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Bay was sent to a home in New Jersey where they could help her with the day to day problems that she faced. A physical therapist was going to come in every day and help her as Davy did. But she didn't feel like she belonged there. A lot of the people who were residents there were in comas and the others were worse off than Bay was. She didn't want to stay there. She wanted to be home with her parents and her siblings, and she wanted to see Wes again.

"Please, join us." One of the doctors spoke, as she noticed Bay sitting in her chair and watching as a group of the residents worked on a large puzzle.

"I wouldn't be of any help." She frowned, as she lifted up her arm and then dropped it back onto her lap.

"None of us are." A man slurred, as he looked over at her. His lips were droopy, but Bay could tell he was smiling at her. She nodded slowly before awkwardly moving towards them. She refused to have anyone push her around, so she just went slowly and only used force on one of the wheels to move the wheelchair around.

"So, what is your name?" The doctor asked as she passed her some pieces.

"Bay Stabler, ma'am," Bay replied.

"Why are you here?" A boy probably not older than five asked.

"I was hurt and now I can't use the left side of my body." Bay frowned.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He frowned, and Bay nodded slowly as she looked over at him.

"Thanks, bud. Uh, let's get this done."


Bay went into her room that night and got changed with the help of a nurse. She laid in the small bed and grabbed her cell from the bedside table. She dialed her house number before putting the phone to her ear.

"Stabler residence," Elliot spoke, as he answered the phone. He sounded exhausted, and Bay knew he was because he worked too hard to make sure they could pay off her hospital bills, just like how Olivia was working too hard.

"Hey, Daddy." Bay spoke.

"Hey, love. How are you doing?" Elliot questioned.

"I want to come home." She whispered.

"I know, but you need to stay there and work on getting better. We will be there this weekend to see you. Okay?"

"I just feel so bad. You and Mom are working too hard. You both are giving up all your free time for me. You are going to work yourselves to death, and it'll be my fault."

"Bay, we are working for you. We aren't doing this because we want to, but because we need to. We need to do this so we can finally get you back home. But I need you to do something for us, okay?"

"I'll do anything, Dad." Bay breathed.

"Work as hard as you can."

"I promise."

"Good, I love you."

"I love you too."


Bay worked harder in the first week at the facility than she had her whole life. She continued to build strength, and even a little bit of feeling was coming back into her limbs.

"Mom!" Bay smiled, as she tried to shift out of her bed and into her chair, but Olivia got to her first and drew her into a hug.

"Oh, love. I've missed you more than words could ever describe." She breathed.

"I've missed you too! God, it's only been a week but it feels like so much longer." She sighed.

"Being away from you sucks. But to make everything better, we brought your siblings today." Olivia spoke, before helping her daughter into her wheelchair. Olivia pushed Bay outside and into the yard, where the Stablers were setting up a picnic. Among those sitting there, Bay saw Wes. He was joking around with Dickie which surprised Bay.

"Wes?" Bay questioned, and he turned to look at her and smiled.

"Hey, girl." He grinned.

"What are you doing here? I haven't contacted you since the ride here." Bay breathed.

"Oh, Bay, I know Wes from school. He used to go to the same school as us, but he started to do homeschooling after the accident." Dickie spoke.

"Oh, okay," Bay replied. Olivia put the brake down on Bay's chair, before going over and sitting beside Elliot.


Food was passed around and quickly eaten. Everyone but Wes seemed to want to watch Bay eat, to see if anything was changing. They could see that she lightly held the plate with her hand, and her right arm was stronger than it was before the accident.

"So, tell us how everything is progressing?" Elliot asked, as he leaned back a bit and rested his hand on Olivia's thigh.

"It's going great. Uh, I've been getting some feeling back. Not a lot, but some. And I can take a few more steps before needing to sit down."

"That's great, honey." Olivia grinned, before looking over at the rest of the kids.

"When can I come home?" Bay asked, and that's when the other Stabler kids and Wes excused themselves from the table.

"When you can walk..." Olivia whispered.

"And what if I can never walk normally again? What then? Do I stay here forever?" Bay asked.

"No, you won't stay here forever. You are doing great-"

"No, I'm not. I'm not doing as good as I need to be. Excuse me." Bay spat. She rolled herself back and even if she wasn't storming out how she wanted, her parents let her leave.


Bay was laying on the floor of her bedroom, tears streaming down her cheeks. She had fallen out of her chair when trying to get back into her bed, and now she was more embarassed than ever before.

"Bay?" Wes asked, from outside of her closed door.

"Go away!" Bay yelled.

"Let me in, come on!"

"I fell," Bay whispered. Wes opened the door from the outside and quickly walked to where she was laying. He sank down beside her and sat awkwardly before pulling her a bit closer to him. She buried her head into his chest as she sobbed.

"It's okay, you are okay." Wes breathed, awkwardly.

"This is where I'm going to live for the rest of my life. I'm back to where I started. I'm not wanted at home anymore because I'm damaged."

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