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Olivia knew that other than the fact she cared for Bay, spending more time with Elliot made her really say yes to having Bay staying with her.

"Here is your tea," Elliot spoke, as he walked to where Olivia sat in the bank of chairs they had sat in before. Elliot took a drink from his coffee as Olivia drank her tea. They sat in silence because Elliot was trying to figure out how to ask Olivia to go shopping with him and Bay to get her some clothes and female items she may need but that she didn't have.

"Why me?" Olivia asked, and Elliot smiled a bit.

"You are my best friend, and I know you'll take good care of my daughter when I can't. And I'd rather her feel wanted in your apartment, instead of her feeling unwanted in my house."

"I don't know why they can't just like her." Olivia frowned, as she reached over to pat Elliot's leg, but instead she grabbed his hand. He didn't move his hand, and she didn't move hers either.

"Would you want to go shopping with me?"


"For stuff Bay may need."

"She only has the one set of clothes and the diary, right?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah, and she needs shoes and probably, you know, period stuff." He breathed. Olivia laughed softly as she looked over at him.

"Yeah, I'll go. Want to check on her, and then you and I can go shopping?" Olivia asked.

"Of course. Uh, thanks, partner." Elliot spoke, as he finally removed his hand from underneath hers, but he didn't want to.


While Bay napped at the hospital, Elliot and Olivia went to the mall. Elliot sent Olivia into one of the stores to purchase undergarments in the size Bay said she was in, and then into a store to by pads and tampons because he still hated to think that his girls weren't girls, they were technically women.

"Alright, all of the items you don't like are purchased, so now we have to get her some more clothes and shoes."

"Something conservative," Elliot spoke, and Olivia stopped walking and eyed him.

"Like a floor length dress and an apron?" Olivia breathed, and he sighed as he ran his hand over his neck.

"I'm I jumping into this whole father thing too quickly? I told her that I loved her."


"I do love her, Liv. It's kinda hard not to love someone who shares your blood."

"Then you aren't jumping into it too quickly. Come on, let's go shop." Olivia smiled. She went to pass a bag to Elliot, but instead, he grabbed her hand and held onto it as they walked.

He smiled while Olivia blushed.

So much was changing in everyone's lives, and no one knew how to deal with it.


"Alright, so that is going to be your room," Olivia spoke, as she and Bay walked into her apartment. She pointed at the spare room, and Bay swallowed hard.

"You didn't have to give me a room, Olivia. I could've slept on your couch." 

"Okay, we are gonna have some rules while you are here. Okay?"

"Like?" Bay frowned, expecting to have Olivia be like a foster mother who hates the sight of her.

"This is your home until you go back and live with Elliot. So my food is yours. You can watch TV and use my house phone. That room is yours, and if you need anything ask. I do however not want you to get into my dresser because I have some private things, like my journal and pictures of my mother in there. And do not touch my gun, okay?" Olivia spoke, and Bay was shocked.

"Do you want me to help with chores?" Bay asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Once you start feeling better if you want to. Uh, I don't really cook, so there is barely any dishes. Maybe you could call in the dinner order when I call you?"

"Okay, yeah. Uh, Olivia, thanks again."

"Of course. Your dad will be over for dinner soon. Let's get you settled in and then I'll order... What do you want to eat?"

"I'm starving. I could eat anything." Bay smiled. She had witnessed Olivia's face brighten as she said Elliot's name.

"Why are you smiling?" Olivia asked, and Bay shrugged.

"I know we just met and stuff, but do you have a thing for my father?"


"Come on!" Bay smiled. She didn't care if her throat hurt or if talking loudly also hurt, but she needs to know. Olivia was already at the top of her list for the people she liked, and if Olivia had a thing for her father, she might just hint at it. They'd be better together than him and Kathy.

"What happened to the quiet girl who was scared to death of her father finding out where she was?"

"Hey, guys!" Elliot interrupted them. He walked into the apartment without even knocking.

"Hey, we were just ta-" Bay started, but Olivia elbowed her in her side to stop her.

"We are going to order dinner. Why don't you do that, I'll show Bay her room and her new clothes."


All night, Olivia couldn't stop thinking about what Bay said. If only the girl had seen Elliot hold her hand the whole time they were walking through the mall. He didn't even let it go when they went into stores, it was weird and almost juvenile, but it was so very special to Olivia since she did love her partner in the way she shouldn't.

Bay went to bed after eating dinner and taking her antibiotics. Elliot and Olivia cleaned up the mess from dinner, and then Olivia had to start talking.

"Why did you hold my hand when we were in the mall?"

"Uh..." Elliot trailed off.

"Because Bay noticed how I change when I talk about you. And I can't have this hanging over me without knowing..."

"Everything is so stressful right now. Kathy hates me, and so do the kids. Bay is the only one who likes me, well out of my family. And you, you don't hate me right now thankfully."

"I love you, Elliot. And having Bay here is going to be great for her and you, because then you can focus on your relationship, but god, I want one with you too. If only you weren't married, and we weren't partners."

"I'm going to go home. Uh, night." Elliot spoke, before kissing Olivia's cheek gently.

He walked out of the apartment as his already full mind seemed to get even more full as he thought about Olivia, and how he may need to find a new place for Bay to stay until he can figure out a room for her to stay in.

Hey guys! So for one, check out Elliot_Sebastian_ if you don't read his books already and see his one shots. He's a great writer and friend so be nice. Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! Thanks! :D

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