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Copyright © 2014 Ari W.

“Skylar, right?” someone said from behind me.

“Yeah.” I said hesitantly, turning around.

“We met at that party, I’m Harry.” He offered his hand.

“I remember.” I said truthfully.

“I didn’t know you work here.”

“Yeah.” I shrugged, looking around.

“Would you like to go out sometime?” He asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Um sure.” I agreed.

“Great, here’s my number.” He said handing me a card.

I took it and hastily made my way to my car.

I had to be at Zayn’s in less than ten minutes and I’m thirty minutes away.

I drove as fast as I could without getting a ticket.

Ring, Ring.

“Hello?” I answered.

“You’re late.” He barked into the phone.

“I’m in traffic.” I said quickly.

I heard him take a deep breath and the line went dead.               


I knocked three times and the door swung open. “Zayn’s in his library.” A woman said. She looks like she’s in her late fifties. “Okay, thank you.” I nodded.

“I fixed you two something to eat.” She smiled, stepping around me. I assume she works for him, judging by her outfit, and the fact that she says she cooked for us.

I thanked her once again and went in the direction of the ‘library’.

He was sitting at the table, typing on his laptop when I walked in. “Finally.” He muttered.

“I have an assignment due today.” I told him.

“I’m well aware. Take a seat and get started on it.” He said, looking at his computer.

I took out my laptop and began to work. This is so boring.

“Where’s your bathroom?” I asked.

“Follow me.” He sighed, standing up.

I followed him as he led me to a door. “Come straight back.” He said before walking off.

I stepped inside and ran my fingers through my hair.

I made my way back into the room, where he sat in the same exact spot, typing away. My phone started to ring and he looked at me, holding his hand out.

“Lia I can’t talk right now.” I said into the phone.

“Sky, its Nick. He was in a car accident.” She said. The phone dropped out of my hand and I fell to the floor. Car accident. That night. Memories started to flood my mind and tears blurred my vision. I felt my heart rate accelerating, making it harder to breathe.

Sobs escaped my lips as I rocked back and forth. “Skylar, are you alright?”  Zayn asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. I grabbed my phone and dialed Lia’s number.

“Is he okay?” I breathed into the phone.

“They won’t let me in. I’m not family. Get here as soon as you can.” She said.

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