The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 7.

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The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next door!


"Why?" I found myself asking. I could feel his questioning gaze even if I could not see his face. "Why did you have to leave for so long?" I asked. I really wanted to know why he had stayed an extra month in America when I was so desperate to see him again. I had watched the tour as well so I know it finished at the right time. I did not blame him. I mean, who would come back from America to rainy Scotland and little old nothing me? I felt him take in a deep breath. I had a feeling what he was about to say was really important to him. I started to get nervous as I leaned back so I could look straight into his eyes. I was right. What he was extremely important, I could see it in his eyes. He took in another deep breath, like he had finally come to a decision. My stomach flipped.

"Because I-"


"Kath! Kath are you in there?" My mum interrupted a serious Chris. "Ther- Oh! Chris! How was your tour? Why did you not tell me you were back!" My mum rushed over and hugged Chris, kissing his head, and just generally attacking the poor lad. Chris laughed and returned the hug. I just rolled my eyes at her behaviour. Not in the least bit surprising. My mum, if anything, is upfront about everything! And I mean everything. Once we were shopping and my mum turned to me and I quote said: "Kath are you sexually active?". Right in the middle of a busy store, not discretely nor a quite word. Really embarrassing, and mean really! I could feel myself shuddering at the memory.

"Sorry Mrs. Newton, I only got back on Sunday." Chris said smiling. Chris and my mother adore each other, sometimes I wonder if Chris is my friend or my mums. He would just come into the house and if I was busy changing or not ready he would sit and talk to my mum, so no one would mind him just coming in without knocking. But my room is a different matter... Anyway I smiled at there reunion.

"Okay mum, did you come in here for a specific reason or to attack my friend?" My mum turned to me.

"Well I did come in to ask how your day went, but I can wait. Oh yeah, do you just want pizza tonight? Chris you are welcome to stay."

"No, we are having a "family dinner" and I was told to be back for it, but thanks anyway." Chris replied in his normal response when his family was involved; cold and emotionless. He does not like his family, with good reason, apart from his five year old brother, Dylan, who looks so like Chris in so many ways, just a smaller version. So cute. Anyway, Chris doesn't like his family because it has completely fallen apart and the only thing holding it together is their pride. His dad is cheating on his mum, his mum knows and chooses to ignore it and play happy families and Chris can't stand that. So every night, especially nights like this, he brings it up with them then storms out the house and climbs through my window to sleep here. No one else knows about his family but me, not even my mum, hence the sneaking through the window. My mum would ask to many questions and Chris doesn't need that.

I turned to look at him seeing his expressionless mask cover up so much emotion clearly seen in his eyes. I gently reached over and squeeze his hand. He looked up and smiled and I was completely caught in his powerful gaze. What is happening to me today?

"Okay... don't want to interrupt, please continue." My mum said cheerily, she always says that Chris and I are going to end up together. Silly mum, she doesn't seem to grasp that we are just friends.

"Just friends mum!" I yelled at her as she walked out the door, I heard her laugh slightly. I just rolled my eyes again and turned my attention back to Chris who was staring after my mum looking... hurt? Why? "You okay Chris?"

"What? Oh, yeah great." He said turning back to me and smiling, but it didn't touch his eyes.

"What were you going to say?" I asked him, my hand still holding his. I tried to ignore the tingles sparkling from the contact. I was sure it wasn't like this before he left.

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