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"Olivia, why are you still awake?" Bay asked as she walked out of her room later the night she got released. Her father had gone home, but she had been so sleepy after taking her medicine that she didn't hear him leave.

"Uh, I always stay up late. Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm okay. Did my Dad say anything about me to you?"

"What?" Olivia questioned, as she patted the spot next to her on the couch.

"Well, I don't know if he changed his mind about me yet..." Bay frowned. Olivia shook her head as she looked over at Elliot's daughter. Olivia knew how Bay felt. She had never felt wanted when she was living with her mother, and her father is a bastard so he didn't want her either.

"Bay, he's your Dad. No one can deny you that. However, he is having a hard time dealing with Kathy, the kids, and you." Olivia sighed, but it wasn't the thing to say to a girl who had run away from her father's home because her half-brother was saying some disgusting things to her.

"Maybe he shouldn't try and work me into his life." Bay frowned, as tears filled her greenish blue eyes.

"Bay, please," Olivia begged because even if she already loved Elliot's daughter, she was overwhelmed with what had happened today.

"I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning." Bay frowned, before standing and heading back into the bedroom.


"Aren't you coming to bed?" Kathy sighed, as she leaned against the banister, and looked at her husband. Elliot was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands. He had been crying for a while, but the tears had dried and he was not just thinking.

Elliot lifted his head and looked at his wife and shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Come on, stop being childish and just come to bed." She huffed. 

"Kathy, you wanted to ground Bay because she was born... how am I the childish one?" Elliot mused.

"You cheated on me, Elliot. You got pissed off at me when I was pregnant with the twins, and you just left. You left me with two little girls and went and slept with a prostitute. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in this situation. Now that she's gone, you can forget about her and start focusing on our family again, because you've been pretty damn distant lately."

"I've been distant because I found out I have another daughter! That I haven't had a chance to watch grow up! Kathy, she needs a Dad. I can still be a father to her and our children, a husband to you, and a cop still."

"No, you can't. You aren't good at balancing work life and family life, so adding another kid isn't going to help. She's pretty much grown up. Just leave her behind and let her be her own person. You should know that we have a little boy who isn't even 7 yet, and he barely sees you. And you want to see some stupid kid that was a complete mistake?" Kathy spat, as tears welled in Elliot's eyes again.

He leaned his head down again and started to sob again. He was praying that everything would work out, but he knew it wouldn't. It would never work.


"They are fighting again." Kathleen sighed, as she walked into Maureen's room. All of the Stabler kids, the older ones mostly, had to be in bed by 10, and now that it's nearly midnight, they were all still awake, minus Eli.

"They are always fighting." Maureen frowned.

"I'm going to talk to Bay tomorrow. I'm skipping school to talk to her."

"Kathleen, don't do that. Just got to school and leave her alone. We need mom and dad to figure this out, because it's-"

"It is not just their life. It's our lives too."

"Come on, I thought we made a deal that we would just let Bay fuck up, and then we can have our lives back." Maureen frowned. 

She didn't like this whole Bay thing, just like everyone else, but she didn't want any harm to come to her, and have her and her siblings get in trouble for it.

"No, do you even hear them down there? They are bitching each other out, and it's stupid. It's all Bay's fault, and it'll never change unless we get her out. Now."


The next morning, after Olivia left for work two hours before she normally did because she didn't want to see Bay, Kathleen showed up.

Bay was making her bed when the knock sounded on the door. She didn't know if she should answer it, but Olivia didn't tell her otherwise. 

So Bay pulled her hair back, and answered the door. She looked at her older sister, Kathleen, with wide eyes.

"Uh, hi?" Bay questioned.

"I need you to leave." She spat, and Bay's eyes went wide.

"Leave? What? I'm not even staying with you anymore!" Bay exclaimed.

"You just need to leave. MY father doesn't want you, he's just giving you pity love. MY mother hates you, and so do we all. We were just going to wait until you fucked up, but I changed my mind. I think you need to just leave. Go find someone to pity you again until you age out of the system. Just leave us the hell alone." Kathleen spat, before stomping down the hall.

Bay stood with tears in her eyes, before she shut the door. She walked to the phone that Olivia said she could use, and she dialed Eric's number. I guess she gave it a shot, and she's better off in a group home. She's tired of hurting people, and she knew that she hurt Olivia by just being here, because she loves Elliot but can't have him.

"Hello?" Eric sighed as he answered his phone.

"It's Bay... They don't want me anymore. Can you come get me? Find me a foster home?"

"Bay, come on-"

"They don't want me, Eric. Please. I'll go to a group home, and you can forget about me, like you tried to do when you found my Dad."

"Alright, I'll come get you. Are you at school or at their home?"

"I'm at an apartment. His partner is keeping me until I get better."

"Geez, kid. Maybe you would be better in the group home. I'll be there soon."

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