-Fourteen: What If?-

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Okay, so please don't hate me if this is shitty. It's just something I want to try. 

What if Loren raised Bay?

Bay Hanson yawned as she stretched on the edge of her bed. She could hear the TV on in the living room, and the sound of her parents talking. Well, her mother and stepfather were talking. Probably about something that doesn't make any sense to the teenager.

She climbed out of bed and grabbed stuff to shower. Once she was showered and ready for the day, she walked out and saw her mother sitting on the edge of the couch, as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Mom?" Bay breathed, and Loren quickly stood up and wiped her cheeks off.

"Hey, baby. How did you sleep?" She asked, and Bay frowned as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Did you and Rob fight again?" Bay asked, and Loren frowned.


"He's abusing you, Mom. He is always making you feel like you are worthless because of what you used to do. You aren't a prostitute anymore. And once you had enough money to get us out of that stupid house, you did."

"Bay, I was a sex worker. It's just who I am. Are you ready for school? I'll take you."

"It's Saturday." She replied.

"Okay, well then why don't we go to the mall or something. We could get you some new shoes." Loren offered, but her daughter didn't want to go to the mall. She wanted to move out of this house, and just be with her mother and not that stupid man that treats them both like shit.


Bay and Loren went to the mall, but neither of them was having much fun. Loren hurt all over from what Rob had done to her last night. And Bay was just angry. Loren didn't think that she would be raising a teenager with just so much anger and hatred towards her stepfather, but she did.

"Did he rape you?" Bay asked as she sat down on a bench beside her mother.


"Mom, did he rape you last night?" Bay asked, and Loren frowned.

"I don't know. He said that he paid all of my bills, so what he did to me was just like what all of those men did when I was still working." Loren frowned.

"If only my Dad was around," Bay whispered.


"I know. He was just some random guy who paid you to have sex with him. But can't I at least dream? Can't I at least think about what it would've been like if you had been dating him?"

"Bay, don't do that to yourself. Your father is probably just as much of a monster as Rob is. So please, let's go shopping. Or get lunch. Please, Bay. Just stop thinking about something that never happened."


What if Bay had been raised by Elliot from the start?

Elliot woke up in his bed beside his wife and looked over at her. Her face was still a bit red from crying last night, but she had fallen asleep which made him feel better. They had started to fight about Kathleen and Bay last night, but at the end, they both yelled that they loved their daughters no matter where they came from, but in the end, they must've cared if they had been fighting about it in the first place.

"Kath," Elliot whispered as he moved closer to her. Kathy opened her eyes a bit and looked at her husband.


"I'm sorry about last night." He breathed, and she sighed before moving over to him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, before kissing her messy blonde hair.

"Please just never doubt my love for Bay. She grew up as pretty much one of the twins, they are pretty much triplets! And please stop bringing up the Kathleen thing. It was a one night stand that led to her, but she's your daughter just like Bay is mine."

"I know that. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry."


Elliot and Kathy woke up their children, and then went down to make breakfast. As usual, their most lively daughter, Bay was the first one down. She quickly hugged them both, before going and setting the table.

"So, are you ready for your game tonight?" Kathy smiled, as she watched her daughter grab the gallon of milk and started to fill cups.

"So ready. Aunt Liv said that she's still coming, right?" Bay asked, and Elliot nodded. One thing about Bay that bothered Kathy, was that she was so damn close to Elliot's partner, Olivia. Olivia came to all of her volleyball games and cheered her on when she was participating in track meets.

"Yup, she is so excited to see you kick some ass." Elliot smiled.

"Good. So, Mom, can you get there earlier with my clothes? I can't bring them today because I have that field trip." Bay spoke, and Kathy sighed.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Are you okay, Mom?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Mind going to check on your siblings? Make sure Eli isn't making a mess?"

"Of course." Bay smiled before she ran from the kitchen. Kathy turned to her husband and frowned.

"Get Liv to stay away from my daughter."


"Liv knows about the fact that Bay isn't my daughter. And I do not need her to say something about it to her."

"Kathy, Liv is just has a very special relationship with Bay."

"Yeah, one that I should have with her."


Olivia was there for Bay's practice before her game, and once Bay was done practicing, Liv and she went outside so she could cool off a bit.

"Thank you so much for coming, Aunt Liv." Bay smiled, as she opened her water.

"Of course. It's hard to say no to you." Olivia laughed.

"Can I ask you a question?" Bay asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Of course."

"How long have you known that I'm not my mother's biological daughter?" 


"Please. Just tell me. I trust you."

"Since the day you were brought home," Olivia whispered, and Bay nodded slowly.

"Maybe that's why they were fighting last night."

"They were fighting?"

"Yeah. Kathleen and I heard them talking about how we weren't completely their kids. Do you know anything else about that?"

"Bay, talk to your parents about that. But just think about how happy you have been. Think about how unhappy you might be if you were with your biological mother."

Hey guys! So that is what I was thinking would happen if Bay lived with one parent from the start and then the other parent. Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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