The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 17

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Hello :D

This chapter is going to be boring because it is only really going over known stuff, but the drama is on it's way soon :P So I will let you go on with reading after the votes;

Chris- 93

Michael- 14

Ethan- 5

Danny- 1

So Chris won by a landslide :P The votes will soon be coming to an end as it is near choosing time for Kath! But that is all at the mo. So read on :D


I looked out at the view of the town safely tucked in the confines of mountains. The Abby in the middle looking elegant and powerful. The various houses looking small and the same surrounding grassy areas of parks, gardens and fields. I could see my house just off in the distance.

The sun was setting and left a red sky behind lighting it up like flames. The small mountains becoming more of a dark silhouette against the warm colourful sky. It was magical. I could see the grass down the hill blowing in the wind in time with the rustling sound of leaves from near by trees, but I couldn't feel it.

I couldn't feel anything.

I could feel the contact I had with the grass covered ground and my bare feet but there was no heat, no wind and no texture. This is weird. I looked around the closer surroundings. There were a couple full bloom pink blossom trees around a bench that faced the view. The grass was green and full while the bench was starting to show signs of age. I walked over and could see the long blades of grass touch the exposed skin of my calves and ankle and yet, still, had any feeling of it happening.

I reached the bench and slowly reached out to gently drag an outstretched finger across the cracking wood. Again I couldn't feel it. I walked over and sat in the bench I had now become accustom too. Every crack and scrape, every piece of growing mould or discolouring. Everything to the little gold plaque that sat pride of place in the centre top.

Turning around I traced the words that were etched into it with my finger. This time I could feel it. I felt every dip of the letters and the bumps of the metal.

"James Hathaway Newton, may he rest in the place he loved with the knowledge that Emily, Kath and Chris will never stop loving him. 1971 - 1997."

I slowly mouthed the words we had engraved all those years ago. This is the place my dad's ashes were spread across. I felt a smile spread on my face as all the memories of this place were brought up. There were only ever good times here. It was my dad's favourite place. On many occasions he had told me that this was the place he had took mum on their first date and then two years later proposed on the same place, this very bench.

This was the place we walked to every year on Chris' birthday and where Chris and I continue to come. I sighed as I let my body relax in this magical non feeling world.

I heard the creek of the bench as someone else sat down next to me but I didn't open my eyes, just continued to sit back completely relaxed in the knowledge of where I was. I felt an arm wrap over my clothe covered shoulders and I couldn't help but lean into them. There was a warmth and safety surrounding the person like a big unpopable bubble, it just pulled to me. I didn't need to look to know who it was; there was only one person who could make me feel this safe.


I breathed out and watched as the "cold" turned my breath into steam that could be seen. I like this dream. Well I damn hope it is a dream though or I have lost all feeling apart from when touching metal. I don't think that is possible, well I hope it isn't possible or this is scary life! And well done again on ruining a perfect hopefully dream by scaring myself.

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