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The reception was everything Olivia and Elliot wanted. The wedding was a bigger affair than Bay thought it would be, but for some reason having more people there let her melt into the crowd. No one asked why she had a cane, or even who she was. They just ignored her, which helped with the anxiety of being in a crowd.

"See, you are a very pretty girl." Wes smiled, as he sat down beside Bay once he found her. She was sitting in a darker corner of the hall.

"Thanks, and so are you." She smirked. Wes leaned over and kissed her a few times, before wrapping his arm around her waist and drawing her close.

"So, what did your parents say?" Wes asked.

"We made up. And even if I'm still upset, I think I'm going to be good. I think that I'm also going to kiss you every day for the rest of my life to thank you." She breathed, as her cheeks grew red and hot. That was her way of kinda saying she loved him and that she wanted to be with him. Wes knew that, but he didn't say anything back. He just held her a bit closer and kissed her dark locks gently.


After Olivia and Elliot finally came in, food was served and people just started to visit. Olivia, Elliot, and all the kids sat together at a large table in the front. Wes sat with the crew so he'd be close enough to Bay to still bother her.

About an hour after dinner, the dancing started. Olivia and Elliot shared their first dance and then everyone else joined them. Well, almost everyone.

"What are you doing up here, Bay?" Amanda asked. She sat beside Bay and gave the girl a gentle smile.

"I'm watching everyone else dance. And why aren't you down there?" Bay responded.

"Hey, don't hate me for asking you a question your mother told me to ask you." She grinned.

"I can't dance. I have to use my cane to walk, and the only guy I want to dance with is out there dancing with Lizzie." Bay frowned. She looked out to see Wes dancing happily, his steps a little shaky but he could care less. 

"He's only dancing with her because you aren't out there with him. There will be a slow song soon. Go out there and get your boy." Amanda spoke, before standing and walking away before Bay could say a thing.


Bay waited until a slow song started, and while Wes was walking back to his seat, Bay wrapped her arm around Wes' and she pulled him towards the dance floor.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"We are dancing." She whispered.

"Do you really want to dance? You said you don't know how to and your arm and leg aren't up to dancing." Wes spoke.

"But I know you want me to. I know that we need to dance together." Bay breathed. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he placed his hands to her hips and drew her close. He kissed her lips gently before they started to sway to the slow song.

It was only a few seconds before the whole room faded away. It was just Wes and Bay together on the dance floor.

"Bay, I love you. I know it's been a weird couple of months to a year, but I do love you. You make me happy." Wes spoke, as Bay pushed some hair behind her ear, before putting her arm back.

"I love you too." She whispered, before leaning in and kissing him gently. Bay rested her head in the crook of his neck as he ran his hands over her back.

"Can we actually date? Or should we just continue being this two awkward teenagers that makeout occasionally?" Wes teased.

"You can no longer call me just girl, you will call me girlfriend because that is what I am to you." Bay laughed. She leaned back a bit and kissed his jaw gently.

They were still so lost in each other, that they didn't realize that the song had changed to a much louder and fast pace song. They just continued to sway together and talked quietly while everything became much faster around them.


The Stabler kids went back home that night, while Olivia and Elliot got on a plane to the surprise location of their honeymoon. Elliot had planned it as a surprise for Olivia, but all the kids knew it was probably Paris.

The kids all took turns showering, and when the bathrooms were occupied, the others were cleaning up the mess that was left there before the wedding.

"Do we get the dresses and tuxes dry cleaned or do we just put them away?" Bay asked, as she stood and stared at the clothes on the rack. Lizzie came up and stood beside her and shrugged.

"Liv and Dad didn't tell us really what to do. But maybe we should see what it would cost to get them dry cleaned. There will probably be a wedding eventually where we may be able to reuse them." Lizzie spoke. Bay nodded before looking over at her.

"Who?" She questioned.

"I don't know. Someone. Eventually." Lizzie replied. She started up the stairs, but then Bay started to speak.

"Do you like Wes?" Bay breathed. Lizzie turned around and shook her head.

"No, I don't. Like I like him. He's a great guy. And he loves you. But I don't like him in the way that would lead to me stealing him from you." Lizzie replied. Bay let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Liz. I just got nervous because I didn't want to hurt you. I can't lose my sister over a guy. It's stupid."

"No, he's yours. He loves you and I think you love him." Lizzie smiled.

"I do. I told him that tonight." Bay spoke, as she blushed a bit.

"Finally. Now, let's go to bed. We can deal with the rest of this tomorrow. And by the way, dancing with Wes was just to make him look like less of a lost puppy because you were a mean girl and refused to dance with him."

"But then I danced with him for an hour." Bay smiled.

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The Unwanted Daughter [An SVU and Bensler Fan Fic]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن