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Olivia and Lizzie were both sleeping at the hospital every night. About a week after Lizzie started to sleep there, each day another one of the Stablers kids decided to also. By the end of the week, Kathy's house only had her and Eli sleeping there.

Extra chairs were brought in and the kids slept in those, while Olivia sat beside Bay and rested her head against her hand. They prayed before they all went to sleep, and probably by pure coincidence, Bay's brainwaves picked up and became more normal than they had been when she arrived at the hospital.


Nearly three months passed before Bay woke up. Olivia and Elliot were there when it happened, and it was hard for the nurses and doctors to get Bay's parents away from her so they could run some tests.

"She seemed really out of it." Olivia breathed, as she and Elliot sat together in the cafeteria and drank very bad coffee.

"She just woke up from a three-month long coma. She's gonna be confused." Elliot spoke, as he reached across the table and grabbed her hand.

"I'm really scared, El. I told Lizzie that as long as Bay wakes up, everything would be okay. But what if she is disabled and isn't even close to what she was before? Her head was actually caved in. She is going to set off metal detectors because of the metal plate they had to put in." Olivia sighed, as she looked up and met Elliot's eyes.

"We will love her unconditionally. She is still our daughter." Elliot smiled gently. Olivia nodded slowly, before looking down at their hands. Her left hand had a new addition to it, one that she hadn't shown anyone yet.

"I hope she is good enough to be apart of the wedding." Olivia breathed, and Elliot smiled.

"I'm sure she will be."


Bay laid motionless in her hospital bed. Her greenish blue eyes darted around the room as she tried to figure out what she was doing in a very clean smelling room. She had fallen asleep while some strange people ran what she heard was tests, but she didn't really remember where and why she was here.

"Bay?" Olivia gentle voice questioned. Elliot had gone to pick the kids up from school and to explain what was happening, and why he wanted them to sleep in their own beds tonight.

Bay looked at the woman standing in the doorway but didn't speak. She couldn't speak because she was still getting help breathing from the vent.

"Hey, honey. I don't know if you know who I am, but if you do, blink twice for yes and once for no." Olivia spoke. She watched her daughter's face intently and saw that Bay only blinked once.

Olivia felt her heartache before she ran her hand over her cheeks to quickly remove a few tears.

"It's okay, Bay. Well, I'm your mother. Not biologically. Your father, Elliot Stabler, and I adopted you recently. So I could help with the decisions." Olivia explained, but she felt like she was talking to a wall.

She walked over and sat beside Bay and sat on her hands. She didn't want to touch her daughter and make her uncomfortable. She needed to take this very slow.

While Olivia kept her eyes trained on the far wall, Bay reached her hand out and awkwardly touched Olivia's knee.

"Bay..." Olivia whispered. Bay reached up and touched Olivia's cheek gently before a small smile grew on her lips. It was awkward, but it was something that Olivia had expected.

"Did I miss a blink?"

Bay blinked twice before Olivia stood up and quickly kissed her daughter's cheek.

"God, I love you. Your Daddy and I absolutely adore you."


Bay's breathing wasn't good, and she had to continue to receive help. But, from the help of the small whiteboard Olivia absolutely hated when Elliot used it, Bay was able to write out what she wanted to say. Her left hand was all curled up and she couldn't use it, but her right hand seemed just fine.

"So, your siblings aren't that happy that I told them to stay home tonight," Elliot spoke, as he sat beside Bay and held her left hand. She smiled a bit because she was shocked that her siblings still stuck by her even if she had been in a coma for three months, or at least that is the amount of time her parents said she was sleeping.

"Did they see what happened to me?" She wrote. Olivia avoided Bay's eyes before standing. Bay started to get angry and made as many noises as possible until Olivia turned around to look at her.

"Lizzie was there when it happened. Maureen rode in the ambulance with you so you wouldn't be alone. I'm sorry, kid."

Finding out that when Walter hurt her, that Lizzie was right beside her pissed her off. Bay started to cough as she struggled against the breathing machine. Just being so pissed off made her want to scream, and she got to when the nurses came in and realized that she was breathing over the machine.


Everything was just very quick and overwhelming for Bay and her parents. First of all, she woke up. Then she had to figure out how to communicate with those around. Then she had to deal with the fact that Lizzie had witnessed the whole thing happen. She watched as Walter grabbed Bay by her braid and slammed her against the wall. And out of just pure will and need to yell about everything that made her angry, Bay started to breathe on her own.

"He's going to jail, right? He has to go to jail!" Bay exclaimed, her voice weak and raspy.

"We are going to make sure he gets in trouble. We've been waiting for you to wake up to testify against him." Elliot spoke, as calmly as possible. He wanted to calm down his daughter, but she was so worked up nothing would help.

"He scarred my sisters! God, fuck him." She spat, as she pulled the blanket off and went to get up.

"Where are you going?!" Olivia questioned, as she went to stop her daughter.

"To kick his ass! I may not have use of my left hand, but I'm sure I can still fight him. He is a bastard." She spat, before trying to climb out of bed, to only fall into her mother's arms. Bay started to sob as she finally broke.

"I can't move my left leg..."

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