-Eighty-One: No Longer Unwanted-

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2 Years Later

Bay and Wes sat together as they anxiously waited for news on if their second child would be a boy or a girl. Sitting on Wes' lap was Miss Ivy Blake, and she seemed just as anxious about finding out if she would be getting a baby brother or baby sister.

"My appointment was supposed to be ten minutes ago. I just want to find out." Bay groaned as she looked over at her husband. Wes nodded slowly before grabbing her hand gently in his.

"They said there would be a wait. We will find out soon, and then we can go and tell our families." Wes replied. He leaned over and kissed Bay's temple before brushing a short piece of hair away from her face.

"Daddy?" Ivy sighed, as she looked up from the rag doll she had been quietly playing with.

"Yes, Ivy?" Wes replied as he turned his attention to the other main girl in his life. Bay stood and walked over to get a drink while Wes and Ivy talked.

"Why is Momma so sad?" Ivy questioned, and Wes sighed softly.

"She isn't sad. She just wants to find out what the baby is. And then she has graduation and she starts work soon."

"What's that word mean?" Ivy asked, and Wes knew exactly what word his two-year-old was having trouble with.

"Momma has been going to this big school for four years, and now she gets to be done with school," Wes spoke. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Ivy's head as Bay rejoined them.

"Wes-" Bay started, but she stopped when the nurse that has been helping them since Bay got pregnant this second time, called her name.


The day they found out the gender of the baby was a huge and busy day for Bay. As soon as they were out of their appointment, they headed over to the courthouse where her mother and Nick were getting married. After that was the graduation for herself, Lizzie, and Dickie. And after that, they were going out to eat dinner and tell everyone what the baby was. If Ivy could wait that long without telling someone.

"We are here!" Bay exclaimed as she carried Ivy towards where her family was all waiting.

"You are cutting it pretty close, Bay," Maureen spoke, as she took Ivy from her.

"I know. And I'm sorry. Where's Mom?" Bay questioned, as she reached out and quickly re-tied Ivy's shoe.

"She's touching up her makeup. She's super nervous." Maureen replied.

"In that bathroom?" Bay asked as she pointed towards one of the doors. Maureen nodded and Bay moved towards the bathroom. She opened the door and smiled when she saw her mother standing in front of the mirror.

"You almost missed my wedding, Bay."

"I can explain," Bay replied as she moved closer to her mother.

"Oh yeah?" Olivia asked as she turned to look at her daughter.

"Does another granddaughter help matters?" Bay questioned, and Olivia smiled largely before hugging her daughter tightly.

"That makes up for your lateness, Bay."

"I'm glad. Now, are you ready to marry Nick?" Bay questioned, and Olivia took a shaky breath before nodding.

"There is no one that I'd rather be with. I love him so much, and he loves me."

"And he loves Noelle and the rest of your many children. He's a good father to her." Bay smiled. She reached out and gently tucked a loose curl behind her mother's ear.

"I miss your father all the time, but when I'm with Nick it's like I was never with him. Like Noelle is Nick's kid and not your father's." Olivia breathed.

"Until you see those eyes." Bay breathed.

"They just called your number, Liv. It's time."


Sitting with the rest of her class, Bay listened as names were called. She was towards the end of the class, so she got plenty of time to just sit and think about everything that had happened in the last four years. 

She kept thinking about how she and Wes got married. How they got Ivy and now were going to be parents to another little girl before they knew it. She was thinking about how she actually was graduating from college with almost a perfect GPA and she got a job at Bellevue that she couldn't wait to start.

Everything was going so good for her. And most importantly, she felt wanted. Like if she wasn't apart of the family, that there would be a huge void. She was just as important as everyone else.

Bay's thoughts got cut off as her line stood and headed to the front. She stood in the middle and turned to look for her husband. She saw him sitting with Ivy on his lap and a smile on his lips. He waved at her, and Bay hesitantly waved back.

"Bay Nicole Williams." The dean spoke, and Bay held on tightly to the railing as she climbed up the stairs. She shook the hands over the board before taking her diploma. She walked over and slowly climbed down the other stairs before stopping for a picture like all the other graduates did. As she moved back to sit down, she caught her father standing at the back of the crowded courtyard. She swallowed hard when they made eye contact before she gave him a small nod.


After graduation, Bay carried Ivy towards where the rest of her family was standing. She stopped when she saw her father standing and just watching.

"Gonna join us?" Wes asked as he noticed his wife wasn't keeping up with him.

"Uh, give me and Ivy a few minutes. I'll be there soon." Bay replied, before moving over to where her father stood. She looked at him for several long moments before sighing.

"Hey, Dad." Bay breathed.

"Hi," Elliot replied shyly.

"So, did you come for all of us or just the twins?" Bay questioned, as she shifted Ivy a bit.

"I wanted to see all my kids graduate... uh, congrats on the baby," Elliot spoke, and Bay smiled.

"Thanks. Ivy is so excited because she's getting a baby sister." Bay replied. Elliot eyed her for a moment.

"I'm sorry for everything I have done to you, Bay. I really do mean it. I treated you horribly, and I wish I hadn't." Elliot breathed. 

"I know," Bay replied.

"Uh, I got you something. Actually, it's something that I've had for years but just never gave to you." Elliot spoke.

"Dad, I don't need anything," Bay spoke, but Elliot shook his head.

"I need you to know that you are wanted by me. And I'll be here for you if you ever need me." Elliot replied. He handed her a small box before waving a bit at Ivy. He turned and left, while Bay slowly moved to the bench and sat down. 

"What's this, Momma?" Ivy asked, as Bay slowly opened the box. She started to cry when she saw a necklace that matched her mother's.

"It's a fearless necklace, Ivy Blake..."

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