The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 24

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I know it has been forever and I am very sorry but here is part 24 :D

No long note because you have already waited forever :P

Kath's P.O.V

I lay there in my bed with my eyes still closed thinking about the day before and my feelings towards Chris. I think there is definitely one thing that I can't deny anymore; I like Chris, and I am not talking in a friend like way. Definitely not with the images of us I was having last night. Definitely not friend like. Now that I had realised this my only worry was how the hell do I break this to Chris. I know for one thing I am not keeping it secret. Keeping my emotions or thoughts from someone as close as Chris is physically impossible for me. Just then my alarm clock went off.

I reached out to turn off the beeping clock and stretching as I did so. Why can't school start at a time where I wont have to get up so blooming early. Finally and with a lot of effort I sat myself up at the top of my bed and parted my sleep filled eyes.

"Morning," I leaped up off my bed and clasped a hand across my heart in attempt to keep it in my ribs. Do people want me to have a heart attack!

"What are you doing at the end of my bed?" I questioned complete shocked at the person sitting there. Not at all expected. I felt my racing heart slowly settle. I went around my room collecting my school stuff but kept my eye on, as far as I'm concerned, a stranger. I didn't even realise she knew where my house was.

"Well, yeah, I like, kinda need your help." She said in a bored tone as she twisted a lock of her straight blonde hair around her finger as she looked around my messy room with her small nose wrinkled up. She extended a finger to gesture at the messy room like she was pointing out a dead dog. "Why is your room so disgusting?"

I really don't need this. "Maybe because I didn't expect someone to appear at the end of my bed." I finally finished gathering my school clothes and stopped to look at her. I had a lot to think about; Chris, Michael, my feelings, even staying awake was a struggle. So her surprise drop-in really didn't come at the best of times.

"Seriously Holly, why are you here? As clearly you didn't come to admire my room." She looked around one last time and stood up in her black high heels.

"Yah. Well I have a problem and I couldn't think of any one else so I settled with you." She said with a look on her face that showed that she thought I should be grateful she picked me. Oh joy.

"Can you not share your problems with someone else please, because I already have a lot of problems of my own and I don't want being late to school another one." I glanced over at the clock to see it turn to half eight. That means Chris is coming to pick me up in five minutes and if I don't hurry then I wont have time for rice crispies. And that's never good.

"We are already late." Holly replied and showed my the silver watch that clearly pointed out that it was five past nine. Aw crap. I ran down the hall into the bathroom to change, making sure I locked it behind me. I heard the clunking of heels as I quickly changed.

"Don't worry, we wont get in trouble. I got my dad"- the doctor - "to give us notes for today so it's all cool." She called through the door. "I also sent Chris away when he came and said that you weren't feeling well and I set your alarm clock half an hour back so that you wouldn't get up and just go to school." She had really thought this out. Who would have thought that Holly could be capable even if it does sound that she is trying to kill me rather than tell me her problems. I really hope not, I don't want to die.

"What says I won't just go to school anyway?" I asked as I opened the bathroom door to face her once I had changed into my school skirt, tights and blouse. I raised my eyebrows at her and could only slightly she her face form into pleading but only for a split second.

"'Cause your not that kind of person." I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Not the kind of person to go to school?"

"No Kath." She sighed as she closed her eyes shaking her head slightly before lifting her head up to be staring straight into my eyes with the most emotion I had ever seen on her face. "Not the kind of person to leave someone when they need your advice and please Kath. I really need your help." Her light blue eyes were twinkling with tears and I don't think I have ever heard her say please. I don't think I have even heard her speak without a whining tone in her voice, she really sounded normal. I looked into her blue eyes and trembling bottom lip and gave in. Damn it she's right.

"Please don't cry; I'm rubbish at dealing with crying people." I sighed as I mentioned with my head for her to follow me. I sat her down at the breakfast bar stool and went to make myself some rice crispies. "Want some?" I asked but she just shook her head. "Okay, so what's the problem?" I asked as I got the milk out the fridge.

"I don't like Chris anymore, or Michael." She started up and I couldn't stop my heart from jumping at the sound of Chris. I stopped to look at her with my eyebrows raised.

"This is a problem?"

"No that's only one part. By the way when Chris came to get you he had a black eye." She said again in a perfectly normal voice; no moaning or squeaking. Wait Chris has a black eye!

"Why?" I burst with concern. I hope he is alright!

"Oh he said that he was doing those stretches with that elastic thing and it pinged him in the face." I furrowed my head hoping that Michael didn't have anything to do with it, because he was acting weird yesterday, but it just doesn't seem like the sort of thing he would do. "So nothing to worry about, plus he can totally pull off the black eye look." She said and she actually smiled a normal smile as she nudged my arm playfully and I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"Too true. He could carry off any look." I thought out loud and couldn't keep the dreamy tone out of my voice.

"I thought you were "just best friends"?" She asked in a mock horror with a big genuine smile. I smiled back not hiding the fact that I don't think my feelings towards Chris are entirely "friend" like any more as that was made clear last night by my moaning. Then her face turned serious. "Kath I don't want you to get hurt and so I have to tell you that I think Chris is in love with someone."

Ouch. That hurt. I could feel my breathing pick up, but maybe Holly is lying, just being mean. I hid my emotions from her. "That's my theory anyway and I know that you probably won't believe me but why else would he stay on holiday for an extra month maybe he found a girl." The "holiday" that she thought he was on was his tour and I can't see a way around the fact that he did stay another month. He also didn't tell me why.

I felt as though someone had just punched me in the chest and sucked my air from me. It all made sense. This is his big secret. I felt a hand on my shoulder and had to follow it to the condoling gaze of Holly. She wasn't being mean; she was being honest. She truly believed it and now that the facts and evidence all pointed to it, I did too.

I took in a deep breath and tried to mask the pain of realisation with the thought that it was all probably for the best and, to him at least, we were still best friends. Full stop.

I looked up at Holly with pain filled eyes and a put on smile. "So what is your problem?" I croaked as I thought that Holly hadn't done all of this to see me pout over the fact that my best friend is in love with some other girl which he was totally entitled to be. Even though this thought did nothing to help the gaping wound made at the thought of Chris loving another. If only I had noticed earlier. Then she said something I thought I would never hear coming through selfish, loves herself, Holly Sollos mouth.

"Stuff my problem! Lets get you Chris."


I promised it would be up at the weekend :P So here it is and I promise the next one will not take as long as this one so please vote and comment and I will write the next one.

Tell me what you think and sorry if you have asked me to read and I haven't got to it yet. I am just so crazily busy and it is scary that I am so close to all these exams :S but, yeah, I will try :D

Now Kath has finnally realised that she likes Chris!! Woo!

And now starts the fun.

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