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"Do we go after her?" Olivia breathed, as tears welled in her eyes.

"She shouldn't have come back home, Liv. See, she is making you upset. You are about to start crying." Elliot frowned. He walked over to her, but she stepped back.

"I'm going to go tell her to just box up Wes' stuff and I'll take it back to him." Olivia breathed before she quickly walked out of the kitchen. Elliot looked at at the stove and saw that Bay had been making his and Olivia's favorite blueberry pancakes. He went to work to finish them off, as he tried to hear Olivia and Bay talking, but he heard nothing.


Bay stood in her bedroom, and she pulled the pictures of Wes down from her wall and she sat them on her desk. Olivia leaned against Bay's doorframe and watched her.

"I brought you a box. You can put all of the stuff in here and I'll go take it to him." Olivia spoke, and Bay swallowed hard as she wiped a tear from her cheek before looking over at her mother.

"He doesn't want any of this stuff. It's just shit to him. Oh, and I'm looking into becoming a nun." Bay sighed, and Olivia shook her head as she walked over to Bay and sat the box down on her desk. She grabbed the pictures and put them in the bottom, before leaning against the desk and looking at her daughter.

"He loves you still, Bay. Just like you still love him." Olivia breathed.

"Mom, I should just go. Like, I shouldn't be here anymore. I should go and get a job. Rent an apartment. I should get out of this house before you have the baby. Because I can't be causing more stress for you. I don't want to be the reason why your pregnancy might be harder. And I don't want to hurt the baby."

"How could you hurt the baby?" Olivia asked, and Bay shrugged.

"I don't know. I know you and Dad can't trust me with the baby because I'm disabled... The baby will think I'm just as shitty of a person like you, Dad, and all of my siblings do. You deserve a kid that isn't like me. I'm sorry, Mom." Bay sighed. She walked over to her closet and pulled out a few of Wes' shirts before folding them up and tucking them into the box.

Olivia walked over to Bay's bed and grabbed the stuffed panda that Wes got Bay shortly after they started to see each other. Bay took it from her mother and hugged the bear one last time before dropping it into the box.

"Your siblings are coming over tonight for dinner... are you okay being here?" Olivia asked, and Bay shook her head.

"I'm not going to be here anymore. I know it seems like I'm always saying that I should leave, that I'm a mistake and tainted, but it's true. I hope that the baby is nothing like me, but he or she won't be because I'm not going to be around."


Olivia walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Olivia walked over to where Elliot stood and stared at him until he turned to look at her.

"What?" He asked.

"Bay wants to move out," Olivia whispered.

"Okay? It doesn't really matter to me." Elliot admitted.

"Do you not love her at all anymore?!" Olivia cried.

"Of course I love her, but I don't approve of what she has been doing. How she has been acting."

"Elliot, a little over a week ago she was depressed. She didn't climb out of bed to do more than shower and use the bathroom. She didn't sleep nor eat. And then Wes came over and talked to her. She came to our wedding. And she danced at the wedding with the boy she loves. So, do you not approve of her depression?"

"She was depressed because we were keeping her out of the loop..." Elliot trailed off with a frown.

"What should we do?" Olivia breathed.

"I should go talk to her. You eat some pancakes. Take your vitamins." Elliot spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

Elliot walked out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. Elliot saw his daughter on the stairs and she held the box full of items from Wes.

"I'm going to walk to Wes'. I won't be back for a while, so you and Mom can pretend like I don't exist. I heard it's pretty easy." Bay whimpered, before walking down the stairs. When she got to the bottom, Elliot grabbed the box and set it down before drawing his daughter into his arms.

"You aren't a slut." He breathed.

"I am Dad..." She whimpered, as she wrapped her arms around his body. Elliot held her closer and kissed her hair gently.

"I'll drive you to see Wes. Talk to him. You don't need to break up." Elliot spoke, and Bay stepped back and shook her head.

"He doesn't want anything to do with me anymore..." Bay trailed off.

"You can't just fall out of love with someone so quickly. Now, if we are going to survive to see your mother pregnant and angry, we need to work together." Elliot smiled softly.

"I heard that!" Olivia called from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, Dad. Please don't hate me anymore." She whispered.

"I forgive you, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said."

"But tonight, I'm hiding from everyone. I'm going to stay away from everyone else because Maureen doesn't like me."

"Okay. You can do what you need to, honey. Now, go say goodbye to your mother and I'll go get dressed and we can go over there together." Elliot spoke. Bay held onto her father for a few moments longer before heading into the kitchen.


Bay walked up the path and to Wes' house. She held the box in her hands as tears welled in her eyes. Wes was her first real boyfriend, and he said he didn't want to do anything with her because he didn't want Elliot and Olivia to hate him.

Bay rang the doorbell and waited for a few moments before seeing Wes open the door. He looked at her for a moment before swallowing hard.

"Hey, Bay." He breathed.

"Hey, Wes. Uh, I brought your stuff over. I thought you'd want this all back." She spoke, and he looked in the box and shook his head.

"I gave all that stuff to you because I love you. Keep it." He replied, and she shook her head.

"We broke up, Wes. I think that you should get this all back because it shouldn't be wasted on me. You can get rid of the pictures if you want too... I don't know if you wanted them or not." She breathed, and Wes looked past her and saw Elliot in his car.

"Are you back home with your parents?" Wes asked, and Bay nodded.

"Yeah, but I'm grounded indefinitely." She sighed.

"Can we date again?" He asked, and Bay shrugged.

"I don't know... I'd have to ask my Dad." She replied.

"Then ask him." Wes smiled softly. Bay shoved the box into Wes' hands before quickly walking back down the path. She got to the car and Elliot rolled down the window.

"What's happening?" He questioned.

"If I promise to not shut the door to my room, to not let Wes come over when no one is home, and to go on birth control just for your sanity, can I date him again?" Bay asked, and Elliot nodded.

"I guess. I don't know why you and your sisters like boys so much. They are nasty." He smiled. Bay leaned down and hugged Elliot's neck before walking back up the path. She got to Wes and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

"I love you, Wes. I'll see you soon. But we have to make sure our dates are with supervision." She spoke, and Wes nodded.

"Gotcha, girly. I love you too."

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