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Bay went home in a taxi because she was just too overwhelmed to hear any more bullshit that Loren had to say. Loren was devastated that Bay didn't want to ever try and have a relationship with her, that when Olivia and Elliot told her about not getting a lot of jail time for prostitution, she didn't care. She said that they might as well just give her the murder time too because she knew that the one thing she was living for, didn't want her to be living anymore.

"We can't just let her go through the system and serve time for what Ty did. We need to find him and make him pay." Elliot huffed, as he and his girlfriend headed out for the night.

"Well, they are looking for him, El. And right now, we need to focus on Bay." Olivia spoke, as she grabbed Elliot's hand and squeezed it.

"Shit." Elliot huffed, as his phone vibrated in his pocket.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I'm supposed to take the kids out to dinner tonight. Without Kathy." He spoke, and Olivia nodded.

"Okay. Go be with them. I'll go home and see if Bay needs anything. I'm sure she'll just ignore me until she is ready to talk." Olivia spoke, as they made it to their car. Elliot nodded, before wrapping his arms around her body.

"I love you, Liv. I'll see you later tonight. I'll go catch a cab."

"No, come home with me, and you take the car. I don't want to ride in a cab, and I don't want you to try and hail one later."

"Alright, come on," Elliot spoke, before pressing his lips against hers.


Elliot finished straightening his tie as he walked into the Italian restaurant that the kids wanted to eat at. Maureen drove all the kids over, and they were already drinking whatever they had ordered to drink as Elliot made it to their table.

"Daddy!" Eli smiled, and Elliot grinned a bit as he sat down beside his son and kissed his messy blonde curls.

"Hey, Eli. How are you all tonight?" He asked, but his older kids ignored him.

"You four better listen up before I walk out," Elliot warned, his voice sharp and cold. His kids looked up at him and each of them sighed.

"What?" Kathleen asked.

"I am demanding respect. You all need to realize that I'm your father. I'm also Bay's father. But I'm trying. I'm trying to be a father to all of you. Once the divorce is final, there will be a custody arrangement. Liv and I are going to get a house, and when it's my time with you, you'll be there. Trying to be at least decent to your sister. Hopefully, you'll be able to have a good and healthy relationship with her." Elliot spoke.

"Why were you late?" Lizzie asked. Elliot frowned.

"Bay's biological mother showed up during a case."

"How is she dealing with it?" Maureen breathed. She may not like her half-sister, but she did wonder if she was working through the sudden change in her life. Well, one of the several sudden changes in her life.

"Not too good. She is still having a hard time understanding how Loren could've gotten rid of her. But why are you asking?" Elliot spoke, and Maureen sighed.

"Like, I don't like her. But I can still care a bit, right?"

"I guess," Elliot spoke, not trying to sound too surprised. But he was. He was surprised that his oldest daughter was caring, even if just a tiny bit, about his youngest daughter.

"Can we order dinner now that Daddy is here, Mo?" Eli asked, and Maureen nodded.



The kids kept their conversations only on school and their lives. Nothing about Kathy, Bay, or Olivia was brought up after dinner was ordered. They actually had a good time, but once dinner was done, all of them wanted to have more time together.

"Why don't we go out for ice cream?" Elliot asked, and his kids all agreed quickly.

"We can walk and just leave the cars here," Maureen spoke, as she helped Eli put his jacket on.

"Sounds good."

They walked down to the ice cream shop on the corner and went in. Elliot and Maureen ordered last, so while their milkshakes were being made, Maureen spoke quietly to him.

"Would you be okay if I came over after school to see Bay?" She asked, and Elliot nodded.

"As long as you promise it's for nice reasons and not because you want to hurt her like Kathleen did."

"She went over and threatened her and that is why she left, huh?"

"Oh yeah." Elliot sighed.

"Well, I promise you I'll be nice. Lizzie might want to come too. She and I feel bad about the things we did, it's just the rest of the kids have Mom's mean streak. They could care less about how Bay is feeling and if she is hurt by what we did. But Liz and I do."

"Well, I'm proud of you, Mo. Thanks for being the bigger person and doing this. I'll tell Bay to keep an eye out for you."

"Good. I really hope she can deal with the whole thing with her Mom."

"I do too. She's really going to have to talk to Liv about this all."

"Is Liv now her Mom?" Maureen asked.

"Yeah. It's amazing. Seeing Liv being a mom, and having Bay actually have a mother."

"I'm glad that you and Liv are happy and in love. You weren't happy with Mom, it was clear before you knew it."


Elliot went home after making sure the kids were heading home. He walked up the stairs and unlocked Olivia's apartment. When he got inside, he found Fin instead of Olivia.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Elliot asked, and Fin frowned as he tossed a red stained towel into a bag.

"Olivia didn't want to tell you, but Bay tried to kill herself tonight. They are at the hospital, and I came here to clean up so she wouldn't have to." Fin spoke, and Elliot felt sick to his stomach.

"Was she alive when they left?" Elliot asked, as he quickly headed to his bedroom to change before going to the hospital.

"Olivia got here just in time. I'll drive you."

Hey guys! So I'm back to dealing with hard topics. So, next chapter is going to probably have some darker things involved. I'll give a warning at the beginning if you are uncomfortable with that. Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below!

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