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Bay went into her bedroom and laid down and sobbed. She curled up as much as she could, as she pulled the comforter up and over her body. She wanted to die at this moment because she felt like she did when her story started.

"Bay, I think we need to talk." Olivia breathed, as she opened the door to her daughter's room.

"Leave me alone, Olivia!" Bay yelled. Olivia felt tears well in her eyes as she balled her hands into fists. Bay never calls her Olivia anymore. It hurt Olivia so much knowing that that was how much Bay actually hated her.

"I am your mother, Bay. Don't call me Olivia." Olivia seethed.

"I'm not your daughter anymore! I'm not Bay anymore!" Bay cried. She stayed underneath the blankets and tried to calm herself, but having Olivia around didn't help.

Olivia walked over and pulled the blankets off of Bay, and pulled her daughter up so she sitting. Bay could feel how hard Olivia squeezed her arm, and she was scared. Olivia never got this angry with her.

"You are my daughter. You may be different, but legally you are still my daughter. You may not be Bay anymore, but you still resemble the girl that I fell in love with. You are so amazing, and I'm sorry that it seems like we don't think you are anymore."

"I don't want to be involved in your wedding. I don't want people to look at me with pity and I don't want to take away from your special day. You've been waiting so long to marry Elliot... you've waited longer to be with him than you did to become my mother. I'm sorry." Bay whispered.


"You have loved him longer than you have loved me. Focus on that and just ignore me. Please."

"I can't ignore you, Bay. You are my kid." Olivia whispered.

"I'm not anymore."


Bay closed herself off from her whole family. Not even Maureen or Lizzie could get her to talk. She refused to eat and started to miss taking her medicine every day. She would just lay in her bed and cry all day because she was just so depressed and upset.

"She's really not coming, huh?" Elliot questioned, the night before the wedding. 

"Yeah. She's staying home." Olivia frowned. She sighed as she looked at the dresses that hung on a clothing cart in their living room. Bay's dress was there, because they had hoped something would change, but it wasn't going to change. Bay had finally given up altogether.

"Well, I'm gonna have Wes come over and hang out with her. She hasn't turned him away yet." Elliot sighed. He reached out and gently ran his hand over Olivia's back, before kissing the back of her head.

"She'll come around, honey," Elliot whispered.

"Elliot, she's gone. There is no Bay anymore. She refuses therapy. She refuses getting any help whatsoever. She doesn't take her pain medication, so she must be in so much pain." Olivia whispered.

"Just give her some more time. She's our kid, and she'll come around. So, now go to bed. I'm taking the boys out for some dinner and to play some games at the arcade before we crash in the basement."

"I'm going to wake up and see you in the morning, El. Maybe just come up and share our bed for our last night without me sharing your last name." Olivia spoke.

"Okay, I'll see. I love you, honey."

"Yeah. I love you too."


Bay continued to sleep all night and into the next morning. She woke up when everyone started to get ready for the wedding. She sat up in bed and ran her hands through her hair, before climbing out of bed and going into the bathroom. She showered but then got back into pajamas.

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