The Gorgeously Hot Guy Next Door! Part 6

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I threw my bag in a corner of my room. I can pack it later. I didn't know what to do now. At lunch, after escaping from Holly, we went under the tree again a spot Chris and I found and no one else knows about it. Well except Michael now. I hope Chris doesn't mind that I showed him. I didn't do it on purpose, I just kind of, ended there on our walk. I just felt so comfortable with Michael. I am sure Chris wont mind he seemed to get along with Michael a lot better. They were joking and laughing a lot and talking about things I had no idea about. But then it was just comforting sitting on the bench listening to the two of them laugh about some joke I didn't get. It felt right. The rest of the day was the normal boring classes and then Chris drove us home and tah dah! Here I am now bored, sitting on the swinging chair at my desk. Going around in circles. Getting quite dizzy. Okay. Going to stop now. Before I am sick. That would not be fun. But it would give me something to do. Okay now I am getting really desperate.

I let my head roll around taking in my room. It is quite a normal teenage room. It is an okay size, perfect for me, it is also the biggest bed room in the house. My mum said that I should take it because I would be the one more likely to have people staying (in the friend sense anything else would be disgusting for her to say.). It has one red wall that is almost completely covered with posters, pictures and art work. The other walls are cream but are covered in drawings that I have painted on. I am not that bad an artist, the only hope I have for the future, the rest of my subjects I'm not bad per say but I am certainly not exceptional and I don't stand out in any but art. I have a single bed that is nice and comfy, a chest of draws filled with things I don't like any more, a cupboard with things chucked in it and a desk covered in junk and, of course, my swinging chair. That's really it, when Chris stays we normally steel the downstairs TV. But of course it looks like a lot more because of the mess. My room is the messiest room I have ever seen. Chris' is spotless compared to mine and he is a guy for gods sake. The problem is that I am so bad at getting rid of things everything I have has some sentimental value for me.

I sighed, I really should do something about the mess... nah I can't be bothered. I got up, still dizzy, and stumbled to my docking station to play some music. Once I turned it on I was greeted by Ethans (or his fake name Judge, which is relevant to their band name "MissJustice".) lulling voice coming from it and the beautiful guitar strumming in time, played by the one and only Chris', this is my favourite song of all times. Favourite band of all times as well, it's what most of the posters are of. Chris' band is definitely on the rise, that was why they went on tour in America, he seems to be bigger there than here, but he luckily goes by another name to keep off paparazzi a bay, "Tiger Sirhc", I used to always mock him for it because it is hilarious. It was also a dare. I dared him to name himself Tiger and he actually did it and now he has screaming fans shouting "Grrr!" and making their hands like claws and literally pawing at him

I listened to the rest of the song and found myself dancing, more jumping like a maniac, along. Finally it finished and I stopped dancing, feeling quite tired and out of breath. I picked up some clothes not bothering to coordinate an outfit. I don't care.

"I have to say, I love your music choice." A delicious voice muttered from the doorway of my room. I jumped a mile.

"Holy moley!" I yelled whirling around to face Chris chuckling at the door. "Chris! You scared me half to death!" I yelled again hitting his toned chest. Then going bright red in embarrassment, he must of seen me dancing. Oh no! I don't mind dancing when everyone else is, or when I have had one too many drinks, but that is just embarrassing. "You don't just walk into my room! I could be doing anything!" I said to him while trying to hide my now beetroot face and gestured to the clothes I was about to change into.

"That," he said walking over to sit on my bed, "would definitely something I want to walk in on." He said smiling. Stupid Chris. I picked up the closest thing and chucked at him missing him slightly, lucky for him because whatever it was it was heavy. He just laughed. I knew he was joking, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I had seen a fleck of seriousness in his green eyes.

"So, what are you doing in here apart from destroying my privacy?" I placed my hands on my hips and waited for his response. He looked at me innocently and smiled.

"To see my favouritest person in the whole wide universe." he cooed.

"Whole wide world." I corrected him, still giving him evils but I could already feel it falter and I knew I wasn't mad at him. How could be mad at him?

"What?" He asked confused.

"World not universe, if you are going to try and get me to forgive you, you might as well get it right." I said as my serious face fell into a big cheesy grin. One I couldn't help but get around Chris. He waved his hand dismissing it while smiling too.

He looked at me and patted the bed next to him. Why? Oh yeah to sit next to him. Duh! Idiot! I walked over to sit next to him, cuddling into him like I always do. He is so warm. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer.

"Why?" I found myself asking. I could feel his questioning gaze even if I could not see his face. "Why did you have to leave for so long?" I asked. I really wanted to know why he had stayed an extra month in America when I was so desperate to see him again. I had watched the tour as well so I know it finished at the right time. I did not blame him. I mean, who would come back from America to rainy Scotland and little old nothing me? I felt him take in a deep breath. I had a feeling what he was about to say was really important to him. I started to get nervous as I leaned back so I could look straight into his eyes. I was right. What he was extremely important, I could see it in his eyes. He took in another deep breath, looking like he had finally come to a decision. My stomach flipped.

"Because I-"


Oooooh am I mean or am I mean?

Ha ha another short chapter sorry but no time. lol.

So there we have it all up and raring to go.

Sorry quite boring, but it's more imformation about things rather than anything good.

My mind has been dead this week.

Hope it was okay. :-) Please comment and vote they make me happy! :-D

Love y'all bye. xxx

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