Chapter Twelve

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Brianna's POV


I could not feel any pain yesterday but when I woke up, i felt like i slept on rocks. My limbs were so sore and If I moved I felt the pains in my joints. I managed to sit up because of the constant noise Rachel and Jane made while packing. "Are you sure you don't want us to stay"? Rachel asked. Did I mention she cared a lot.

"I'm fine, I'm made of steel and besides it'll heal after a couple of days. You both have to go back to work and I have to concentrate on my plan."

"I hate to be that person" Jane said before she sat on the bed "But you shouldn't do it. I mean you don't know the guy and you're just using him. He looked like a nice person when he brought you back from the gym and it would be cruel to use him like that."

"Relax, that's why I'm not including his face. And I thought you agreed when you said he was not intimidated by me"?

"I thought you were actually gonna try dating him and not using him". She frowned.

I could not believe Jane was being good. I expected her words to come from Rachel and I was hurt she was not on my side. "Jane, i'm doing it and that's the end."

"Fine, It's going to be hard to not say I told you so when everything crashes but i'll be there to hold your hand". She moved closer on the bed and hugged me.

"Awwn, I love you too" I hugged her back and Rachel closed the remaining air between us.

"Brianna"? Jane said in a muffled voice.


"Did you shower yesterday"?

"Nope,but I love you" I cuddled both of them closer.

"Eww, Brianna get off me now" they pulled away quickly.

"All you ever do is think about how I smell, I guess you're scent-mental" I paused when the word left my mouth. Where did that come from?

They gave me a puzzled look. "We shall never speak about this again." I heard them laugh when i ran-more like limped into the bathroom.

The quietness engulfed me after they left. I couldn't think of any better way to spend my day than to watch tv.I was surprised that they had Netflix and without hesitation, I signed into my account. I watched The last summer, Someone great, The perfect date and I was in the middle of Murder mystery when I heard a firm knock on the door.

Who could that be? I got up and slowly opened the door to reveal the house keeper. She gave me a small smile and i opened the door for her to enter with her trolley. I went back to my position on the bed and continued the movie.

After hesitating for a while, she opened the curtains. The bright sun beamed through the window causing me to groan. It didn't stop there. She hummed loudly to herself while she swept. It was as if she wanted me to leave but didn't know how to ask. I willingly left the room for her to clean and strolled around the hotel.

I walked aimlessly until I stopped at Nathan's door. I wondered if he was around. I wanted to knock but couldn't think of any excuse to let him out so I just passed and continued moping. The housekeeper finally finished and I went straight to close the curtain. I opened my laptop to check the latest news on Conrad's Furniture Company.

I saw the headline "CFC has decided to change their name to Meubles. Is this because Brianna left"?
I rolled my eyes. I was the one that suggested that name a long time ago. It means furniture in french.

I didn't want to check the comments but I found myself doing it. A username Bobichris32 said "She's really jobless? I guess she's not so high and mighty like we thought."

"She's probably trying to get a life since she has none". Another from Ria247.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I would not let them get to me. I don't know how people feel when they say bad things about someone they don't know. I had no idea if it was just jealousy but it was bad. I closed the laptop and resumed my movie.

Halfway through the movie my stomach growled. I realized I had not eaten since morning. I checked the time, it was already seven. I called room service and ordered chicken adobo, jollof rice, samosa, spring rolls, grilled chicken, coleslaw, black bean noodles, sponge cake and orange juice to wash it down.

As soon as the movie was over, I heard the sound i had been waiting for. I ran towards the door to open it and the aroma of the food hit my nose instantly. I was busy browsing the contents of the tray covered with stainless cloche when I saw a sky blue large box with a white bow on top. I furrowed my brows. I was too distracted that I didn't notice the waiter. He was wearing a grey sweatpants with a white T-shirt, he had his cap on and his eyes hid behind his glasses. It didn't take long for me to realize who it was.

"Nathan, Where's the waiter? Did you kill him and stash him somewhere? Also, why are you wearing shades by this time of the day?"

"Can I come in"? He cocked his head to look inside.

I nodded and he pushed the tray inside.
"What are you doing here"? I said when he sat on the sofa.

"I came to see how you were doing after the exercise. And that's for you." He pointed at the sky blue box. It was heavy when I held it so I asked "Is this the waiter's head"?

He laughed. His laughter was warm and hearty and I felt myself smiling at him. "You've been watching so many movies. Just open it".

"Okay, but if it's something creepy I'll-" I stopped my sentence when I opened the box. There were six of my favorite perfumes. Black opium, Victor & Rolf flowerbomb, Channel CoCo Mademoiselle, Lancome la vie est belle, Victoria Secret Bombshell and Miss Dior blooming bouquet.

"You said you prefered flowers in bottles". He shrugged his shoulders.

Please don't forget to vote.More chapters of Nathan and Brianna would be coming soon.
Published Date: Mon, June 3rd 2019.

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