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Bay was released three days after Ivy was born. She was sent home, but the staff knew that she'd be back soon to see Ivy. Ivy Blake was doing better. The fluid levels had gotten lower and her breathing was less labored. She was still on a feeding tube and oxygen most of the time, but she was doing better then most of the people thought she would be at only 3 days old.

"Bay!" Noelle exclaimed as she came running into her sister's house. Bay had made herself comfortable on the couch and was facing timing Ivy at the moment. Wes had asked his mother in law to come over and hang out with Bay while he went back to the hospital to talk to Ivy's doctor and be there during her breathing treatments.

"Hey, Noel! C'mere. You are gonna want to see your niece." Bay smiled. Noelle ran over and climbed up on the couch beside her sister before looking at the screen and waving quickly as her niece.

"Hi, Ivy!" She exclaimed, and the sudden noise that came through the phone woke Ivy up and made her start crying. Bay frowned as she wrapped her arm around her sister's waist.

"Ivy Blake, you are okay baby. It's okay. Your Aunt Noel is just so excited to see you for the first time. Baby, please don't cry." Bay cooed. Wes turned the phone away and frowned.

"I'll calm her down and I'll take a ton of pictures for her for you to see. Love you, Bay. And I love you, Noel!" Wes spoke before ending the call. Bay sat her phone down before looking at her sister.

"I made Ivy cry." Noelle sniffled, and Bay shook her head.

"No, you didn't baby. She is just so little and got scared. She'll get used to your voice soon and everything will be okay." Bay spoke, before smiling at her mother and her mother's boyfriend.

"We are here to babysit you." Olivia grinned.

"Of course you are. Well, I wasn't planning on using a forklift or anything, so I shouldn't be too much trouble."


Wes sat and held Ivy for her whole breathing treatment and during most of her naps. He couldn't keep his eyes off of his daughter, which made it hard to answer any of the questions the nurses asked and such. 

"How's she doing?" Wes' mother asked, as she quietly walked into the NICU.

"She's doing great. And god is she sweet." Wes replied with a smile. His mother leaned down and kissed her son's forehead gently before sitting beside him.

"You are made for being a father, Weston. The way you look at your daughter and the way you hold her so close really proves that."

"I just wish that Bay could be here more often. But they didn't want her here for the first few days so she can recover from the c-section.i'm kinda nervous at the moment."

"About what, honey?" 

"Well, what is the chance that our next child will be born with fluid in his or her lungs? Or like, what if the baby is breach again and Bay will never get her chance to have a natural birth? I'm just scared and nervous about everything because I want my girls to have everything they want and I don't know if I can give them everything." Wes spoke.

"Wessy, don't worry about that right now. You are a brand new father and do have a lot of worries and doubts, but there is no reason why you need to be so worried about future children at the moment. Focus on the little girl that has a fist full of your shirt right now." Shannon replied.

"I just want to make sure they are happy. Especially after what I put Bay through."

"She forgave you. Now, is it possible for me to get some time with Ivy Blake?" Shannon asked, and Wes shook his head.

"I'm sorry. They said that getting spoiled by a grandmother right now might be dangerous." Wes smirked.


A little over two weeks after Ivy was born, she was allowed to go home. She was sent home with an oxygen machine and medicine to do emergency breathing treatments when needed. She was brought home to a full house of Aunts, Uncles, and grandparents to spoil her and get their chance to cuddle her. As decided earlier, Noelle would be the first one to hold Ivy since she still felt so bad about making her cry on accident.

"Alright, can you sit down with Wes? Then I'll lay her in your arms." Bay spoke gently, as she slowly walked over to where her husband sat in one of the armchairs. Noelle ran over and jumped onto Wes' lap and managed to hurt him in the process. Wes' face went red as he tried his hardest to not swear from the pain, and he wrapped his arms around Noelle until she calmed down a bit.

"I'm ready." Noelle smiled, as she held her arms out to her niece. Bay hesitantly laid her daughter in Noelle's arm, before stepping back a bit. Noelle held onto her niece as tears welled in her eyes.

"What do you think, Noel?" Nick asked from where he stood behind Olivia, his arms holding her tightly to his chest.

"I love her." Noelle sniffled. She leaned down and ever so gently kissed Ivy's forehead before looking over her shoulder and at Wes.

"What, Noel?" Wes asked.

"She's pretty, Wes. I think she gets it from Bay." She spoke before the room was filled with laughter. Bay smiled before walking closer and running her hand through her husband's hair.

"Thank you all for coming over here to welcome Ivy Blake home. If it wasn't for your help, I don't think we would have made it to this point without a mental breakdown or two. She's so lucky to have you all, and I know that she'll be such a happy baby. If you don't mind, I'm going to go cry in private for a few minutes and then I'll be back." Bay sniffled. She ran her hands over her cheeks before quietly leaving the room.

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