The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 29.

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Just added this to the wrong story. Oops. I really like proving how stupid I am. Anyway that'll be all.


I looked in the mirror. Brown eyes looking bland and, in my opinion, quite dead. Not resembling my dads bright orbs they used to look like. Also red and puffy from spending most of my night crying. Why had I been so desperate to cry? It’s horrible. Now not even all the make-up in the world could hide it, and with my lack of make-up it was an already failed mission. My hair once in twisting curls now lay in, well, clumps of… rubbish. That was a good word to describe my look this morning; rubbish. Complete and utter rubbish.

Hey! At least it went brilliantly with my mood, I thought dryly after tugging a brush through my hair in one last lame attempt to rescue it. Suddenly there was a loud Crack and then my hair felt tugged down. Lifting the brush, or what was left of it, into my eye line I confirmed that I had in fact broke the brush. Well wasn’t that just bloody brilliant. I thought dryly while I pulled the other half of it our of my hair. With a sigh I let the broken, heavy, black brush clatter to my desk then I dropped hopelessly to the comfort of my twirly chair.

Picking my phone up I sent a text to Holly saying not to bother coming to my house for the concert and that I was probably not going (Not that she would have come here anyway) then I carefully placed my phone back down making sure not to look at it too much as it painfully reminds me of Chris.

Which was exactly why I was thinking about not attending the concert tonight. Yet I still felt wrong even thinking about not going. It was not only Chris I had to think about; there was Dylan, Ethan, Fido. Surely I had to make an appearance for them? Not only that, I had never missed a Scottish concert by MissJustice yet, and, I guess, it would feel weird not going.

It would be weird going, another part of my mind fought back. He probably didn’t want to see me. I had no doubt that he was shocked, that was evident from only his facial expressions. He probably wanted space to think; I could give him space… but that would mean being in the crowd of people. The masses of adrenaline, dancing people, and god knows that didn’t go well the last time I was in a crowd of people. I couldn’t go back stage and face him, though - which Is what I normally did. No, that would be too much. Not after last night. Not after…

I shut my eyes stopping the tears from escaping. Gently tipping the spinning chair back so it was resting on the back two wheels. “Oh no you don’t,” I thought out loud, “Not again. Buck up for gods sake. Your going because you love their music, because you owe it to the rest of them. It’s not even like you have to see Chris.”

“First signs of madness right there.” A deep voice echoed from behind. Giving me such a fright the wheelie chair over balanced. Smashing onto the brown carpet below taking flailing me and the pile of clothes laid on top of it with it. I hadn’t even heard him come in.

“Christ on a bike! What the hell Michael?!” I burst rubbing the back of my head with my hand. I should definitely get a lock for this room! Great idea Kath, I’ll put it on the list, just put it under ‘get over your Best Friend’. Michael stood looking as cool as a cucumber in dark, shaggy, blue jeans and a white top under a blue checked shirt that hung open. Why couldn’t I have just liked Michael? I found myself asking for the one hundredth time.

He let out a warm chuckle while offering a muscular arm that I gladly accepted as he hoisted me into a standing position once more. I dusted down my floral designed top. “I’ve come to make sure your good?” He said calmly. Trying to hide the concern that slipped through as his eyes darted over my awful appearance. “The door was wide open Kath.” He informed me more seriously as I refused to look straight at him. I hadn’t seen him since I moaned Chris’ name. Oh how down hill things had gone from there.

“Yeah…” I said lamely. I played with the wire that lay on my floor with my foot. Watching it with great interest not too sure what to do with myself. Had Michael forgiven me? Or was he ever even mad? He never acted like it on the night, but it had been a shock. Even to me! Whatever it was this was just plain awkward…

“I’m not angry at you Kath.” He read my mind. “That you, well, em…” He muttered and I couldn’t help let a small smile creep onto my face. Looking up through my eyelashes to see his cheeks turn slightly pink and a hand move back to cradle the back of his neck. “You know, but anyway that’s not the point. I’m here to see if your okay. I’m here to say sorry, Kath.” The smile and shyness vanished. All replaced with complete confusion. My eyes met his dead on to see he was completely serious.

“And you call me mad?” I muttered while raising an eyebrow at him questioning his state of mind. It was me that moaned another guys name while kissing him; my boyfriend… right?

“No, just listen Kath.” Michael started again, gently holding my forearms. “I knew there was something going on with Chris and you yet I still perused you. I shouldn’t have been so selfish in the first place. I don’t know what the fuck went on with you two last night but your perfect for each other and though it is bloody annoying to admit it, it’s true.” His strong gorgeous face was set in a grimace of sheer determination.

Oh no, no, no, no. Not now, I thought as tears threatened my eyes again. Just then soft lips touched mine causing my eyes to shoot open in shock as I took a step back. Nearly toppling over my chair once more. I stared at Michael who just shrugged with a slight smile playing with his lips. In all looking a lot better.

“Sorry, never know what quite to do with crying girls.” He explained like it was obvious. I looked at him with my mouth a gape. My hands just gesturing wildly.

“You - you - kiss - you - me -” I stuttered no idea what to think. “I - I wasn’t even crying!”

“Yeah, but you were about to. It stopped you didn’t it?” He smiled. Damn he actually had a point. “Plus could be my last kiss before you and Chris get together. Then I’m sure if I did that my pretty face would be gone for good.”

Ah, Chris…

My heart panged so violently it felt like my ribcage would not be enough to with stand it. I clutched at my chest.

“Hey, hey Kath you okay?” Michael asked worriedly coming closer to me but not touching me. I took deep breaths calming me down.

“Yeah, I’m good.” I lied with a smile that probably looked more like a grimace. I forced myself to straighten up. “So please don’t kiss me again. I promise I won’t cry.” I joked punching him gently on the arm as he pretended to look upset. Then just like that the awkwardness I felt earlier with Michael had gone and it seemed like nothing had happened since the first time I had fallen into his arms. It was nice, and somehow I knew he felt the same way.

“Oh hey Kath? I was meaning to ask you why you look quite so, emm…” He wondered demonstrating with his hands. Making an up and down motion. “…Different?” Raising his eyebrows slightly showing me that it was the nicest word he could come up with.

“You mean crap.” He just nodded apologetically as I groaned flopping face first onto my bed. “I don’t know!” I mumbled into the covers. “Not that it matters.”

“It does matter actually.” Michael informed me flatly grabbing my waist as he hoisted me up into a standing position. Then he walked over to my cupboard rummaging through my clothes and examining them before chucking them to the floor. I would have complained, but I just didn’t have the strength. Also it would really not be anything different to what my room is used to. Finally he nodded at an outfit before chucking it at me. Where they just fell to my feet without one movement from me. Oh, I think I was meant to catch it…

Sighing Michael picked the outfit up at my feet and slung it over my shoulder. “It does matter, Kath.” He repeated. “As we, my friend, have a concert to attend.” My mouth fell open. Chris’ concert. Surely he can’t be serious?

“So go get a shower and try that on. I may be shit when it comes to fashion, but one thing I do know how to do is make a girl hot.” And with a nudge from Michael I was heading towards the door to get ready for a probably ex-best friend’s Glaswegian concert.

Six O’clock- only two hours to go.

Oh poop.

Chris’ P.O.V.

I looked in the mirror of the tour bus and was met by a stranger. His face was just pain and ice resembling a lifeless statue. Only the tiniest bit of hope flickered somewhere in his glass green eyes. The rest of his features were set like steel. This was his last chance. Tonight is MY last chance. There really was no backing out and there wasn’t even a 100% chance she’ll even be here! It was just all up to Michael now, and no matter how nice he had been recently, or how nice I hope he has been recently, even he might not be able to get her here. I guess there is still no solid proof or evidence that Kath actually likes, or liked, me other than a friend. But something inside me just seems to want to trust him. Maybe it’s because I just want it to be true, more than anything else.

“Ooohh! The wheels on the bus went round and round, round and round, round and round! The wheels on the bus went round and round all day long!” I was met by the booming noise of Ethan and Danny singing with merriment as the tour bus circled around Scotland. Taking the longest route possible to get to Glasgow. Just to make sure no press or paparazzi could get hold of exactly where we live. It was obvious we lived in Scotland though. That would have been a tricky fact to hide; the Scottish accent has a way of following you no matter where you go.

“Urgh do you have to sing that EVERY time?!” I moaned plopping down onto the green upholstery of the bus. They looked at me like I had just announced I liked to collect rubber ducks.

“YES!” They shouted in mock horror at the same time. I just leant my head back against the back of the seat as they carried on shout/singing “the wheels on the bus”.

I quickly grew tired of their rendition and headed to the front of the quite large tour bus. Where the middle aged, balding driver was humming along to Danny and Ethan. Oh god, not Arnold too…

Finally the singing came to a halt as it was time to get into costume, as the minutes ticked down. “What’s it today?” I asked Ethan somewhat dubiously as he was in charge of the wardrobe. Which was basically changed completely every time we did a concert. Let me just say, there had been sometimes when Ethan had gone truly overboard in his attempts to embarrass me! You would be surprised how much a wig and clothes can change your appearance.

“It’s over there, man” He smiled. I shook my head and headed over to where he gestured.

“I am not wearing likra again.” I stated before heading across to look. He just grinned at me. I still remember standing on stage feeling naked as the only thing stopping my, achem, man parts being on full display was a couple of millimetres of material. While my chest was left completely bare. Just to top it off, the design of the likra was orange with black strips. “Oh yeah Ethan, Tiger print; real original.” I said dryly.

“The girls didn’t mind,” He shrugged as he winked at me. “Besides, likra is the most comfortable clothing I have ever worn!” Ethan reminisced as he looked off into the distance.

“Yeah, if you don’t mind everything being on show.” I muttered back. Only Ethan could enjoy such an outfit. I couldn‘t help but laugh. Even Danny didn‘t enjoy that precise costume choice, and that’s saying something. “Seriously, there is something not right with your head.”

“Only that I am comfortable with every part of my body so why shouldn’t everyone else see the master piece that is me?!” He demanded over dramatically as he leaped onto the table. Sweeping his chest out and in the process whacking his head on the roof of the carriage. “Oof!” He huffed in pain as he ducked back down and placed a hand to his bashed head.

I just laughed again as I headed across to get my outfit. Hanging on a railing was something I was pleasantly surprised about. It was different, and something Ethan had not tried before but it was not over the top and weird. Which I was more grateful for than he would ever know. Picking up the outfit and the wig I headed towards the bathroom. Pondering how I would look with black hair as I held the wig.

“Hey, Chris, you’ll need these too!” Ethan announced pulling out contacts from his pocket and tossed them in my direction just as the couches stop told us that we were at our destination. As I headed to the bathroom my stomach lurched and churned as the clock counted down. The only question playing my nerves; would Kath be there?

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 01, 2010 ⏰

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