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Olivia felt her chest tighten as she saw Elliot. Noelle buried her face in Wes' chest because she didn't want to see her father. Bay was wishing that the hospital hadn't called Elliot when she already had her mother there for her.

"You didn't have to come. I'm fine." Bay spoke, but Elliot shook his head. He took a step into the room before speaking.

"What happened, kid?" He questioned.

"I cut my hand while I was putting up decorations. I fainted and needed surgery. But it's no big deal." Bay spoke.

"You have never been into Chris-"

"It's her favorite holiday, Elliot. It's just you made it hard for her to celebrate. And by the way, she doesn't want you here. Clearly." Olivia snapped.

"It's not the best time for you to show up. You've had ten weeks to come to see me, to find out about your grandchild. But you didn't. So there is no place for you here. Please leave." Bay spoke before her father could respond. 

Elliot nodded slowly before looking over at his youngest. He saw as Noelle clung to Wes and didn't even say anything when he showed up. She had turned on him like the rest of his children had.

"Okay, uh, tell me now," Elliot spoke.

"Tell you what?" Bay asked.

"What are you having? Have a name for the kid? Do you need anything for the baby?" Elliot asked.

"She asked you to leave, Mr. Stabler. Now, either walkout by yourself or I'll throw you out as you did to me." Wes warned. He stood and held Noelle close. Elliot left the room quietly, but he didn't want to leave for good.


The next morning, Bay was released. She was doing good, and the doctor said that as long as she keeps her wound clean and dry, that it would heal well. Wes took Bay straight to the mall and they started to do the Christmas shopping that probably should have been down by now.

Usually, Wes would be annoyed by carrying bags through the mall as his wife shopped for hours, but he wasn't annoyed right now because he still felt horrible about not being there for Bay when she needed him the most.

"Are you ready to go?" Bay asked as she walked over to her husband who had zoned out while looking at baby clothes. She had walked away and picked out a few outfits for Noelle, and Wes had wandered over here.

"Ivy is going to be this small?" Wes asked as he held a newborn onesie in his hand.

"She is," Bay replied as she smiled softly. She reached out and gently ran her hand over his shoulder.

"By April she is going to be this size?"

"Honestly, my doctor said that Ivy is a little on the smaller size, so these may a tad big for her," Bay spoke.

"I don't know how your father could just walk out on your siblings. How he knew Noelle and Eli since they were this big, but he could still just leave them."

"Wes, I think that he had a harder time leaving them, then he did when he left me."

"I hate being apart from you. You are the most amazing woman in this world, and if I can see it, I don't know how your father wouldn't want you as his daughter." Wes breathed.

"What you feel for me is a completely different thing. My father doesn't want me as his kid because... well honestly I don't know why. Babe, are you ready to head home?" Bay asked, and Wes sighed before nodding.

He was so confused about how Elliot thought to leave his family was a good thing.


Wes had to go into work because there was a car accident and one of his clients needed their truck fixed before the holiday. Bay was home alone and working on wrapping gifts. She put the ones for Wes under the tree, and she put the other ones in the closet for when she brought them to Christmas at Kathy's.

Bay was just changing the radio channel to one that was playing more Christmas music when her doorbell rang. It was a sort of foreign sound because her siblings always just walked in and made themselves comfortable.

Bay stood slowly and walked over to the door. She opened it slowly before letting out an annoyed sigh.

"I know you don't want to be seeing me." Elliot breathed, and Bay nodded.

"I really don't, Elliot," Bay spoke, and she could tell that by the way, his face darkened that he didn't like her calling him Elliot.

"I take it by that pink newborn onesie that you are having a girl," Elliot spoke, and Bay's face got red with anger.

"Go away." She huffed.

"I'm getting a granddaughter, but you couldn't even tell me that? What about her name? Is it something unique or-"

"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Bay yelled as tears ran down her cheeks. Elliot stopped speaking and just stepped back a bit.

"I'm sorry that I made you angry. I just wanted to talk to you. Find out some stuff about the life you've made with Wes. See if you'd be willing to tell me things about your mother maybe."

"Why should I talk to you about my mother? Because she doesn't want anything to do with you anymore. You let barely legal prostitutes into the house when you were watching Noelle! She had every right to be pissed off at you and to hold a grudge!" Bay yelled.

"I still love her!" 

"She is seeing someone!" Bay yelled back.

Elliot went silent and his eyes went wide.

"She's seeing someone?" He asked quietly. His heart was breaking because his Olivia was someone else's now.

"She is. He's very nice and they are just casual right now. But she says that she really enjoys his company. How he makes her feel good. He is wooing her, Dad. Something you never managed to do." Bay spat. She walked over to him and pushed him with all her might.

She was so angry all of a sudden and it is his fault. 

She was wondering why he couldn't just stay away for good.

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