The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 13

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Chris= 37

Michael= 21

Aww poor michael. And If you commented more than once about one of them then it was counted the amount of times you commented :P

Michael Fans you need to redeem Michael so COMMENT!! :L :D

Oh yeah Ethan= 2

And one of them is my sister ha ha :D

Dedicated to Catriona and all my fans! :P

nDYEEE you too with 3 votes for Chris! Ha Ha :D

Anyway here it is and there is only a couple of swear words in it, nothing like the last chapter.


It was like I wasn't really in my body just hovering, watching, the people depart after Ethan telling them to go. Chris' arm coming around me and pulling me into his warm chest. I vaguely recall Chris telling Ethan to make sure he was gone.

Then there was two.

"Are you okay Kath? What happened? I swear if Macaulay touched you I will kill him!" I felt his body tensing. Macaulay. I shivered in fear, but Chris comes first and there is no way I am letting him kill anybody. He didn't actually do anything and death is something I wouldn't will on anybody. Death doesn't hurt you. It hurts the people around you; family and friends that are perfectly innocent.

"I'm sorry Chris." I whispered into his chest as I tried to cry. Yes tried, another reason I don't like people crying in front of me. I can't cry. Not since my dad died, but that is one lane I don't want to go down at the moment. I could feel Chris' confused gaze. "I'm sorry that I ruined your party. I am sorry that I am such a big baby that I can't stand up for myself. I am sorry for being so stupid. I'm sorry." I elaborated. I felt warm fingers pull up my chin to face him who had a warm smile on his perfect face.

"Kath, you can't be sorry for those things. There not your fault. You have to stop blaming yourself. Macauley ruined the party with whatever he did to you," his eyes flashed with anger and then went back to their comforting magical green. "not you. Hell, if anyone should be sorry it should be me. I should have been there. I should have been the one to save you from him, not Ethan." His gaze was diverted to the floor but not before I saw that he was disappointed with himself.

"No Chris you can't be sorry for that. You can't always be there to protect me. You didn't even know where I was tonight!" I told him.

"Did I not?" He questioned as his eyes met mine almost begging me to understand. What did that mean? Had he seen me?

"He's gone and I swear to god if that shit appears anywhere near Kath I won't be able to control myself!" Ethan ranted as he appeared in the doorway and stopped me from questioning Chris.

"What happened then?" Chris asked as his eyes darted between Ethan and I.

"That... That bastard was forcing himself on Kath!" Ethan exclaimed waving his muscled arms erratically in the air. I averted my gaze to see Chris' expression. It was blank but there was definitely a dangerous glint in his eyes. Oh no!

"Yeah but he didn't and I am fine. It is honestly fine Chris." I told him and I meant it. I couldn't feel afraid with Chris and Ethan right here. I was feeling safe. I always do with Chris. "Anyway Ethan stopped him." I smiled up to Ethan who grinned back. I placed my hand on Chris' shoulder and I could feel the tension in his muscles. I pulled myself closer to him so my chin was resting on his shoulder and my arms around him. I felt him relax slightly. "Honestly I am fine. Would I lie to you?"

"No." he sighed as I felt his strong arms wrap around my body.

"Hey! I saved you. Don't you think that deserves a hug?" Ethan said pretending to be hurt.

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