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"I love you," Elliot whispered as he hugged his daughter before he left to head towards his house in Queens.

"I love you too, Dad." She breathed, as her cheeks grew hot. She was still so awkward when it came to having a family because, in her eyes, she never deserved one. But now she had one, and she absolutely loved having two people to take care of her, because her whole life she's been taking care of herself.

"Tell Liv that I'll be home tonight. She's going to stay home with you today, and you are going to start looking into schools together, alright?"

"Do I really have to do that whole stupid school stuff? I'm so behind."

"Try and argue that with Liv. I'm sure she'll want to discuss that with you." He smiled, before kissing her forehead gently.

Bay groaned as she walked back to her room because she didn't want to go to school. She just wanted to get a job or something. She didn't want to be picked on and hurt by those around her. 


"Daddy!" Eli exclaimed as soon as he saw his father's car pull into the driveway. He ran to the front door and swung it open, before sprinting to his father. Elliot picked his son up and hugged him and kissed his blonde curls gently, but Elliot was actually angry at all of his kids. Even Eli. He thought that maybe Eli would be really chill in regards to getting another sibling, but he was just as pissed off as the rest.

"Hey, kid. Is your Mommy home, or just the kids?" Elliot asked, and Eli sighed.

"She's in the kitchen making lunch. Are you gonna come home forever, Daddy?" The small boy asked,  and Elliot swallowed hard as he entered the house.

"Go play, Eli."

Eli ran off, and Elliot walked into the kitchen. Maureen and Kathy were making sandwiches for the kids, and both looked up when Elliot walked in.

"Dad? Are you back for good?" Maureen asked. Everyone had been wondering where their father was, or if he was ever coming home. Even his oldest daughter that was almost an adult was wondering if her father would actually come home and they could be a family again. But none of them realize how much they had hurt their father when they threw a party to celebrate his daughter's running away or how his children had created a plan to get rid of Bay.

"No, I'm not. I need to talk to your mother. Mind giving us the room?" He asked as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.

"El, whatever you want to say to me, you can say in front of our children. This is their life that is getting ruined by a bastard." She spat. Elliot's eyes went wide, and anger filled every ounce of his being.

"She's my kid! Why can't you realize that?! Come on, think about Kathleen and her father." Elliot hissed, and Kathy started to feel ill. He had brought up something he had promised to never bring up again.

"Maureen, go to your room." Kathy breathed, before grabbing the knife from her daughter's hand and shoving her in the direction of the stairs. Maureen sprinted off, as Elliot grew angrier. Kathy was completely fine with calling Bay names around the kids, but she wasn't fine with them finding out that Kathleen isn't Elliot's child. That Kathy slept with another man after Maureen was born, and he is the father of Kathleen.

"So it's okay for you to say shit about my kid? I have raised Kathleen as my own. I love her just as much as I love the rest of our kids. But you can't even try to like Bay... She hasn't had a family her whole life. Kathleen has had a mom and a dad who have loved her, and siblings that love her. She has had everything she has ever wanted, and Bay hasn't. She left because Kathleen said she some shit to her, so she left. And I wish that you wouldn't have been so damn fucking excited, because that was really the last straw. I don't want to be with you anymore. Not after what you did to my daughter."

"Kathleen was born into our family, Bay just fucking showed up." Kathy spat, as she slammed her hands against the counter.

She didn't realize that the situation was the same. Elliot could've just said shit about Kathleen and treated her like Kathy is treating Bay, but he didn't. She also had the option, but she chose to ignore it and now her marriage is in tatters and she's going to lose the life she built with her husband because of that.

"I'm filling for divorce. We will have shared custody of the kids because even if you can't get this whole thing through that thick skull of yours, our kids will accept Bay. She's just as much their sister as Kathleen is."


While Elliot was ending his marriage in Queens, Olivia and Bay were sitting in her living room trying to find a school that Bay would like. It was hard, and both of them just wanted to pick one at random so they could go out and eat or shop or something.

"Can I just do online schooling?" Bay asked as Olivia stood to grab another cup of coffee.

"I guess... honestly I think your father should've been here."

"Liv, you really want to raise me?" Bay asked, and Olivia walked out of the kitchen and looked at the girl. She loved the idea of having a daughter... she may not really be her's but Elliot wanted her to be the mother figure to Bay that she never had, and Olivia wanted that too.

"I love you, Bay. I don't think that that could ever change."

"So like a mom?" Bay asked. The term 'mom' is so foreign to her, that even saying it was weird. And thinking of having one was even weirder.

"If you want." Olivia breathed, and Bay smiled before standing and walking towards her. She quickly wrapped her arms around Olivia's waist, before resting her head on her shoulder.

"Thank you so much..."

Hey guys! I'm thinking of doing a chapter about Elliot and Bay's mother next. Just to explain that all in better detail. Like the fight between Kathy and stuff. Alright, thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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