The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 11

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Kath's P.O.V.

We arrived at Chris' house (more mansion, blooming massive!) where the party was, we didn't just drive to his house for no reason. Just in case you where confused. Anyway, like I said we arrived only to be greeted with loud music booming from the house and that was only from the driveway. The cool long drive way with those stones that make a crackly noise as you drive up it making it sound cool. That was kind of irrelevant, but I think it's cool! Again back to my point. The party by the sounds of it was already raring and as we got further up the drive I started to notice lots of people. Lots and lots and lots of people. A LOT more than 80 and again this is only his drive. Oh. No.

I turned my focus to Michael who was driving. Just ignore the people and shout at the boys later. My mind told me as I glared at Michael. That might be the only useful thing it has ever told me. I am so proud. I will shout at them later. Why invite me if they new there would be so many people? They know I hate big parties like this especially with my low alcohol tolerance. I don't mind when I am with Chris but the only other time I went to one of their big parties (by big I mean 50+) I ended up in a room with a guy I didn't know about to do god knows what, I hate to think, luckily Chris had noticed I wasn't there and "saved" me. At the time I didn't want to get saved like I said I was drunk and very very very stupid. Very stupid! If it wasn't for Chris I would of lost my virginity to someone I didn't even know the name of. See VERY stupid! Even by my standards. That is why I am NOT drinking tonight. Sober and sensible! Well as sensible as I get.

Michael finally found a parking space and it was time to get out. As I stepped out onto my flat dolly shoes, don't trust me in high heels, I felt the cold air hit me causing me to shiver. I didn't realise it was so cold, the wind was whipping around me and batting my hair into different directions. Guess that is Scottish weather for you; it is only late August and it feels like winter. I only grabbed a small black cardigan. Didn't really work on keeping me warm.

I felt a arm wrap around me to a warm toned chest. Michaels toned chest to be more precise. A lot warmer. "Better?" He whispered as we weaved through the masses of people. How many are there? But I tried to ignore it. If I don't think about it can't bother me. That's what I think. But I tucked myself closer to Michael regardless and let me tell you he is boiling!

"Much! You are really hot!"

"Well thank you. That's not the first time you have told me." Michael said while chuckling softly, a smug grin also on his handsome face.

"You know what I mean!" I felt the heat creep into my cheeks. "How are you so warm? What are you, a werewolf?" I asked exasperated. How does he get to be warm? He just laughed his rich laugh.

"Yeah I'm your own personal Jacob." He said still laughing. I just smiled. Maybe it won't be too bad a party but I still have a feeling something is going to happen.

Finally we made it into Chris' huge house, people still brimming from every room. The music so loud it was hard to hear yourself think. People drinking, kissing, grinding to the music. At least the music is good! It was another of their songs. It is so funny everyone in school loves "MissJustice" but no one knows that they all live in this town and that two of them attend the same school. Oh if only they knew! I would never get time with Chris. It is bad enough at the moment!

"Lets find Chris!" I yelled at Michael who hadn't removed his arm from around my waist even though it was warm in here. Not that I am complaining!

"Yeah and how do you suppose you are going to go about doing that?" He questioned raising an eyebrow while motioning around the room at the busy crowds of people. Ah, I see his point. This could be tricky but I want to see Chris! I thought stubbornly. I don't care if I have to push through them all I want to find him.

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