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Olivia went home before Bay and Wes woke up. She didn't want to bring down their happiness even more, especially because she felt like crying again. She drove back to the house since she got that in the divorce and parked in the garage before heading inside.

The kids were awake already and sitting in the kitchen eating cereal.

"It's six in the morning. What are you all doing up?" Olivia asked.

"We just couldn't sleep any longer. I was kinda concerned because you didn't come home last night." Lizzie spoke, as she eyed her stepmother.

"Oh, I stayed at the house. Bay and I talked for a bit then I fell asleep because I was a little bit drunk." Olivia replied. She walked over and poured some coffee into a mug before leaning against the counter as she looked at the kids.

"Noelle is still sleeping if you wanted to go back to bed." Maureen offered.

"I'm fine. I really am. So I'm going to head up and shower then I have some yard work I have to get to." Olivia spoke.

"I'll do that, Liv. I don't mind." Dickie spoke.

"Kids, I think it's time I start taking care of the house." Olivia breathed.

"Because?" Kathleen questioned.

"Because I don't have a husband anymore to help out. Just enjoy your time and maybe spend some time with Noelle... you all have stuff to do on Monday."


Bay woke up and quietly left her husband in bed before heading out to check on her mother. She stopped when she saw that her mother wasn't on the couch anymore. She walked over to the window and saw that her mother's car was gone too. Bay was hoping that she didn't leave because she had said something to offend her. She knew that her mother was having a hard time after the divorce, and she didn't want to make it harder.

"I can't believe that we slept till 10. It's crazy." Wes smiled, as he joined his wife in the living room.

"Wes, do you think I said something to upset my mother last night?" Bay questioned, as her husband walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I don't know. I fell asleep pretty much as soon as I joined you two out here. But I'm sure you didn't say anything to her." Wes spoke.

"She did say that my Dad was asking about me... I told her that he could miss me all I want... Uh, I'm going to make you breakfast." Bay spoke.

"I will make my wife breakfast... which means we are going out for breakfast. Get changed and we can leave in 20 minutes." Wes smiled. Bay rolled her eyes before walking towards the bedroom. She gathered her stuff before heading into the bathroom and starting the shower.

She walked back into the bedroom and grabbed her phone before seeing if her mother had left her a message. Instead, Elliot had.

Bay opened the message and read it quietly before dialing her father's number. She hadn't talked to him since the day she moved out, and she didn't know why she was calling him now.

"Hello?" Elliot questioned.

"Hi, uh, it's me... Bay." Bay spoke.

"Did you miss dial my number?" Elliot questioned, his shock very evident in his voice.

"No... I read your message so I decided to call you back."

"Oh. I just wanted to wish you luck last night since I know you tend to stumble a bit in heels..." Elliot trailed off awkwardly.

"I actually wore high tops. Uh, how are you doing?" Bay questioned.

"I'm doing okay. I miss you and your mother..." Elliot trailed off.

"She misses you too. But I don't think she wants to get back together with you." Bay admitted.

"I did some nasty things to you and her. Especially you. Bay, please forgive me. Please." Elliot begged.

"I'm going to college to become a nurse. I might become a nurse then go for medical school. I kinda want to become a doctor." Bay spoke.

"That's great, kid... I'm really proud of you." Elliot breathed. He was surprised that Bay was actually going to college. That she hadn't dropped out when he was being very discouraging.

"Wes is taking me out to breakfast. So I have to go. Have a good day." Bay breathed.

"Can we talk again?" Elliot questioned.

"Depends," Bay replied.

"Depends on what?" Elliot questioned.

"Depends if you are actually proud of me, or still thinking that I'm worth nothing. So just think about that and get back to me."


It was a few weeks before Elliot got back to Bay. Bay was leaving one of her first classes and heading to her car to head home for dinner when Elliot called her name. Bay turned to look at him and her eyes grew wide.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked, and Elliot swallowed hard before speaking.

"I'm actually proud of you. I've been going to therapy and I've been taking medicine to help get my emotions in order... I want to be in your life again. I want to be able to be around when you start a family of your own."

"But will my kids be imperfect too?" Bay questioned.

"You aren't imperfect! I love you for exactly how you are! I was just so stupid! I get too protective, and I was trying to protect her mother against her own daughter!" Elliot exclaimed.

"Yeah, you were stupid." Bay huffed.

"I was..." Elliot trailed off into a laugh. He ran his hand over the back of his neck before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a box.

"This is for you... it's from my mom. She gave it to me and said that I needed to give this to my first daughter that got married. So here you go."

"Maureen should get this," Bay spoke, without reaching out to get the box.

"I called her and asked her if I could give it to you. She said that you were the first daughter to get married so it was yours." Elliot replied. Bay reached out and took it hesitantly.

"I don't even know her, Dad. I guess I thought you didn't want me to know her and for her to know me..." Bay trailed off.

"It's a family cross necklace. My mother wore, her mother wore it, and it goes on from there. You can pass it on to your daughter when the time comes... so I love you and I'll be waiting for you to respond to me." Elliot spoke, before turning and leaving.

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