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Bay had been numbed once she was taken to the OR, and she had a sheet across her chest to prevent her from seeing everything that was happening. Her mother was sitting beside her and was gently caressing her capped head as they waited for the doctor to say that Ivy was finally here.

"Momma, it's so uncomfortable." Bay whimpered.

"Can you only feel the tugging?" A nurse asked, and Bay nodded.

"Yeah, but it feels so weird. Is she almost here?" Bay asked, and her doctor nodded.

"Ivy is being a little troublemaker right now, but she's almost here. Just hold on for a few more minutes." He replied. Bay nodded as she closed her eyes and tried to stay calm. She tried to focus on the sounds in the room. She heard the machine beeping with each of her heartbeats, and she heard as the nurses talked about what they may have to do once Ivy was born. Then Bay heard a door open. 

"Bay?" Wes questioned nervously. Bay turned her head to see her husband as he walked quietly towards her.

"What are you doing here? Wes, I thought you didn't want anything to do with us." Bay whimpered. Olivia stood and moved out of the way, and Wes took her spot.

"I'm sorry, Bay. I really am. Baby, I love you and Ivy so much. I wish I would have been there with you from the start."

"It hurt so bad." Bay whimpered.

"But you are so very strong and you are making it through this," Wes spoke before he leaned forward and rested his forehead against his wife's cheek. She started to cry again, and Wes was quick to brush the tears from her cheeks.

"Alright you two, your daughter is almost here. Just a few more seconds." The doctor spoke, and Bay started to cry even harder when the doctor lifted Ivy up and Bay could just barely see her daughter's red face as she cried for the first time.

"You did it, baby." Wes breathed, as he looked up at his daughter and felt his heart fill with so much love for that tiny human that he and his wife made.

"We have a baby." She sobbed, but she was still smiling.

"We do. And she's stunning."


Lizzie, Maureen, Kathleen, and Olivia followed Ivy to the NICU. Olivia went in and waited with Ivy while they cleaned her up and started to run some tests on her. Olivia looked at her first grandchild and couldn't believe how absolutely beautiful she was. 

"Nurse, I have a question," Olivia spoke, as she looked down at Ivy, who was holding onto her finger tightly with her small hand.

"Of course. What's the question." The nurse smiled.

"Her breathing seems a little heavy. And it's almost like it's a watery gasp instead of her crying." Olivia frowned. The nurse pulled out her stethoscope and listened to Ivy's chest before nodding.

"It sounds like she may have some fluid in her lungs. I'm going to talk to the doctor and I'll be right back." The nurse replied. Olivia frowned as she looked down at her granddaughter.

"Everything will be okay, Ivy Blake. I'm sure that in no time you will be getting cuddled by your Mommy and Daddy. You have so many Aunts and Uncles to hold you and spoil you too." Olivia cooed gently. She leaned down and ever so gently pecked Ivy's forehead before being asked to leave the room once the doctor arrived.

Olivia walked out into the hall and joined where the girls had been watching.

"Is Ivy okay?" Maureen asked.

"She has some fluid in her lungs. They are figuring out what to do to remove that." Olivia replied.

"I hope she'll be okay." Lizzie frowned.

"She will be. Now, let's go sit down." Olivia spoke, before leading the girls towards a bank of chairs. They all sat down and started to yawn shortly thereafter.

"Today has been so long." Maureen yawned.

"You guys could go home. I'll keep you updated." Olivia replied.

"We didn't leave Bay when she was in a coma, and we won't leave her after she had our niece. I just think we need some coffee and something to eat." Kathleen replied.

"I'm glad that she has siblings like you all. You care about her so much and are so loyal." Olivia breathed.

"We also want to stay just in case Wes changes his mind again. Then we can kick his ass."


Bay was taken back to her room about an hour after Ivy was born. She got tucked into her bed and was given some medicine to help with the pain. She didn't care about her pain, all she cared about was seeing her baby and as soon as possible.

"How are you feeling, babe?" Wes asked as he joined his wife in her room. He was carrying some flowers and a balloon that said 'IT'S A GIRL'.

"Tired... but I want to see Ivy. Do you know what's happening?" Bay asked as Wes walked over to her. He sat the stuff down before leaning down and pecking her lips gently.

"Your Mom and siblings are still at the NICU with her. We won't know for a little bit longer." Wes replied.

"Okay." Bay sighed softly. She looked around the room for a moment before back at her husband.

"What?" Wes asked.

"Why did you come around? I kinda expected to see you after Ivy was born and then it would be for you to break up with me or something..." Bay trailed off.

"I'd never do that. I was just so upset with you that I didn't know what to think or feel. But I'd never leave you and our daughter. I love you both so much." Wes breathed.

"Mind doing me a favor, Wes?" Bay asked.

"What do you need now?" Wes sighed, as he tried to act annoyed.

"Mind going to see if Ivy can be brought down here? I want to hold her." Bay replied.

"I guess I can do that. But only this time. No more favors." Wes teased. He turned to leave the room, but Bay's doctor was walking in.

"So I have some news about your daughter." He spoke.

"Is she okay?" Wes asked.


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