in this morning." I said to Andrew who was waiting for me outside the conference room.

"This weekend or next?" he asked with uneasiness.

"Are you trying to make me repeat myself?"

"It's just that it's my wife's birthd-".

"So? If you didn't have a job, would your wife have a birthday to celebrate?" I walked away from him.

This is the reason I don't like couples. They're always too needy.

"It-It's fine, I'll cancel it. You're actually leading me to a divorce and we just got married three months ago. I only pray it doesn't happen so soon." I heard him say from behind.

Ignoring him, i went straight to the bathroom and cried recalling what Chris had said about me being a poisonus leech and a blood sucking monster.

I gave myself a minute to recollect myself. I dried my tears, retouched my makeup and with a firm smile, i went back to my office but then, I saw Andrew making a secret call.

"Mary, i can't i'm busy. She said I can't come what am I supposed to d-" When he saw me approaching he changed the subject and quickly ended the call.

"Is that your wife?"


"Did she curse me?"

"Not this time. I ended the call before she could." He said holding his annoyance as he picked the intercom ringing.

"Yes sir, she's here..... Okay." He ended the call.

"Your father wants to see you upstairs. Immediately."

"Ugh! What now? If i stay there for more than five minutes, come and get me. Say that i have a very important international call or that i have an appointment with an important person. Okay?"


I took an elevator to dad's floor and was greeted by his secretary as soon as she saw me. "Good morning, Miss Brianna."

I ignored her and entered his office without knocking.

My dad, uncles and brother stopped discussing as soon as they saw me enter.

"Good morning dad, uncles, brother." I said to the people in front of me. My dad was sitting behind his desk. He was in his early fifties but managed to still look in his early forties. I would say he was aging gracefully. He always had a respective presence which I admired.

My younger brother who was also fighting for the throne with me was standing beside dad with an an expression that he was going to enjoy what's going to happen next. He was everything a woman wanted. To me, he was like a back pimple.

Finally, two of my uncles were sitting in the chair in front of dad's desk facing me.

''Why have i been pulled out of my busy day to see Jake's face?"

"Dear sister, something tells me you wouldn't be busy for a while." Jake said grinning from ear to ear like the idiot he was.

Dad noticed my glare and broke the silence. "Brianna dear," Dear? Dad called me dear only when he wanted to say something that he knows will upset me.

"Your mother and I have been discussing."

Great just great.

"The board decided to let you go for a while. The thing is, we have noticed you've become married and dedicated to your work which is a good thing for the company but not for you. Men are scared and intimidated by you, Bree. You aura is filled with great success and you've become self sufficient that it scared the whole family." I could hear the concern in his voice but wasn't ready to agree with it.

Wait wait. Isn't that a good thing?

I stood there in shock, processing everything he just said. Jake was clearly enjoying it because of my expression. I could see he was holding his laughter.

"Dad, your clearly joking right? Of course, you have to be. This is hilarious. You're the only one that could possibly have a problem with this. Not the company. Not the board. This isn't fair. The board is happy that i work here. It you guys that's the problem. I've put my blood, sweat and tears into this company for five good years, you can't just take it away from me.'' I raised my voice.

"I know you have and we are not firing you Bree, you're just going on a leave for a year to maybe settle with someone. You're not getting any younger."

''I'm twenty-four for goodness sakes, Dad".

"But you look thirty.'' Jake said bursting out with laughter making everyone stifle their laughters except dad.

"That's because of the heavy make up I put to hide my eye bags, if you'd put the same effort i put in this company you'd look like dad.." I threw arrows with my eyes at Jake and then turned to the uncles. "Uncle ben, did you have anything to do with this."

"There's nothing i did. The situation handled itself. I would say quite well too." He smiled.

"I just fired your incompetent son. I handled that quite well too."

He frowned at me and i smiled.

"Don't worry sis, a competent person like me would take over from you."

At least Jake was better than chris. What am i saying? No one is taking over from me.

I tried and tried to convince my dad to see reason but it's like i was talking to a wall. When I saw no hope, I gave in. I loved my work and I would do anything for this company. They would come back crawling to me anyway.

"Fine, but I'm leaving for five months and not a year or else i'm calling my lawyer and suing you and trust me Dad, it's not the family's lawyer." I gritted my teeth.

"Ok then, do we have a deal?" He extended his hand.

''DEAL!" I said and shook it slowly realizing what I just agreed to.

Who would want to date me?

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