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Bay got into her car and quickly drove to the precinct. She stopped outside and parked before going inside as fast as she could without slipping and hurting herself. She made her way up to the 12th floor, before finding her mother in her office with her boyfriend. 

"Mom!" Bay cried, and Olivia quickly moved from her office and towards her daughter.

"Bay? What's wrong? Is it your hand?" Olivia asked, panicked.

"Dad showed up at my house. He saw the pink clothes that I had bought today, and he knows about Ivy being a girl. He wants you back! Mom!"

"He isn't getting me back, Bay. I'm with Nick now. And in regards to him knowing about that baby girl in your bump... he only knows that bit of information. Nothing else. Let's sit down and we can talk some more. Okay?" Olivia asked as she tried to calm her daughter down as quickly as possible.

She wasn't upset that Bay had shown up, but she wasn't exactly happy because she and Nick were just starting to kiss and she had been waiting for that for weeks. Nick was being a gentleman, which Elliot really hadn't been.

"I don't want him to know anything at all." Bay whimpered, as her mother forced her to sit in Fin's desk chair. She held her stomach as tears ran down her cheeks.

"He wants this power over you, my love. He likes to know that he can get to you. But don't let him." Olivia breathed. She pulled the chair beside Fin's desk around so it was right in front of Bay. She reached out and caressed her daughter's cheeks as she rubbed the tears away.

Olivia breathed slowly, in through the nose and out through her mouth, and Bay started to follow suit. They sat there for several minutes before Nick sat a bottle of water on the desk.

"Drink this, honey." Nick breathed gently, as he stood behind Olivia.

Bay took the bottle and opened it before taking a few sips from it. Then she closed it up and looked at her mother and Nick with embarrassment covering her face.

"I'm so sorry... You two were on a date and I just ruined it." Bay hiccupped.

"You didn't ruin anything, Bay. I'll always be here for you." Olivia spoke. She stood and helped Bay to her feet before hugging her tightly.

"Do you think he'll stay away after I yelled at him?" Bay asked, and Nick snorted as he tried to hold back a laugh. Olivia elbowed him in his stomach before speaking.

"He will do what he wants to do. He's always been that way. But maybe, just maybe, he'll actually do something for you for the first time."


Bay stayed up till Wes got home. She finished wrapping all the gifts, before just settling onto the couch with a cup of hot chocolate in hand and a warm blanket draped over her legs. She watched Hallmark Christmas movies for a few hours until her husband came home.

"What are you still doing up?" Wes asked, as he walked over and sank down beside his wife. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders before drawing her close so he could kiss her temple.

"My Dad showed up here tonight, Wes. I'm a little wound up still. I couldn't sleep till you got home." Bay breathed, as she rubbed Wes' chest gently.

"What did he say to you, Bay? Tell me right now." Wes ordered, and Bay sank back against the couch as Wes stood and stared her down. He was beyond angry at the man who fathered his wife. Wes wished that Elliot wasn't apart of Bay's life or DNA at all.

"He just wanted to know stuff about my Mom... and about Ivy Blake. He knew that we were having a girl because of the clothes we had bought today... Wes, I'm sorry!" Bay cried. 

Wes sank down beside his wife and drew her onto his lap. She clung to him as she sobbed, and Wes held her close.

"Don't apologize for him being an ass. I am so sick and tired of you thinking you have to apologize for his actions. There is no reason why you have too. Elliot will never be in our life. He is nothing to us. Remember that. He is an ass and a very sad example of a father."


With knowing Elliot was back in town, the whole family was on edge. Bay found herself not even close to as excited about Christmas as she thought she would be. She woke up early, but it wasn't Ivy moving around that did it. It was the doorbell ringing once again. Bay hesitantly climbed out of bed and she padded across the carpet and her bedroom door. She pulled her robe off the hook before wrapping it around her body and slowly heading downstairs.

She turned on the livingroom light before walking to the door. She shifted the blind to the side and looked out, but she didn't see anyone on her front steps. She slowly unlocked the door before opening it and finding a bag with a few gifts inside. Bay brought it inside before reading the tag on the front and sighing when she saw "Grandpa" scrawled on it.

"Fuck off." She spat, as she opened the front door and tossed the gifts into the snowbank. Tears ran down her cheeks as she slammed the door before locking it again.

"What's wrong?" Wes asked as he hopped down the stairs on only one of his prosthetics.

"Nothing... You didn't have to get out of bed." Bay breathed, as she quickly wiped a tear from her cheek before walking over to her husband. She helped him over to the couch, before going back towards the stairs.

"Bay, who was here?" Wes asked, and Bay stopped as she held onto the railing as she held her stomach.

"My Dad rang the doorbell then left. He left gifts on the front steps for Ivy." Bay whispered. 

"He did what?" Wes asked because he wasn't sure that he had heard his wife right.

"He left gifts on the steps for Ivy. They said, "To: Ivy Blake, From: Grandpa". How did he find out her name? I never told him that! And why did he have to ruin my favorite holiday for me?!" Bay sobbed as she sank down onto the stairs.

He just had to get to her again, as if he hadn't scarred her after her time living in his house.

Hey guys, thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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