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Two full years into school, Bay was very much enjoying her nursing classes. She loved everything that she was learning, and she loved still being able to spend time with her husband and her family. 

Olivia was doing great with being the CO, and even if it did take up most of her time she still loved it. 

"I'm home!" Bay exclaimed, as she walked into the front door of the house she bought with her husband. Bay heard giggling, and she quickly walked into the kitchen to find Noelle and Wes making sugar cookies together. Bay stopped herself from walking all the way into the kitchen and she just smiled and watched.

Seeing her husband interacting with her baby sister made Bay know that Wes was going to be an amazing father. And it made her want to start having kids sooner than they had discussed.

"I know that this is cute and all, but who is going to clean this up?" Bay asked, and Wes looked up and smiled at his wife.

"I will. I promise." He grinned.

"Sissy, look!" Noelle exclaimed, and Bay walked over and looked at the butterfly sugar cookie that her sister was currently smoothing in frosting.

"That is beautiful, Noel! But I hate to break this up and all, but we are eating dinner with Momma in twenty minutes." Bay spoke, before kissing Noelle's cheek.

"Oh no! Wes!" Noelle cried, and Wes gently ruffled Noelle's hair before smiling.

"We can finish these in five minutes and be able to bring some for your Momma. We just gotta get back to work!"


After dinner with Olivia, Bay and Wes went home alone. Bay kept thinking about having a baby, but then she kept thinking about being pregnant during school and having a baby at home that she'd miss so much. She knew that it might be wise to start now, or it might be a complete mistake. So by the time they got home, she was very confused.

"Uh, Bay?" Wes asked, and Bay looked over at her husband. He was standing outside of the car and smiling at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Gonna get out and come into the house? We need to start planning what you want to do this summer."

"Wes, I don't want to plan our summer yet until I can tell you what I'm thinking," Bay replied.

"Okay, what are you thinking about?" Wes asked as he climbed back into the truck. Bay swallowed hard before looking at him.

"I want a baby... now." She spoke, and Wes tried not to smile.


"And I don't know if it's a good idea or what because I'm still in college. I have two years left and if I got pregnant on the first try, then I'll be heavily pregnant and having a baby for most of this school year." Bay replied.

"I can take care of the baby while you are at school," Wes spoke.

"But what if I can't have babies?" Bay breathed, and her husband went quiet. He reached out and gently grabbed her hand before squeezing it.

"Either we can find out now, or we can enjoy the baby making and find out later," Wes spoke, and Bay nodded slowly.

"So we can figure this out, right? Like we have a lot of people to help out if we want to have a baby now. We are both 20, and you work at the shop with your brothers. We are good."

"And your job," Wes spoke, and Bay nodded.

"Let's go make a baby." Bay smiled.

"I have been waiting as patiently as possible... I've wanted this since the day we got married."

"Me too... but I'm trying to be responsible." Bay laughed.


School started up three months after it ended. Bay was not ready for school again, but she'd be willing to do it. She wanted to do it because she couldn't wait to become a nurse. And a mother...

"Wes?" Bay breathed as she walked into the shop. She could see her husband under the hood of an old sedan, and she just wanted him to notice her. But he was busy, so she looked for one of those scooter thingys, and she laid on her back and pushed herself up under the car beside her husband.

"Wes," Bay spoke, and Wes' eyes went wide as he looked over at his wife.

"What are you doing here?!" Wes exclaimed.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you like in the open, but I guess under this sedan is okay," Bay spoke.

"What is so important that you are willing to get dirty for?" Wes asked.

"Wes, I'm pregnant," Bay spoke, and Wes' eyes went wide.

"Did I hear you right?!" Wes exclaimed, and Bay shrugged.

"Depends on what you heard." She smiled. Wes quickly slid out from under the car, and his wife followed suit. Wes helped her to her feet, before hugging her tightly to her chest.

"We are having a baby." He breathed, as he tried to not start crying. He was so beyond happy because all of his dreams had come true.

He married the love of his life and now he was going to be a father.

"It took about a month for us to get pregnant, but I confirmed it this morning and I'm eight weeks along."

"I don't know if I can act like I'm not keeping a secret, Bay. I work with my brothers here." Wes breathed.

"Just pretend like this is all a dream. I love you, and I'm going to head over and pick up my prescriptions before heading home. Are you good?"

"I'm amazing, Bay. I love you so much... and thank you."

Wes watched as his wife walked out of the shop and he felt tears run down his cheeks. He was so beyond happy, and he knew that the next few weeks better go fast so they can start telling people. He didn't want to accidentally slip up and end up having his family find out before Bay was ready to start telling people.

"Wes, get your ass back to working on that sedan!" Walden yelled, and Wes sighed.

"I'm going, jackass!" Wes yelled back, but he was smiling from ear to ear.

He and Bay were having a baby, and that news was getting him through the day.

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