The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 10

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I threw yet another outfit onto my bed that has now got different items of clothing strung across it. I don't know what to wear to the party! It is terrible. It would be okay if it was only ten people, like I thought, I knew they would invite more but 80 odd people? That is a little excessive! Guess that's what happens when you are friends with a band. God, I sure do attract the complete opposite people of me for friends!

As I was digging through more clothes, literally on my hands and knees raking through them, I caught something black and sparkly in the corner of my eye. I reached over to pick it up. Looks like I have found my dress. I slipped into it and fell in love; it was black with flecks of sliver going through it, the straps went elegantly over my shoulder and it was tight, but it didn't look it. I have found the dress! Woo Hoo! About time too, that is one problem down.

I decided to just flick my hair over and brush it to give it volume and put some black eye-liner (only a little) plus mascara and then I was ready to party! I didn't look too bad if I say so myself. I was happy apart from facing people I don't know. I felt my stomach churn with nerves.

Just then the door bell rang and that really didn't help. Why does this party make me nervous? It isn't the first time I have gone to a big party. I think to be on the safe side though I wont drink. It just seems safer.

"Kath, it's Michael!" My mum yelled up the stairs. Holey Guacamoley! Oh yeah I invited Michael, at least that is one more person I will know. Yay! Still that is only five in 80. I really am not helping myself, just little steps at a time. Better start with actually moving. I told my frozen feet. Oh yeah and don't faint, that wont end well. My brain added. Thanks brain, always with the wise advise. I sarcastically retorted back. "Kath are you up there?"

"Sorry, just coming." I shouted back as I slowly made my way to the stairs seriously doubting my outfit now! Is it too dressy? Is it not dressy enough? Is it sluttish? Why do I even care? I am really confusing myself now. I got to the top of the stairs looking down at the distant hall. Just little steps at a time all I have to do is go meet Michael. That's not hard is it?

I reached the living room while concentrating on my breathing. Breath in, breath out. You know the basics, the kind of stuff that gets lost in your mind when you are panicking. He was standing next to the fire place facing me, a smile on his flawless face. I looked down to see his outfit. It was black jeans and a light blue top and a black jacket over it, he looked pretty good, as always.

"Wow Kath, you look... wow!" He whispered but I could hear him. I couldn't keep the grin off my face. Guess I look okay after all. I can relax now. But part of me is still nervous. It isn't Michael I'm trying to impress. Part of my brain whispered, who am I trying to impress then?

Michael's P.O.V

She looks amazing, that dress... her... she... God! I am even stuttering in my mind! That dress, with her body is just, well, wow! No words can justify it; her curves emphasised by her black dress that was elegant and stunning, her auburn hair effortlessly looking gorgeous, her lusciously pink perfectly shaped lips, those brown eyes sparkling with joy and life. She never seems to be unhappy. The same eyes that always come even more to life when Chris is there. Chris, he will not get her, I will and it will be me she is happy to see, the one to make her eyes glow.

I have to do it tonight. It could be my only chance and she has to know. She has to find out before Chris gets enough balls to do it. I am sure it is soon he will, but not before me. Because it will be tonight I will show her.

I will show her by kissing her.


Da da daaaa!! :O

Ha Ha a CHEESY chapter for you all :D

Not really a chapter told you it was short.

But as promised with one person writing back - Annelilese - you can have part of it :D

Next bit up on Wednesday :) hopefully.

Better shut up before my parents realise I am on the computer at half twelve on a school night. See what I do for you people? Ha Ha.

Risking my Christmas night out here, anyway byee. Please comment and vote means a lot to me :D

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