People were screaming all around me, cheering Zayn on. I knew that this was probably the worst fight, because it was personal. Harry was clearly unconscious and Zayn still continued to hit him over, and over again.

I couldn’t stay to watch it any longer. The sight of the blood was making my stomach turn. I grabbed my stuff and pushed through the crowd, standing outside in the cool, chilly air. I allowed myself to just breathe and once I felt like I was okay, I walked back inside.

Thankfully the fight was over and the referee held Zayn’s hand up.

He saw me and threw his gloves down, rushing towards me. His body was glistening with sweat but it only made him look more attractive.

“You came.” He mumbled, breathing hard.

“Yeah, it’s not every day your boyfriend invites you to one of his fights.” I admitted, biting my lip.

“Don’t do that.” He said, referring to me biting my lip.

He reached out for me but I squirmed away, squealing. “You’re sweaty!”

“Get over it.” He groaned.

I leaned towards him and pecked his lips, pulling away before he could pull me closer. He yanked me towards him and I squealed. He kissed me once again and hugged me. There were cameras flashing and I blushed, hiding my face.

Zayn said something but I couldn’t hear him over the sound of the audience conversing amongst themselves loudly.

I grabbed his hand and he led us outside, walking in the direction of my car. “What happened to your plans with Lia?” He questioned.

“We’re going out now.”

“Now? Sky it’s late.”

“And it’s Saturday.” I added.

“Can’t you guys stay in?” He asked.

“No.” I frowned.

“Please be careful.” He sighed.

“Always.” I smiled.

I leaned on my car and we sat there in silence. He didn’t even argue with me about it. I was expecting this conversation to go completely different. He stood in front of me, pressing his body against mine. “I have to go.” I whispered.

He brought his mouth to mine and kissed me slowly. “Come to my house when you’re done?” He asked. “It’ll be late.” I rolled my eyes, mimicking him.

“I’ll come to you then, text me when you’re on your way back.” He smiled, kissing my forehead. I nodded and got inside my car, giving him a small smile.


“See I told you tonight would be fun.” Lia chuckled as we walked back inside of our apartment. “Yeah.” I shrugged.

“So tell me about you and Zayn. How’s that going?”

“We’re good. He’s just very controlling, so it causes little arguments here and there.” I explained.

“I knew that,” She snorted, “from the way he was about the pizza.”

I chuckled lightly, taking a seat on the sofa. “And the sex, how’s the sex?” She asked.

“Nope, don’t answer that. I don’t want to hear about my younger sister and her sexual encounters.” Nick yelled, shaking his head. He walked into the room, scrunching his face up in disgust at Lia.

“We haven’t…” I mumbled.

“What!” She screamed.

I shook my head, feeling embarrassed.

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