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Bay went home and did what she has done pretty much every night since she stopped talking to her mother. She grabbed a bag of onesies for Ivy and she washed them, dried them, then folded them and put them away. She then went and started to make dinner so that Wes had something warm to eat when he got home after work. 

Bay was just finishing making Wes' favorite stew when the doorbell rang. Bay slowly left the kitchen before opening the door. She eyed her mother with confused blueish green eyes.

"Mom?" Bay asked.

"Hey, kid... Uh, I was wondering if we could talk. I know you are probably busy-"

"I was making stew for Wes, and I'm just now waiting for the bread to be done... I have time if you do." Bay spoke, and Olivia nodded.

"Noelle is out Christmas shopping with Lizzie, Maureen, and Eli. I have till 8 tonight." Olivia breathed.

"Well, come in then. I can offer you tea or something cold. Wes gave up coffee when I did." Bay spoke.

"Uh, I'm good. Thanks though." Olivia breathed. She shed her jacket before slipping her slush covered boots off. 

Bay walked further into the living room and sat down, before looking over at her mother.

"Sit anywhere." She breathed, and Olivia nodded slowly. She walked over and looked at a few framed sonogram pictures on the mantle before sitting down in Wes' recliner.


They sat in silence for a while before the timer on the stove dinged. Bay stood and pulled the bread out. When she went back out to see her mother, she didn't see her in the living room. She looked around downstairs before heading upstairs. She stopped next to the open door of Ivy's room, and Bay slowly looked in before smiling. She saw her mother standing next to the crib, as she ran her fingers over the cherry stained wood.

"Wes' father made that for Ivy. Well, he made all of the furniture in this room. He was so excited to find out that he was getting a granddaughter." Bay breathed.

"I'm not talented enough to do that... I could buy Ivy things, but I can't make her anything." Olivia breathed.

"She'll be happy just having you in her life, Mom. As long as you want to be a part of her life..." Bay trailed off. She crossed her arms over her chest before walking over to the dresser. She leaned against it until her mother spoke.

"I love her so much already, even if I haven't been talking to you and supporting you for the past ten weeks... I still love you." Olivia breathed. She ran her hand over her cheek before turning to look at her daughter.

"Mom, what happened to us? Because I know that we were so close, then I told you about Dad and you didn't want to talk to me anymore."

"I was just so angry."

"And I left to give you space. I thought that maybe you'd come around, but then there was no weekly Saturday lunch. Then there was no response when I sent you the sonogram picture that showed the fact that Ivy Blake is a little girl." Bay replied.

"Ivy Blake... it's such a sweet name." Olivia smiled gently.

"We thought so. I guess we are kinda sticking to the three letter names. Even if Wes is short for Weston." Bay replied.

"Your father surrendered his rights to Noelle. I didn't know he left town, I just knew that he didn't want her anymore. Or Eli." Olivia breathed. Bay frowned before walking over to her mother.

She reached out and gently rubbed her arm before stopping.

"I don't know if we just made up or something... but Ivy just kicked and I don't know if you'd like to feel that or not." Bay breathed.

"I'd love too... I'm surprised that she's moving around to the point you can feel her... I was almost 25 weeks pregnant before Noelle really moved. Like somersaults." Olivia smiled.

"Shannon told me that it's probably the Williams in her. Wes does like to show off. That's how he broke his legs and had to get them removed in the first place."


Olivia joined Bay and Wes for dinner. Then she asked them about things that they still needed for Ivy, but there wasn't really a lot that the expectant parents needed. She left at about 7:30, and then it was just Bay and Wes.

"You make some really good fucking stew." Wes smiled, as he washed up the dishes while his wife wrapped the bread up.

"I try, love," Bay replied with a smile.

"So, what did you and your mother talk about?" Wes asked as he decided to just dive into what he wanted to talk about.

"Not a lot. The Christmas planning didn't go well, but then while I was making you dinner she showed up. We talked for a while. She saw Ivy's room and she got to feel her kick... I think we are good but I just don't know yet." Bay sighed.

"Ah." Was all Wes replied with.

"Ah? Is that honestly all your big mouth can speak?" Bay huffed.

"I just don't know what to say... I'm sorry." Wes mumbled.

"My father gave up custody of Eli and Noelle and left the city," Bay spoke, and Wes turned to look at her.


"Yeah. So are you gonna do that any time in the future?" Bay questioned, and Wes' eyes went wide.

"Why would I want to leave the city? I'd only leave if you and Ivy were along for the ride with me." Wes replied.

"That's what I wanted to hear," Bay spoke.

"Gonna go see her tomorrow? You could ask her if she wanted to go Christmas shopping with you."

"Actually I'm putting up our Christmas decorations tomorrow.  So, get ready for it to look like Christmas threw up in here." Bay smirked.

"That is exactly how I like it. Now, come over and dry these dishes. I'm tired of doing both!"

Bay kept thinking about her day with her mother, and she couldn't help but wish that their fight was done and over with because she wanted her mother to be completely involved in Ivy's life.

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