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Wes held Bay in his arms until she calmed down a bit more. He was thinking about when he had to learn to walk again after his first leg was amputated, how he fell just like she has and was so freaking embarrassed because he couldn't get up again.

"Why did you come after me?" Bay asked, as she shifted up a bit and slid herself towards her bed. She leaned against it as Wes got more comfortable.

"You know what I said when I gave you my cell number," Wes replied as he reached down ran his hands over his pants.

"I'm never leaving here, Wes. My parents can't have me at home for this exact reason. What if I fall out of my chair and hurt myself more. Or what if I can't get to the bathroom and I wet myself? I'm a mess and they don't want that. They don't deserve that. So there can never be anything between us because you already have so much going on and you don't need a partially paralyzed freak causing more issues." Bay huffed.

"Your parents love you, Bay. I just don't know why you could accept their love, but not accept what I can give you." Wes spat. He pushed himself up and once he had regained his balance, he stormed out as tears ran down his cheeks and a few ran down Bay's also.


Bay had a few bruises and a scrape on her elbow from the fall. She was hating herself more than she has before, and even refused to say goodbye to her parents and siblings.

"She fell?" Olivia asked Wes, as she drove him home since he didn't have his license.

"Yeah. She fell out of her chair." He replied.

"Was she hurt?" Olivia breathed. Bay wouldn't even talk to her parents or let them in her room before they left so they didn't find out that she had gotten hurt till now. Elliot was going to be upset when she told him.

"A little I think. She was mostly just upset... Olivia?" Wes breathed.


"I know I don't really know your family or your daughter, but I think that she's destroying herself. Knowing that she can't come home till she's walking is making her feel like you don't want her. I know I felt the same when I had to stay at the hospital to get used to my leg. I'm not going to contact her anymore because she doesn't need me. But I think she needs you guys more than you think." Wes spoke, which broke his heart. He really had a huge crush on Bay, and having her say those things to him just kinda pissed him off and hurt him more than the accident did that took both of his legs.

"You like my daughter, don't you?" Olivia asked as she passed a vehicle before getting back into the proper lane.

"I do, but she can't have me distracting her. Thanks for letting me go with you all, but this is going to be the last you see of me for awhile."


6 Months Later

10 months worth of recovery, and barely talking to her family, Bay managed to start to walk. She was still having numbness on her left side, but with the help of a cane, she was walking with more ease. She didn't know how to feel when her release date came up, because she didn't know if her parents wanted anything to do with her anymore since she kinda just pushed them away.

"Alright, we called your parents and they will be here tomorrow morning at 9. Are you ready to get out of here?" One of the doctors questioned, as she helped Bay pack up her stuff so she'd be ready to leave.

"Yes and no. I'm scared that I won't be able to adjust to the world again, especially since I'm 17 and I haven't really gone to school that often. I have to start that again and I probably will have get a job and a place to live." Bay sighed, as she thought about all of the things she might have to do if her parents don't want her after all of the time they've spent apart,

"Bay, your mother sounded so excited. I don't think you'll have to worry about any of that. Now, into bed. I'll bring you your tea and medicine and then I'll wake you up early enough tomorrow so you can shower."

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Bent."

"Of course. You are one of the only residents that I've worked with that is actually going home."


Bay sat on a bench outside after eating breakfast. She held a folder with all of the times she had to take her medicine and when she had to do her home exercises. Bay kept looking up as cars pulled in for visiting days, and every time her parents' car wasn't the one pulling up.

She pulled her phone from her pocket and checked the time, and when she saw it was nearly 9:30, a car started to beep. Bay looked up and saw her father beeping the car horn as he pulled up. She smiled a bit, before slowly standing up. As soon as the car was parked out front, Olivia and Elliot were walking towards their daughter with smiles plastered over their faces.

"You are looking great, Bay!" Elliot smiled, before grabbing her ponytail and tugging on it a bit.

"Thanks, Dad. So, here is my folder with everything you need to know about. Uh, hey, Mom." Bay breathed. She was a little nervous about being around her mother since she had said some things to her when they came here for their first and last visiting day.

"Hey, honey. It's so good to see you. We've all missed you so much." Olivia spoke. She leaned in and kissed Bay's cheek gently, before running her fingers through her own hair. Bay bit her lip before looking at her parents.

"Thanks for finally letting me come home. But before we head home, can we make one small pitstop?"

"Yeah, I guess. Where are we going?" Olivia asked.

"You'll see."


Bay limped up the long stone path, before reaching the front door of an old brick house. She knocked on the door, and as soon as it opened, Wes opened his mouth to question to why Bay was there, but she silenced him by smashing her lips against his.

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The Unwanted Daughter [An SVU and Bensler Fan Fic]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant