The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 12

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Chris = 11 People commented :D

Michael = 7 People commented :D

(Just in chapter 11 I think this is right could be wrong)

Ha Ha so you can see who is winning...

Comment For who you want because your vote could change it :D

I have always wanted to say something like that!! Ha Ha

"...After lines close your vote will not be counted but you might still be charged so vote carefully..."

Ha ha ha! Don't worry you won't be charged. SO VOTE, COMMENT AND BECOME A FAN!!!

It's all Free! And who doesn't like free things? :D

But anyway back to the story! Enjoy :D

Oh yeah and A warning it does contain A LOT of swearing so if you don't like that then sorry but no group of teenagers don't swear. :D

Oh yeah and It could be quite disturbing I don't want to give anything away just want to tell you so you have been warned :D


I stared at the empty space. Stupid, Stupid slowness! Why did I not open my eyes straight away? Why? Because I am an idiot that is why! Pausing is stupid! Everything right now is stupid! Apart from that kiss with... a stranger? I just kissed someone that I don't even know looks like! If it is even a guy! Okay it was a guy. I think I can tell that much. Hopefully!

I have to find out who it was! They can't kiss like that and just leave. Well they can because they did. Not helping brain so just shush will you!?

So now to try and work out who it is...

Things I do know; He is taller than me, he has longish hair and kisses like a god!

I looked around the room for such a guy. I think you will need a better list. My mind told me as I looked at a room full of guys who fitted the first two descriptions. Oh great! That makes it a little hard. Damn smallness! If I was six feet and the person was taller than me then it would be easier to find. It would rule out a lot more people and I would be able to reach the top shelve in my closet. That would be a lot easier. Why make shelves higher than the average sized person could reach? That is waaaay off topic! But it still annoys me stupid shelves! ANYWAY, back to the problem on hand. The only thing I don't know on my list is the kisses like a god part but somehow I don't see that working. Kissing every guy in this room doesn't seem like a feasible idea.

I think I have been slutty enough tonight. Holly would be proud!

I let out a sigh as I tried to think of something. I could ask someone? No that won't work most are drunk and occupied in there own, well... stuff. Rewind time and open my eyes faster? That could work if it was possible. Poo! Give up? Nooo, that was way to good a kiss to just give up on.

Not looking too good.

"I am sorry." I heard someone whisper from behind me not loud enough for me to tell who and it was fading as I guess the person was heading away. Learning from mistakes I whizzed around to face the person that spoke. Or that is what I intended on doing. Instead, being clumsy, I spun too fast and lost my footing and instead of seeing the person who spoke I crashed into a someone.

"Watch where your- Oh helloo." Someone slurred as I got a breath full of beer breath and I am sure that hello was suggestive not the friendly kind. I am guessing it is the person I crashed into. "Baby, if you wanted to dance you only had to ask." He said but I wasn't really paying attention just holding my breath. I looked forward finally after steadying myself and came face to face with a man's chest. Not the good looking kind. I mean the sweaty white see-through shirt covered one. I followed the chest to look at it's owners face. He had a horrible grin on his face that made my knees weak in fear and his pupils were dilated with lust and probably some sort of drug. He looked scary. Just my luck to bump into a scary looking drunk person. I took a step back. He didn't like that. His bulky grubby hands grabbed my hips and pulled them towards him. "Now, now baby don't go running off. We haven't had any fun." He slurred again while I tried to escape his death grip. His head dipped towards mine and I screwed my face up in horror. Shutting my eyes tight still trying to break free. Too panicked to speak. "Yet." He continued to slur and I could feel sticky breath on my ear.

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