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Bay had never been in labor before, so feeling the first contraction scared her to death. She was all alone and she didn't know if she should call someone or just deal with it at home. She bit her lip as she sat on the edge of her bed and felt her stomach tighten again nearly 10 minutes after the first contraction.

"Shit." She whispered, as she grabbed fist fulls of the comforter on her bed and squeezed it tightly as she tried to stay as calm as possible. She tried her hardest to stay calm, but then she started to get anxious. She started to think about the bad things that could happen if Ivy was born without any help. 

Bay slowly stood and walked over to the dresser and grabbed her phone before seeing several missed calls from her siblings and her mother. Kathy even had sent her a few messages. Bay unlocked her phone before hitting her mother's number before slowly sitting back down on her bed.

"Bay! Honey, where did you go?!" Olivia exclaimed. Bay swallowed hard before speaking.

"I think that I'm in labor," Bay spoke.

"What? You aren't due for a few more weeks! Where are you? I'll come to get you." Olivia spoke quickly.

"I'm at home, but Mom... Wes left. I don't know if he'll answer my calls or anything." Bay whispered.

"I'll send Dickie to find him. You just pack a bag real quick and I'll be there soon. Okay? You will be fine. Ivy will be perfect." Olivia replied quietly.

"I'm scared." Bay whimpered.

"Oh, I know honey. But it isn't as scary as it seems. I'll be there if Wes isn't."


Wes was sitting in his truck outside of the mechanic shop that he and his brothers co-own. Wes' siblings were at the baby shower, so they weren't here to tell him to go home to be with his wife. He had been sitting there for a few hours before Dickie showed up.

"Hey, douchebag," Dickie spoke, as he quickly opened the driver's side door to Wes' truck. Wes turned to look at Dickie and sighed.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the shower or something?" Wes sighed.

"I was sent to find you."

"Why? Because I don't care if Bay needs me or wants me. She is a grown woman and can figure out this for herself." Wes sighed.

"Your wife is in labor. The last message I got from Liv was that Ivy is breech and they are trying to get her turned before she is born. So, are you gonna say that again about your wife or are you going to head to the hospital?" Dickie asked.

"If this is a joke, it's a sick one," Wes warned as his heart started to beat faster in his chest.

"Like I'd joke about my little sister being in pain trying to give birth to your kid." Dickie huffed. He walked away quickly and climbed into his car before quickly pulling away.

Wes stared ahead as he tried to digest the information that Dickie had just told him.

"My daughter is on her way into the world." Wes breathed, as a tear he didn't even know had welled in his eyes, slipped down his cheek. Wes quickly started his truck and headed to the hospital.


Bay laid on her hospital bed with a thin layer of sweat on her body. The doctor had just left after trying to turn Ivy around, but he couldn't get her turned so now he was going to reserve an OR for a c-section.

"Momma I feel like I'm going to get sick again." Bay whimpered. Olivia nodded before moving the small bag to Bay and she rubbed her back as she started to get sick. Olivia rubbed her daughter's back for several moments before Bay finally laid back again.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Don't apologize, Bay. Now, do you want to try and walk around? See if just by a miracle you can get Ivy flipped?" Olivia asked, and Bay shook her head.

"I just want to sleep forever." She whimpered. Olivia sank down beside her daughter and held her close as she cried quietly. The door to Bay's room opened slowly and Bay's older sisters walked in. 

"How are you doing honey?" Maureen asked as she looked at her little sister. She absolutely hated to see Bay in a hospital bed. She had hated hospitals ever since Bay almost got killed.

"Ivy is still being stubborn." Bay sniffled.

"Does it surprise you? She's your baby." Maureen smiled.

"Will one of you follow Ivy down to the NICU once she's here? I don't want her to be alone, and Mom is staying with me during the c-section." Bay questioned.

"If they let us, all three of us will join her... but isn't she doing good? Like her heartbeat and brain activity?" Kathleen asked as she grew worried. If something happened to Ivy, Bay would be destroyed.

"They said they'll take her there to just make sure she's good. And she's early... just please-" Bay didn't finish her statement before grabbing on tightly to her mother's hand. She squeezed it as she let out small whimpers.

"You got this, Bay. You are so strong." Lizzie breathed, as she quickly walked over to where her sister lay. They all stood beside Bay and talked quietly to her and encouraged her through her contraction until her body calmed for a moment.

"Can one of you go get my doctor?" Bay breathed, as she shifted uncomfortably.

"Of course. What do we tell him?" Lizzie asked.

"That I think my water just broke..."


When Wes got to the hospital, he didn't know where Bay was. He went to the room that Dickie had texted him the place where it was, but his wife wasn't in there. Wes quickly ran from the room and straight to the nurses' station.

"Uh, I need to know where my wife is... Bay Williams. Please tell me where she is." Wes cried. The nurse stood and walked around the desk before grabbing his arm and leading him towards where the elevator to the OR is.

"Mr. Williams, your wife's water broke. But when that happened, your daughter hadn't turned yet. So her doctor took her down to the OR and is performing a c-section. I need you to get into some scrubs and we can take you in."

"My wife wants me in there?" Wes asked, and the nurse stopped and looked at him.

"Why wouldn't she? Even if though your daughter is coming into the world via c-section, it's still an amazing thing." She replied.

"I was such an ass to her. I didn't even go to the baby shower!" Wes cried, and the nurse stopped and gently grabbed his hand. She squeezed it before smiling softly at him.

"No matter what has happened, now it's the time to put everything aside to be there for your wife. For your daughter. Now, take a deep breath and wipe away those tears. You are getting a baby girl any second now."

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