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Bay called Olivia and Elliot again, but they didn't pick up. She even called Maureen to see if she had heard from them, but Maureen said that she hadn't and that she was disappointed in Bay for running out like that. Bay hung up and didn't say anything more to her sister because she was tired of feeling bad about everything she does.

"Bay?" Loren asked as she turned away from where she was mixing some potatoes.

"I don't know what's happening... Maureen said she is disappointed in me, so I think they must be too." Bay frowned. She sank down onto one of the chairs that sat at the dining table. She ran her hands through her hair, before hearing the front door of the apartment open. Loren walked past Bay and went to talk to Ryan quietly.

Bay didn't listen, because she was too upset to really feel like hearing what Ryan and Loren would be saying behind her back.

"Bay, this is Ryan Calley. Ryan, this is my daughter, Bay." Loren spoke, as Bay stood up slowly. She shook Ryan's hand, before awkwardly clearing her throat.

"It's nice to meet you." Bay breathed.

"It's nice to meet you too, Bay. I can really tell that Loren is your mother." He smiled, as he wrapped his arm around Loren's back.

"Good thing I didn't get my father's nose or hairline," Bay replied, and the two adults in front of her chuckled softly.

"Have you tried to contact your parents?" Ryan asked, as Loren went back to working on dinner.

"Yeah, but they won't pick up." Bay frowned.

"Do you want to go home tonight, or take some more time to calm down and let them calm down too?" Ryan asked, and Bay now knew that Loren had told him why she ran away.

"I don't want to impose on you. Having me around isn't a good thing." Bay sighed, as she sank back down.

"It is for me, Bay. Having you around makes me so happy." Loren smiled, as she walked over to where Bay was sitting.


"Yeah," Loren spoke, before leaning down and kissing Bay's hair gently. Bay looked down at the table and wiped away a few tears as Ryan and Loren started to converse about their days.


At around 9, Ryan ran out and got some medicine for Bay to take. It wasn't her prescribed medicine that was stronger, but the Motrin took the edge off for the most part.

"Thanks for running out to get this for me. I'll pay you back." Bay spoke, but Ryan shook his head as he passed her a few blankets. They were setting up the couch for her to sleep on, while Loren tried to get in contact with Olivia and Elliot again.

"You don't need to pay me back. We ran out of Motrin last night. I take it a decent amount of time because I have a bad back and knees from when I was in football."

"What did you play?" Bay questioned, as she walked over to the couch and unfolded the blankets and tucked one in.

"Quarterback. It was so much fun, but then I blew both of my knees and I hurt my spine a few times, but with physical therapy and proper management of my body now, I've gotten to a good spot." Ryan replied, and he hide his shock when Bay asked him about himself. A lot of people he's met only want to talk about themselves, but Bay didn't want to talk about herself at all.

"Do you have parents?" Bay breathed.

"I do. They are alive and well. They love Loren and are excited that we are having a baby together."

"He's going to be one lucky kid. Having his biological parents together and having grandparents..." Bay breathed.

"By the sounds of it, from Loren has told me, you've lucked out with your parents too." He spoke.

"I did, but I'm not what they deserve. I keep making mistakes. I keep screwing everything up and then they get hurt. All I wanted to do was be with my boyfriend, I have gotten over the fact that I was hurt. I love Wes, but I guess I can't show him that I love him." She breathed.

"Since that boy hurt you at school?" Ryan asked, but Bay shook her head.

"You can't tell Loren, okay?" Bay whispered.

"I promise. I want you to be able to trust me, Bay." Ryan replied. He wanted Loren to have Bay apart of her life, so knowing that Ryan trusted her was going to help the situation.

"I was raped by a boy in one of the homes I was in," Bay whispered as Loren came out of her bedroom.

"Your parents still won't answer. In the morning I'll take you home and you can see what's happening." Loren spoke, and Bay nodded as Ryan walked into the kitchen as his expression changed to anger.

"Okay, thanks. Uh, I'm exhausted. Is it okay if I crash?" Bay asked, and Loren nodded as she walked over to her.

"Of course... I love you, Bay." Loren whispered.

"Thanks again..." Bay whispered, before hugging Loren tightly.


The next morning, Bay and Loren drove out to Olivia and Elliot's house. Bay had gotten back into the dress she had run away in, and her shoes had dried overnight so she could wear those again.

"Here it is," Bay spoke because it was different driving to a house in light than it was during the night. Last time Loren was at this place, she had come over at night to see Bay, which ended in a fight.

Loren pulled into the driveway, and Bay looked at her and swallowed hard.

"I'll go talk to them, and if something changes, I'll come out and tell you, okay?"

"Okay. Just be polite, okay?" She breathed.

"Yeah, I promise."

Bay climbed out of the car and walked up the path. She went to open the front door, but she froze. She didn't know if she had the right to open the door as if she hadn't gotten in trouble and ran away.

Bay knocked on the door and took a step back and waited. After a few long moments, Elliot came to the front door and opened it. He stared at his daughter before shaking his head and shutting the door in her face.

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