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It was like the first time she ran away from home. Bay walked and walked. Her legs were killing her, and it started to rain. The rain was cold and make Bay's teeth chatter. Bay walked as her shoes filled up with rain and she looked for a place to hide out until the rain went away.

She ended up in the outskirts of Manhattan, and she found another doorway to sit in as she waited. It grew dark and thunder and lightning started. Bay had been scared of storms in the past, and being out in one was scarier than being inside during one.

She pulled her legs to her chest to try and stay warm. She kept shivering, and she was just hoping and praying that the storm would end soon so she could keep walking and find a place to stay.

Bay gave up on waiting for the rain to stop completely, so she got up and walked out when it slowed down a bit. She continued to walk and planned on walking until either she isn't angry anymore, or she sees someone she knows.


"Loren, uh, it's Bay." Bay breathed as she finally got someone to let her borrow their phone.

"Bay? Uh, haven't talked to you in a while." Loren replied.

"I know, and I was wondering if you are still in New York? If you are, can you come to get me?"

"Where are you, Bay?" Loren replied.

"Outside of the Indian Grocery store a little bit past my parents' precinct," Bay replied.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes." She spoke. Bay handed the phone back to the woman and smiled.


"Yeah, uh, of course."

Bay walked to the wall of the building and leaned against it and just waited for the woman she planned on never talking to again to show up.


Loren got Bay back to her apartment and gave her some clothes to change into. Bay ran her fingers through her hair to get the tangles out, as Loren came and sat beside her.

"So, why'd you run away from your parents?" She asked.

"Because they walked in on me having sex with my boyfriend. My father got really angry and he started to say things and he actually tossed my boyfriend from the house and my boyfriend lost his legs below the knee so he isn't as stable and can't catch himself as easily." Bay frowned.

"Did they know you have a boyfriend?" Loren asked, as she took a towel and cleaned off Bay's cane for her.

"Yeah, I met him while I was doing physical therapy. They like him but not anymore because I said I was ready to have sex with him." Bay frowned. Loren shook her head a bit as she leaned back. Bay noticed that her shirt clung to a bump and Bay bit her lip.

"I didn't know you were pregnant," Bay whispered.

"Yeah... I'm dating this really nice guy and we decided we wanted to have a baby."

"Well, I'm assuming he doesn't know about me so I'm going to get going," Bay spoke. She took her cane in hand and pushed herself up. Loren grabbed her free hand gently in hers before sighing.

"He knows about you. He's been trying to convince me to see you, but I kept telling him that you wanted nothing to do with me."

"He does?" Bay asked as she sank back down.

"Yeah. We want you to be apart of the baby's life if you want that too. There is just so much happening in your life and now in mine, that I didn't know if you wanted anything to do with me and I'm still wondering that."

"Do you know what it is yet?" Bay asked.

"A boy. We haven't come up with a name yet, but we are thinking about something that starts with a B. Just like his big sister." Loren smiled. Bay quickly leaned over and hugged Loren tightly.

"I'm going to be a good big sister to him, and I want to be around you all more," Bay spoke. She was hoping that Loren might be able to understand her more than her parents were currently.

"I need you to call your parents, okay? Tell them that you are safe and that you are staying here with me for a bit."


"No, Bay. You need to."


Bay sat on the edge of Loren's bed and sighed as she waited for Olivia to pick up the phone. She waited and waited, but Olivia didn't pick up. Bay tried calling Elliot's number too, but he didn't answer either.

Bay walked out and handed the phone back to Loren.

"They didn't pick up, so I'm assuming they aren't looking for me. They are probably just thankful I'm not at home anymore." Bay sighed. She ran her hand over her hip before sinking down onto the couch and groaning a bit. She wasn't on as much pain medication anymore, but when she walks as much as she did today, she needed something a little stronger to take the edge off.

"Are you okay?" Loren asked, and Bay nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't walked this much in a while." Bay sighed.

"Do you have a hard time doing a lot lately?" Loren asked.

"Yeah. I'm still not fully healed. My body still acts up." Bay sighed. She looked over at her biological mother and sighed.

"What happened to the boy who did this to you?" Loren asked.

"He was put on suicide watch after trying to kill himself. He tried to kill me, and he tried to take the coward's way out." Bay sighed.

"How many years in prison?"

"Right now he is going to be in there for 45 years. They had to add to the fact that he had bullied me the first day I was at the school and how he tried to kill me in the alley but I managed to get away and make it to my mother's car." Bay sighed.

"That's a really long time." She breathed.

"Yeah, but I'm still not recovered. I'll never be recovered. This cane is my best friend." Bay sighed.

"Try calling your parents again. If they don't pick up, I'll make you some dinner and we can wait for Ryan to get home. I texted him and I think he's just a tiny bit excited to meet you." Loren smiled gently.

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