The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 26

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Part 26. Yup really. Your not dreaming :P Haha. Enjoy. Oh you might want to read the last part to remind you. I know I did, and I am sorry for my vanishing act and I thank all the people saying where are you. If it was not for you it could still have been more months until this. :D

Anyway I will shut up and let you read. THANK YOU xxxxx

Okay quick recap so far. Chris loves kath has since forever, well a long time. Kath just realised she has feelings for Chris. Kath thinks Chris likes someone else. Chris is trying to get kath. Kath is trying to keep her feelings underwrap until the concert. In class, in the last chapter, Holly stormed out kath followed. NEED IT MORE DETAILED RE-READ. I am sorry for taking so long. Plus it is kinda short. Sorry again.


I quickly bustled along the empty corridor. Holly wasn't in sight anymore and that's not going to be helpful in the finding her part. Quite hard to comfort someone when you have no idea where they are. Trust me; I've tried it.

I strolled along in a slower pace looking down the halls as I passed knowing she would be somewhere completely private. Holly not being one for public signs of emotion. That is one thing we had in common then. I finally reached the front door, and not having any other plans, I headed out of it in the direction of home. No one was expecting me after school me after Michael calling in sick and me telling Chris that I would make my own way up.

Even the thought of Chris made my knees weak, so seeing him today I know I would have just confessed it all up. That wouldn't be the best idea; a lot to handle finding out your best friend was in love with you. Well, so I would imagine.

I wondered down the concrete road with the rustle of bushes around me and a slight wind sending a chill down my back. I really wish I owned a car. I thought as I gently swung my books in one hand. The sun was still out though. I thought more positively as I tilted my head towards the bright beams of light. I could hear the occasional car drive past but apart from that it was quiet.

Finally I reached my house and felt nice and refreshed. Walks always seem to make me feel better. I reached into my pocket and brought out a hubba bubba chewing gum wrapper, a pound coin and a piece of blank paper. More importantly, no key. "Damn!" I muttered as I put my books down and searched the rest of my pockets coming up blank again.

I groaned and tried the door handle anyway though, not surprisingly since I locked it this morning and no one had been in since, I found it locked. Leaving my books lying on the step I went to investigate the backdoor and to see if any windows had been left open. Time to test out my breaking in skills. Hell yeah, I say!

I walked around the side path that, well, goes around the side of my house as the name suggests. As I got to the backdoor I found that someone had already tried their breaking in skills before me. The door was a jar, keys still in it and everything. Creaking it fully open and stepping in I slowly looked down the hall to see nothing. As I tip toed in I held onto the handle not to let it fall. Everything was quite in the house. The kitchen door open leaving me able to see it empty and the part of the living room visible also lifeless. As I walked further in my grip on the door handle slowly loosened to get in closer until my grip fell causing the wind to pick the door up and clunk it shut with a click.

Even the small noise making a loud echo ring out through the house. I jumped around making a shhing noise as if that would silence the noise cause by the door. As you probably expected no such luck.

"Kath?" A voice sounded out behind me and if I was freezing cold in the middle of Antarctica facing a mad polar bear I would still recognise it.

"Chris" I mouthed back and shutting my eyes knowing he would not have heard me. I quickly opened them and spun round realising what an idiot I would of looked like. "Chris." I said audibly this time while jabbing my index finger in the direction of his godly stature. "There you are... buddy" I jabbered on and gently leaned forward to punch his solid arm. Then grasped my fist in my hand as it felt as though Chris had given me an electric shock. What the hell am I doing?

"I think I am the one that is meant to be saying that," One side of his perfect mouth hitching up into a amused smile. "being you're the one that vanished and all."

Pursing my lips together I just nodded. Then clicked my tongue while keeping my eyesight as far for his as possible. Suddenly the wall paper that I had looked upon a thousand times before had taken on a whole new world of excitement.

"Well?" I heard him ponder in my direction.

"Well what?" I asked only lifting my eyes to above his head.

"Well aren't you going to tell my why you decided to just hop out of Mrs Kettles class and have a meander home?" He asked his voice a little more brisk and determined.

"Emm, because I felt like it?" I pondered but it came out more of a question.

"Kath," Chris said all amusement gone and I heard him take a step forward, "I know you and this is not like you. You don't just wonder out of a class because you felt like it. And you definitely don't skive school with Holly of all people." He got firmer and firmer.

"Yes, well something's have confused me and I- I just don't know anymore." I half heartedly confessed.

"Talk to me! Just talk to me Kath!" Chris burst and I could hear the slightest part of hurt in his mad voice, and it broke my heart.

"It not that simple." I whispered to the carpet my breathing getting heavy.

"Why not! Why can't it be?" He jumped forward and I could feel his warm breath on the top of my head and it took all my strength not to melt. "Why don't you even look at me." He whispered against my head this time every word echoed hurt. Then my eyes moved up his perfect body to meet with his whirlpools of green that I know so well yet never seen with this intensity.

I heard the words but my eyes were locked and nothing seemed to process. The green sparkled even in the lack of lighting and everything seemed great, no fantastic, like nothing could hurt me.

I reached out my hand touching the side of Chris' angel sculpted face not realising just how close I had gotten. Just a hairs breadth away. "How..." I gasped as my gaze fell across his dirty blonde hair, strong broad shoulders and landed once more on his never ending eyes. "could I not see what was here all this time."

Pressing my forehead against his filling me with completion and taking in a deep breath as I continued to look into his eyes keeping this moment locked in my head. Knowing that what I was about to say would change our friendship forever. That it was wrong and shouldn't be said. Not with him so clearly loving someone else.

"You want to know why Chris?" I gasped barely a whisper but the slight inclination of his head against mine made it clear he had heard. "Why? Because it hurts Chris. It hurts to look into your eyes and know we can never be. It's wrong Chris, it's wrong. Loving your best friend," I gasped slowly tears, for the first time since my dad died, now streaming down my cheeks only to be brushed away by big warm fingers. Chris' big warm fingers. "is so, so wrong."

Then pushing away from him, quickly wiping away my shameful tears I turned and walked out my house quickly turning into a run. Not caring where but knowing that anywhere was better than in there. Pain filling everything. I didn't even hear the whisper that passed Chris' lips before it was too late. Before it was lost into the wind.

Chris' P.O.V

"I love you, Kath" I whispered after the her, though it was ho


There you go first part in ages! Hope you enjoyed it :D

Over and out Julie x

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