The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 15

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Okay here is the final count for the last chapter :D

Chris= 68 people

Michael= 20 people

Ethan= 2 people

Fido= 2 people (You do realise he is only 15 and his older brother is Ethan?) :D Ha Ha

Okay there you go :D And now time for the crapest part ever made.

Sorry for it's rubbishness but next chapters will get better. Promise. :D

And I know I said Michael would be a main part well didn't really happen sorry. He sound definitely be in the next and I promise I will show more of his side and personality as it is the gorgeously hot guy next door. :D

Call out to Catriona my best friend ;D and Becca my sister (told you I would at one point) infact everyone who reads this :D

Anyway enough of my babbling and enjoy and please please VOTE and COMMENT :D

Love ya!


They stared at me; Michael looking just the tiniest bit smug. While Chris' eyes held so much; pain, pleading and... did he look apologetic? Why? It is Michael that should look extremely sorry! He was the one that walked into my house shouting and accusing my best friend. He is allowed to keep things from me. It isn't the law to tell me everything!

Now it was my turn to be mad.

"I am so sorry Kath I should of told you. I... well... I'm in lov-" Chris started but I interrupted him he shouldn't be sorry.

"Don't be sorry Chris. What do you have to be sorry for? For not telling me what a jerk Michael is? Because from what I saw, you weren't the one to walk into my house and start shouting. Your weren't the one to claim me as theirs." I ranted on angrily my eyes on Michael's the whole time. I watched them turn from smug to shock to apologetic. Hey, that was quite good emotion reading from me! Not exactly the time, but hey, a girl can be proud!

It really didn't help that his midnight eyes just made me want to melt. Damn eyes! Luckily they weren't as heart melting as Chris'. Stay strong Kath, stay strong.

"I mean it was a bit of cake!" I said again trying to stay angry but somehow it seemed to melt away. How can I never stay angry?

"Kath how can you not see it? I basically told you! Chris-"

"Stop! Don't say anything against my friend. Don't say anything! In fact just get out of my house before I... I..." I racked my brain for something threatening, but insults or threats never seem to be my strong point. "I cake you," God, so blooming scary. Is that seriously the best I can do? Pathetic. "again!" Just had to add that in. Well done Kath you are now probably the least scariest person on the planet. What would I do if someone robbed me? Threaten to chuck bananas at them? Put tomatoes in their shoes?

Real mature.

I heard Chris laugh and could see the corners of Michael's mouth etch up into a smile. So much for being angry and intimidating. Like I said before anger never seems to be a strong point for me. Come on Kath keep the anger going. Why was I even mad?

Oh yeah, he was being a Jerk.

"Please just get out. You can't just walk into my house and shout at my best friend and say you own me. Okay, he didn't tell me something but that doesn't mean you can tell me! You have no right to do that! Now get out!" I told him again. Now that was better on the anger front. Just keep thinking about things that make me mad; milk, off milk, milk in a cup and bobbles that break easily. Grrr!

"Fine don't listen. Continue being a stupid naive little girl. When are you going to grow up and see that Chris likes you!" Michael shouted at me. His eyes changing from the gorgeous midnight blue to very close to black. A horrible angry black.

"You heard her Michael, so I suggest you leave. Now." I heard Chris say assertively as he moved in between us. I stared at Michael as his words caught up with me.

Chris likes you.

Well duh! I think I knew that. Best friends tend to like each other. And he called ME an idiot? Ha!

Somewhere in the back of my head was telling me this was not what he meant, and what was he going to say before I interrupted him? Why did he look so guilty? And how did Michael think Chris "owned" me? These questions whirled around in the back of my mind but I ignored them.

Why listen? I already knew Chris liked me. Just like I know I like him in exactly the same way.



I walked back into the kitchen alone. Chris' mum had called and told him to come home and she didn't sound happy and I think I heard something about party looks like Chris didn't tidy up after all. Poor Chris. I walked into the small kitchen just in time to see them scrambling around and then casually leaning against the worktop and chairs. I rolled my eyes. It is obvious they had been listening. My eyes grazed across the kitchen to see yet another cake completely gone. That is disgusting.

"Did you eat the cake that had Chris' face in it?" I asked in disbelief.

"No, we like the cake but eating Chris' face crosses a line!" Ethan exclaimed over dramatically as he looked outraged and stamped one of his feet on the tiled floor.

"We cleared it up for you." Danny added shaking his head at Ethan. Thank god! The last thing I needed was my friends liking Chris' face. Well obviously they like Chris' face but eating it would be weird. Very weird.

"Okay, does anyone know were my Mum is?" I asked but I think I can guess. To be a single mum it takes a lot of work to keep us above water and so she works all the time. Danny's head snapped in my direction at the mention of my mum. His eyes filled with adoration and warmth at the mention of her. Oh yeah, did I not mention that he has decided he is in love with her? No? Oh well he has and it is rather creepy. I mean she is my mum.

"She said that she was working and that Michael will check on you and that he has a key, but I guess you already worked that out." I hadn't. That would be how he got into the locked front door. Duh!

"You know it is kind of weird you liking her mum." Ethan said to Danny from behind me and I turned to look at him and burst out laughing.

"Yeah and you wearing her apron isn't?" Danny asked him also laughing at the sight of Ethan, manly player of the year, in a pink frilly apron that my mum uses to attempt to look like a cook when cooking. He had his hands on his hips and gently swaying them as he inspected it.

"I think it looks quite good." Ethan said still looking down, his head nodding like he was agreeing with himself and he wasn't even joking! Danny's mouth dropped open and I am sure mine was doing the same. Fido, however, just rolled his eyes like this is something Ethan would do all the time. "What?" He asked defensively looking up.

"Dude, THAT is weird." Danny said and I laughed again. Trust them to cheer me up.

I let my mind drift to the pickle I had got myself in. So much stuff; Michael was angry at me and I at him, I still didn't know who kissed me at the party, then the constant look Macaulay gave me still brought shivers and now I am even doubting my feelings for my best friend and his for me and then to top it all off Danny is in love with my mum and has been for some time now, and Ethan likes girl clothes. Looks like the only normal person I know is Fido and even then he speaks about as much as a flamingo.

Great. My life has turned into a soap opera.

Fun, oh so much fun.


Done told you it was rubbish and I am so sorry but the next chapter will be better but for some reason I hate this one! But please Vote and Comment on who you like. It is really nice to know and I am still counting. :P

Bye :D

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