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By the time Wes and Bay made their way back to the waiting room, Eli had left with Kathy, and Elliot had gone to pray. 

"Has the doctor said anything about my Mom?" Bay asked as she held on tightly to Wes' hand.

"No, no one has come to see us. If someone does, we are to call Dad. He has my phone." Maureen spoke. Bay nodded slowly, before sitting down at the end of the bank of chairs. Wes sat beside her and kissed her hair.

"She's strong, Bay. Baby, just think about everything she has survived. The baby will survive too."

"Wes, just shut up. Please. I love you, but I need to just sit and silence." Bay breathed, before running her hand over his thigh.

"Okay. I love you too."


Hours went by, and all of the other kids went down to eat, but Bay, Elliot, and Wes stayed and waited. Bay was starving, but she didn't want to move. She just needed to wait here until they knew if Olivia and the baby were okay, but if the baby died, Olivia wouldn't be okay even if she was alive.

"Kid," Elliot spoke, and Bay turned to look at her father.


"Take Wes and go get something to eat."

"No," Bay replied, stubbornly.


"Dad, is that her doctor?" Bay breathed, as she looked at a pale-faced doctor walking directly towards them.

"Kid, go, please," Elliot begged, but Bay stood up as the doctor approached.

"Are you Bay?" He asked, and  Bay nodded.

"Yeah, I am." She breathed.

"Your mother wants to see you. Follow me, please."

"Me?" Bay asked, as she quickly followed the doctor.

"Yeah. She wanted to see you before she saw your father."

"Is the baby alive?" Bay asked, and the doctor stopped outside of Olivia's door and looked at Bay.

"The baby has a heartbeat, but we need to keep your mother under observation for the next several days to make sure that the baby keeps its heartbeat." 

"Thank god." Bay breathed, before taking a shaky hand and wiping a few tears from her cheek.

"Avoid painful and stressful topics, okay?" The doctor spoke, and Bay nodded.

"Yeah, of course."


Bay walked into Olivia's room, and Olivia looked at her daughter and forced a weak smile.

"Hey, baby. Are you okay?" Olivia asked.

"I was scared when I went to find you and Dad, but neither of you were there. Then you left your damn phones at home."

"Your father and I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. This baby is so important to us." Olivia spoke.

"Mom?" Bay breathed.

"Yeah?" Olivia asked as Bay sat down beside her mother's bed.

"You'll still love me and we can still hang out and talk like we do, even though you are having a baby, right?" Bay questioned.

"This baby is biologically your sibling in my book," Olivia spoke, knowing that Bay didn't want to ask the question she verbally asked, but the one that was showing through her eyes.

"Because you are my mom and Dad is my Dad." Bay smiled softly. She reached out and took Olivia's hand and squeezed it before smiling.

"Why did you ask for me before you asked for Dad?" Bay questioned.

"I needed to make sure that my child was okay. There has been a lot of stuff happening, and I know that you needed to see me too."

"I want to help name the baby. Since you know, I'm the only one that it shares the same parents with." Bay smiled. Olivia tugged Bay's arm and pulled her onto the small bed beside her. Bay kissed Olivia's cheek before wrapping her arms around her and hugging her.

"I love you, Mom. Thank you so much for putting me at ease first."

"Of course. I love you too. And I've been trying to convince your father into letting you name the baby, but he says he doesn't want you to name it like Ocean or Bay Jr." Olivia grinned.

"I'd never name my baby brother or sister Bay Jr. or Ocean. He is just jealous that I might be able to do it and not him."


Bay walked out of Olivia's room with tears on her cheeks but it was because she and Olivia had been joking around and Olivia said something that made Bay laugh so hard that she started to cry. They needed to laugh and joke around because if the baby died, there would be no laughing.

"Dad?" Bay questioned, and Elliot stood up and looked at his daughter.


"She wants to see you now. I'll babysit my boyfriend." Bay smiled. She walked over to Elliot and hugged him tightly before she sat down next to Wes. Elliot ran down the hall, while Bay turned her boyfriend's head so she could kiss him a few times.

"So?" He asked as Bay rubbed his leg gently.

"The baby still has a heartbeat, but they still want to keep her for a few days to make sure she and the baby are okay. But I'm glad she wanted to talk to me first." Bay smiled softly.

"Were those happy tears or sad tears?" Wes asked.

"Happy tears. My mom made me laugh and then there came the tears." Bay replied.

"Can we go eat now?" Wes asked, and Bay nodded.

"Yeah, I need to tell my siblings that Olivia and the baby are okay."


"Hey, baby," Elliot spoke, as he walked into Olivia's room. He had his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans, and his face hurt from crying so much since they arrived.

"Hey, El. C'mere." Olivia spoke. Elliot walked over and leaned down and kissed his wife's lips a few times, before sitting on the edge of the bed and grabbing her hand.

"Do you see that?" Olivia asked, before pointing at one of the monitors.

"That line? It's your heartbeat, isn't it?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, it's the baby's heartbeat. Baby, it was so scary to start bleeding and thinking about losing our child, but he, or most likely she, is fighting. As long as that line keeps moving and the baby keeps fighting, we will be bringing home our baby before we know it." Olivia smiled. She knew just what to say to calm her husband, and he leaned down and kissed her several times before placing his hands against her slightly swollen midsection.

"We can't wait to meet you, baby. And we love you so much."

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