The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 20

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Finally Part 20! Sorry it took so long and sorry it is a boring chapter but I hopfully won't take so long to write the next one and I will try and make it more exciting :D But anyway, part 20 hope it is okay :P

Kath's P.O.V

I grabbed pointlessly at the shirt's long white sleeve with my teeth attempting (and failing) to pull it up and out of the way without the use of my paint splattered hands. Things just weren't going my way today. Or this whole week in fact!

I gripped at it again and finally grasped it and pulled the sleeve up to my elbow and returned my attention to the paint brush and my wall. I was adding another bit of art as I do when I feel a strong emotion, and my emotions were strong alright, but what emotion I don't know, there are just to many.

Firstly there is Michael. I knew I didn't have a connection or anything like that, but there was something, we were - are - comfortable, right? He is all that any girl would want; handsome, funny, sweet. Yeah he has his moments in being a little too protective and sometimes he treats me like I don't know anything, and that is annoying. Not too many things annoy me but being excluded or treated differently does. It really, really does. But then nobody's perfect, so why do I not feel happy? Am I just being selfish?

I suddenly jabbed my paintbrush into the wall ruining my brush, but then I was too pissed off to care.

Then there was Chris and the weird dream that still will not leave my mind and he hasn't even been at school this week since the first day. Which was odd behaviour for Chris who is hardly ever ill. I will have to go see him tomorrow, because I already miss him and I have only been away from him four days. I have been apart for longer but somehow since he came back from America everything with us has changed, completely changed, and I am not sure anymore.

I should know how I feel about my best friend but I don't, and that worries me. It really worries me when my emotions, normally crystal clear, are more like a hazzy fuzz. Or is it a fuzzy haze? See even my words are confused!

Everything has changed though, wither I want it to or not, nothing ever stays the same. My life has taken a complete shock and it as if I am waking up from a prolonged dream. Finally faced with reality and I am not to sure how I am coping with that.

As if being worried, confused and annoyed is not enough, I can't get the blue eyed guy out of my head, like I don't have enough men in my life! I don't even know if he is real! Great. It's not like my life is not already over complicated, no brain, just have to add another thing to your already sinking boat.

Thanks brain.

Thanks a lot.

Then my sleeve fell down. I clenched my teeth together and to stop myself from screaming when my mum had a guest over (though who they are or why they are here I don't know. I hadn't seen them.) I banged my head against the wall and just laid it there. My eyes closed and breathing heavy and uneven. Guess painting didn't help today. Well poo that then.

Poo all of it.

After my breathing returned to normal I turned around sighing and headed down the hall to my bathroom to get cleaned up. I guess all this serves me right, huh? Trust me to go around wishing for excitement. Well I got it, I got blooming heaps full that's for sure.


"Kath Could you come downstairs for a minute!" My mum yelled from down stairs after I came out of the bathroom clean as a freshly clean person can be, and that is clean. My fringe pulled back in a hair band and I was now wearing grey three quarter length joggers that pulled in at the bottom and made them look like something a genie would wear and a dark blue tank top. Not the best outfit ever but I am only staying in, so why not be comfortable while doing so.

I hopped down the stairs my mood suddenly not so glum. Funny how they can change so fast, but I don't feel like worry about all that rubbish. It's Friday and Fridays the day to relax! I can worry on Monday.

As I stepped into the living room where I guessed my mum was I saw a man sitting on the couch opposite my mum. He was about forty and looked quite good for it, he kind of had the whole Brad Pitt look going on. He was wearing a suit but it was more casual than most, if you can get casual suits then that is what he was wearing. His lips pulled up into a huge grin causing crinkles around his eyes as he spotted me cautiously walking into the room. I was not quite sure what to do to greet him as although I don't know who he is I was sure he was important. I just decided to take a seat in the empty one seat thingy, or whatever you call them!

"Kath this is Mr Hunter and he is the Rector at Edinburgh Collage Of Art," I took a quick glance at my mum who was sitting on the couch opposite looking extremely happy as she was saying this. I tightened my lips together as I tried to absorb the words. Edinburgh Collage of Art. The same place I have wanted to go to since I was scribbling on the tables with crayons thinking I was already an amazing artist. Ha! You should have seen those drawing definitely not as great as I thought, but anyway back to now. "and he was- well why don't I let him tell you?" My mum continued inclining her head toward Mr Hunter as her auburn curls bounced. I snapped my head towards him.

"Okay, as your mother said I am the rector at the art university in Edinburgh. I am here to inform you that we had a few samples sent in of your work for our early admission course. This is for selected pupils with artistic ability to come across for two weeks to sample the university and also a scholarship when they come of age to actually attend."

He paused then continued after seeing that I was clearly in no state to move never mind talk. I don't think I am hearing this right. Surely not. "We were to select three people from across the country and when we came across your superb art ability we knew that you just had to be one of the selected." I took a quick glance over at my mum whose whole body was emitting beams of pride. "I have talked it over with your mum and she has already permitted you to come across so now the only thing we need is your agreement."

He looked happy and expectant as he leaned back into the chair clearly chuffed with his speech. I don't know what I was waiting for. This is what I had dreamed about since I was young so why was I delaying from yelling yes. So you can believe my astonishment when what passed my lips wasn't that.

"I am not sure... when?" I could hardly believe my own words never mind my mum and Mr Hunter who had obviously not been expecting that too. I could also feel the doubt starting to flood my expression and to be perfectly honest I have no idea why.

"Oh, eh, in a month. We haven't got a complete set date since we need to check that the candidates are willing and then we can organise the little details but it will be sometime next month." Mr Hunters expectant expression had now become more wary as he now leant forward on his seat gaze set on me.

I thoughtfully took in the information. In a month, hmm, what's near then? I came up blank which should be a good thing but somehow I found myself hoping something would pop into my mind. I just had a bad feeling about this, but I not sure why.

Wait! I am being stupid! Stop being stupid Kath! What could go wrong?

"Yes." I said nodding my head trying to convince myself, "Yes I would love to go." Mr Hunter and Mum both sighed a sigh of relief and leaned back but I was still tense for no blooming reason! My whole head is being a bum tonight with the mixed emotions and now just being stupid.

I am going to Edinburgh collage of art and I am damn well going to enjoy it.


See it is boring but I will hopefully start to write faster and The next chapters hopefully will be more exciting and I think Michael might be laking an imput so he will be back soon but first we still need some charm from Chris :D And anyone who can think of subtle ways of charming someone please please tell me :D

And don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!! Love you all :D And I promise if you have asked me to read your story I will read it soon. Just been so busy!

Oh and I just love this guy for Chris but then it might not be what you think please send me links for pictures of any of the characters :D But I think the is good so thank you jodieleigh-x for it :D

but please send me links in I love to know of how you think he (or anyone else) looks like :D

Julie x

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