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Bay stared at the door with her mouth wide open. She was shocked when her father slammed the door in her face without even saying a thing to her. She was hoping that maybe her mother would've come to the door because then she might've had a chance to have an actual conversation with her.

Bay reached out and knocked on the door. She knocked, and knocked, and knocked. But no one answered. Bay knew Olivia had to be here because both cars were in the driveway, but she didn't come to answer the door. She didn't come down and tell Bay that she loved her and wanted her to come back home, but Bay was feeling like her parents were never going to want her to come home.

"Bay?" Loren called from where she still sat in the car. Bay turned around and walked down the path before looking through the window.

"Uh, I don't think they want me to stay here tonight... or ever... can I stay the night with you and Ryan again? Eventually, I'll get out and find a place or something." Bay whispered. She knew that Loren and Ryan would probably not want her staying with them for long, because they had a perfect and completely untainted baby on the way.

"You can stay with us as long as you need to, okay?"

"A week at the most. I'll come back here and get my wallet and phone and stuff. Then I can get out of your apartment..." She frowned.

"Hop in, Bay. Let's go back to the apartment." Loren spoke, a small frown on her lips. She hated that now, all of a sudden, Elliot and Olivia didn't seem to want their daughter.


"Who was that?" Olivia asked as she walked down the stairs. Elliot sighed as he turned to look at his wife.

"A religious group. They wanted us to join their church, but I told them that we are already Catholic." Elliot replied as he walked towards her. They kissed a few times before he headed upstairs to get changed to head to the gym.

"You didn't say a thing, Elliot. Who really was it?" Olivia breathed.

"Bay." Elliot breathed.

"And you didn't come and get me?!" Olivia cried.

"Because I didn't want to make you upset!" He exclaimed.

"And you think that I'm not upset right now? That was our daughter that you just pushed away even more!"

"Sluts aren't welcome here, Olivia. She's a slut just like Loren."

"How dare you, Elliot Stabler?! Don't you dare call our daughter a slut!"

"She slept with Wes! She's only 17 and she is already sleeping around!"

"They are in love, Elliot! What if Kathleen, Maureen, or Lizzie had sex with their boyfriend? Would they still be a slut?!" She spat.

"They weren't raped! They weren't almost killed on the second day of school! They weren't abandoned by their mother! They aren't Bay!"


"This isn't the same, Olivia. They all are different kids! Bay doesn't need to get pregnant when she still has to use that damn cane to walk around!"

"She needs it because she is still hurt, but that doesn't mean she is incapable to think. She knew what she was doing. She knew that she loved Wes and that she wanted to give herself to him. It's a very special thing, Elliot. Especially because that means that Bay trusts him. She is working through her trust issues, but all you can see is that she had sex." Olivia spat, before slapping her husband. 

Elliot not only was angry at his daughter but also his wife now.

"Fuck off, Olivia. Fuck the hell off."


Bay stood in Loren's kitchen and helped her wash the dishes from breakfast. Bay hadn't said anything since they left Olivia and Elliot's house, and she didn't plan on anything soon. Loren tried to get her to talk, but she was just so upset and tired of what was happening, that Bay didn't even have the energy to talk.

"Ryan and I were wondering if you had any ideas for a name for your brother?" Loren asked, but Bay didn't even look at her.

"We were thinking maybe Ben or Brandon." Loren smiled, as she looked over at Bay.

"Maybe-" Loren started, but then someone knocked on the apartment door. Loren kissed Bay's temple gently as she walked out of the kitchen, a hand towel held between her hands.

Loren opened the door and smiled softly.

"She's in the kitchen." Loren breathed.

"Is she okay?" Olivia breathed, and Loren shook her head.

"No. Not really. She thinks you guys don't want her to stay with you guys ever again." Loren whispered.

"Elliot is just a jackass," Olivia whispered back.

"He just shut the door on her. He didn't even say a thing to her." Loren whispered.

"Is it okay if I have some privacy with Bay? I don't want to kick you out of you-"

"It's okay, Olivia. I have to go get some groceries anyway, so you can have the apartment." Loren smiled softly. Olivia hugged the younger woman, which shocked Loren. But it showed that Olivia was thankful that Bay was here with Loren, and not just on the street.

Loren grabbed her purse from the hook by the door, before she walked out. Olivia walked around a bit before finding Bay in the kitchen.

"So, I heard you came home this morning. Did you have something you wanted to say?" Olivia asked as she leaned against the wall. Bay turned around quickly as tears welled in her eyes.

"Do you still want me? I called you so many times last night, and Loren called you last night and I came over this morning but you didn't even come to the door! I'm sorry for sleeping with Wes, but I-"

"You love him. We never really asked if you were ready or were going to be ready to take a big step in your relationship with Wes, and it was kinda scary. We still want you, but your Dad is still pissed off." Olivia replied. Bay nodded slowly as she wiped tears from her cheeks.

"Wes and I aren't seeing each other anymore. Maureen is disappointed in me. Dad hates me, and I'm assuming you do deep down too."

"I don't. I'm upset with how it all went down, but I could never hate you. That's how I'm different from your father. And until your father and I are done fighting, you and I are going to stay at a hotel."

"You two just got married and now you are fighting!?" Bay cried.

"It's not your fault, it's his right now. We weren't fighting about you until he said something that I hope he regrets saying."

"I need to say goodbye to Loren, and I want to spend time with her... and my baby brother," Bay spoke.

"Well I'll help you finish those dishes then when she gets back you can say what you need too."

"Thanks, Mom... thanks for still wanting me."

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