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It was quicker for them to drive to the hospital, instead of waiting for an ambulance to show up at a random alley. Olivia held the baby to her chest and rubbed her small back to try and get her breathing stronger and body temp to rise.

"Do you want my t-shirt? I have a tank top on underneath it." Bay spoke, from where she sat in the back of her father's car.

"No, it's okay. We are almost there." Olivia replied. She glanced over at Elliot and saw how angry he looked. She knew that he wasn't angry at her or Bay, but angry at the girl who just threw her child away.

"Come on, just let us out here, Dad! We need to get the baby help!" 


Bay sat in the waiting room with her father, while Olivia stayed with the baby. They were completely quiet, and both of their minds were full. 

"Are you two the ones that found the baby?" A uniformed officer questioned, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah. My partner, Olivia, was also there. She went with the baby."

"Okay, so may we ask you some questions?" He asked, and Elliot nodded.

"My daughter knows more about this baby thing more than I do. But you have my permission to ask her questions." Elliot spoke, as he gently touched Bay's back.

"Alright, so how did you find the baby?"

"I searched for her..."

"Are you the baby's mother? Did you just change your mind?" He mused, and Bay quickly shook her head.

"No, I'm not. I was at a group home, and my bunkmate went missing... I talked to some people and found her. She told me that she wasn't pregnant anymore, that she had the baby and got rid of it. She tossed it away in an alley, but she wouldn't tell me which one. So I just started to search. I couldn't let the baby die."

"We need to know her name." 

Bay swallowed hard and looked over at Elliot. He gave her a small nod, but it didn't help. All she wanted to do was make sure the baby got help, she didn't really want to turn in Carol.

"Will she get in trouble?" Bay whispered.

"She abandoned her child in an alley. She could've dropped her off at a fire station, or a church. But she picked a dark, cold, dirty alley."

"How long?"

"It really just depends if the baby dies or not." He replied as tears welled in Bay's eyes.

"Her name is Carol. I don't know her last name... She lives at the Elizabeth Group Home for at-risk children."

"Okay, we will go talk to them."


Elliot and Olivia drove Bay back to Olivia's apartment. Bay had fallen asleep in the back seat, her head against the window. They were going to stay in Elizabeth so they could keep updated on the baby's condition, but they were all too exhausted, and Bay needed to have clean clothes and she needed to sleep in a real bed.

"How can someone just throw their child away?" Elliot spat, as he drove towards what was now his home too since he can't face his family.

"Ask Bay's mother that." Olivia frowned softly.

"God, I just don't understand it. How can you not fall in love with what has been inside of you... but I'm just a man, I have no say, right?" Elliot asked, and Olivia sighed.

"You can wonder, Elliot. And we have to see if Bay knows anything more about the whole Carol situation." 

"Would you throw a baby away?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"I wouldn't, El. But I'm never going to have a baby. I help those that have been discarded like trash..."

"She was raped." Bay yawned from the backseat. Elliot quickly pulled over and parked the car, before turning around to look at his daughter.

"She was raped?" He questioned, and Bay nodded.

"That's why she did what she did. Wouldn't you be scared of what would happen if you were in her place? Liv, wouldn't you?" Bay asked, and Liv nodded.

"I would, but I wouldn't do what she did. If only she could've gotten help before it led to this."

"Why were you guys in Elizabeth anyway?" Bay asked, and Elliot and Olivia sighed in unison.

"We were looking for you."

"For me? Why? I left because I was fucking everything up."

"Because we love you." They said in unison, which surprised all three of them.

"Are you two like a thing?" Bay asked, and Olivia blushed as she turned around.

"I'm not living at home anymore because of the kids and Kathy... it's something, but we aren't an item."


The first thing Bay did when she got back to Olivia's apartment, was shower. She hated the showers at the home because it was like a prison shower. When she walked out, Elliot and Olivia were sitting on the couch, and they looked like they wanted to talk. She realized that when something was wrong, they always seemed to talk when she just wanted to keep quiet and bottle everything up.

"Want to know why I left, right? Why I called Eric and asked him to place me in a group home?" Bay spoke, as she tied her hair back, and continued to look at the only two people who care about her."

"Yeah. That's exactly what we want to know..."

"Well, Kathleen came by and told me to leave. She told me that she and the rest of my half siblings had made a plan to just let me fuck everything up myself. She was really angry and said some other mean things to me. It was just too much. I'm sorry for what I did, and if you chose to punish me, I understand. I can help around here and figure out how I can repay you for everything I've done to you."

"Bay, we just want you to stay here and be happy. We want to raise you... together. You are my daughter, and Liv loves you like a daughter. We can both be here for you, and we are both so proud of you for not just pushing away what Carol said about the baby, and how you went to find her."


"Don't say you were just doing what you had to. You are an amazing young woman, and thanks to you, that baby is alive." Olivia spoke before she stood and walked to Bay. She hugged her warmly, and then Elliot wrapped his arms around both of them.

They were all misfits, but they all just fit together perfectly to make a family. Elliot may have other kids, and a wife, but he doesn't feel like he can be with Kathy anymore because of the way she treated his daughter. He can't kick his kids out of his life, but he can figure that out. Olivia has never really had a family, but now she has one. And Bay... Bay has two people who love her, and who she loves. This is the nuclear family she has always dreamed of. It isn't perfect, but it's perfect in her eyes.

So no updates will be taking place on Wednesday or until later on Thursday.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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