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Bay listened to her mother say that medicine and physical therapy were going to make her better. But Bay knew that she'd never get better. 

"Mom..." Bay breathed.

"What?" Olivia asked before she took a drink from her cup.

"I'm never going to get better."

"No, you will," Olivia replied. She didn't want to think of a world where Bay isn't back to her old self. She did know that the brain damage had caused Bay's emotions and such to be off, but she wanted her daughter to have a full range of motion in her body again. She wanted Bay to be able to chase after her kids once she is older and married to Wes.

"Mom, this is how I'm always going to be. I'm never going to get better. I'll never be able to walk without having my cane nearby, and I'll always be in pain. I still can't go through the airport security because I have a metal plate in my head." Bay replied quietly.

Olivia swallowed hard before looking down at her hands. She shook her head as tears welled in her eyes.

"You can't say stuff like that. You need to think positively." Olivia spoke.

"Stop denying the fact that I'm not perfect and never will be." Bay breathed. She quietly limped from the kitchen as Elliot walked in.

"What's happening?" Elliot mused.

"She thinks that she'll never get better." Olivia frowned.

"She won't though. The doctors have all said the same thing. We just have to be thankful that she can walk and care for herself, especially since she has a boyfriend that may be wanting to marry her eventually." Elliot replied.

"Am I the only one who is hopeful in this fucking house?" Olivia spat.

"No-" Elliot started, but his wife was pissed off. She walked over and poured more water into her cup and added another tea bag before she left the kitchen and headed upstairs. Elliot sighed as he started to get stuff out to make breakfast.

He still wanted them all to talk, but he didn't know if it would do them any good.


In the end, through all of the fighting, Bay went back on her pain medication. She did tell her parents that she refused to take them more than twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. Olivia was okay with that because she knew that at least her daughter was going to be on something to help her with the pain.

Bay quietly went about her usual life and didn't bring up her anger towards her parents about the medicine. She worked side by side with them to get Noelle's room done, and then she even let her mother and father take her out for driving lessons.

It was a good couple of months, and Bay even forgave the big blonde goofball that she loved with all her heart.

"So, are you sure it's okay that I got stay with Wes and his family? I'll be three hours away and it'll take me time to get back here if you go into labor." Bay spoke, as her mother put the clothes Bay was packing into the duffle bag.

"We are good, Bay! Just go have fun with your boyfriend and his family. This is a big deal! It means that they are accepting you." Olivia smiled, from where she sat on Bay's bed.

"Mom, being there when my baby sister is born is a bigger deal. You know that." Bay replied.

"I do know that, my love. But we are gonna wait till you get back before she comes. Noelle and I made a deal." Olivia smiled.

"Really? Because Stablers are unpredictable, Mother. So, I'm gonna cancel. I'll just tell Wes that I need to be the first of all of my siblings to hold her." Bay spoke. She limped over to her bedside table to grab her phone, but Olivia quickly snatched it up before smiling at her kid.

"Grab your bathing suit. I'm going to take this and give it back to you before you leave."


Wes showed up 15 minutes early because he was so excited to show his girlfriend off to those at the lodge they were staying at. But when he watched Bay walk down the stairs, he noticed that she didn't look too excited.

"Not happy to see me, girly?" Wes asked.

"I'm happy to see you... it's just that we are going three hours away and my Mom could go into labor any minute now."

"We don't have to go, Bay. You and I could just go hang out at my parents' house and spend the weekend just together."

"No... she won't let me. The woman who I thought loved me, won't let me stay home." Bay huffed, making sure her mother heard it. Olivia laughed from the kitchen before she brought out a bag. She and Elliot had made some things for Bay to bring for the trip. They both knew that Wes would probably eat everything on the way up and not share it with his family, but that is just who Wes is and it didn't really bother them.

"Just go and have fun. Not too much fun." Olivia spoke, before eyeing Wes.

"I have some condoms... yet I do not think we will be using them. We have a lot of other things we are doing this weekend." Wes spoke, as his face went red. Elliot was at work, so thankfully he didn't hear that.

"Well, just take care of my kid. Alright? Make sure she takes her medicine and if she gets worn down, let her take a break and rest." Olivia spoke, and Wes nodded.

"Yes, ma'am. I promise." He smiled. Olivia handed the bag to Wes before she drew Bay into her arms and held her close.

"Don't worry about me. You'll be back on Monday and I'll still be pregnant. Enjoy your time." She smiled, before kissing Bay's temple gently.

"You better not be lying to me, Mother," Bay warned, before quickly kissing her mother's cheek.

"Shoo now." Olivia grinned. Bay hesitantly grabbed her bag before grabbing her cane. She used it expertly as they walked out of the house.

Bay looked back over her shoulder and waved at her mother before quietly getting into Wes' truck.

"We will have fun. I promise." He smiled, as he looked over at Bay.

"Yeah, I know we will. I love you, Wes. With all my heart." Bay breathed. He smiled before leaning over and kissing her gently. 

Bay was thinking that maybe she would be able to not worry all weekend and enjoy her time.

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