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Bay and Wes spent a lot of time outside while on their honeymoon. Bay was so thankful that she didn't have to use her cane all day anymore because then she could do more. They went swimming and hiking, and Wes finally got his way and they spent a few hours inside together. Alone.

Towards the end of their week at the lodge, Bay settled on the dock and called her mother to check in. Wes was sleeping in late, so she had time to do what she wanted.

"Detective Benson, Manhattan SVU." Olivia's voice spoke, and Bay's eyes lit up as she started to smile.

"Hmm, the last time I talked to my mom, she was just Olivia Benson, Mom to Noelle and Bay," Bay spoke, and Olivia laughed.

"I know! It's weird!" Olivia exclaimed.

"So, do you like it?" Bay asked, and Olivia sighed softly before speaking.

"I love it. I love being a mother and spending time at home with Noelle, but I also love working here. I get to help people again." Olivia spoke. Bay could hear how happy her mother was, and it made her feel better. Like that her mother wasn't suffering because she was no longer with Elliot.

"Mom, I'm so happy for you. And now you have something else to do instead of just being a mother."

"I'm more than that now. I feel like your father wanted me to just stay at home. To take care of the kids. And I eventually did. You got hurt and I had to be with you. I didn't work for so long because I was too busy focusing on trying to get you to wake up. Now... now I'm more than I was before."

"Mom, I love you." Bay breathed.

"Oh, and I love you so fucking much." Olivia laughed.

"Why are you laughing? Your love for me better not be a joke!" Bay exclaimed, but she was still smiling. She loved that her mother was laughing and joking around. It made her feel like her mother would be good.

"I love you so freaking much that it hurts, Bay. Is that good enough for you?" Olivia huffed, but then both of them started to laugh.

"I'm going to be good, kid." Olivia breathed, once they had both calmed down.

"I'm glad. I don't want you to be suffering even when the divorce is final."

"I don't think that I'll ever date again, but I'm happy being what I am right now. A mother. A detective. Maybe a grandmother eventually?" Olivia spoke, and Bay sighed.

"Not until I'm out of nursing school. We'll be 22 and we are just gonna let it happen. We may have kids right away or not... or we might adopt or foster."

"Either way, I'll be happy."


One Year Later

Olivia was happy. A little over a year after getting a divorce she didn't think that she'd be as happy as she is. She had sold the house that she and Elliot had bought together and she and Noelle moved into a smaller house. It was right between Bay and Wes' house, which they bought shortly before Olivia moved, and Kathy's house. It still had a yard for her daughter to run around in, and plenty of space for the kids to all come over and hang out.

She was still working hard at work, but with a new title: Sergeant.

Cragen and Munch were getting older and needed someone to take over for them, and they both picked Olivia. 

"Look, there's Momma." Bay cooed, as she carried Noelle towards where their mother was unpacking her items into her new office.

"Momma!" Noelle exclaimed, as she quickly pointed at their mother. Bay nodded before kissing her sister's cheek.

Noelle continued to squeal 'Momma' over and over again until Olivia looked over at them before opening the door quickly.

"Hey, girls!" Olivia smiled, before taking her baby into her arms and holding her tightly. Noelle loved the tight hugs that her mother gave, and she hugged her back as tightly as her tiny arms could.

"Noelle insisted on visiting you. I couldn't say no. Look at that sweet little face." Bay smiled, as Olivia reached an arm out to her. Bay joined in on the hug before they parted and Noelle was sat on her feet. The little girl knew where the toys were, and she went running towards the kids' interview room as her mother and sister followed.

"Thank you for bringing her. I really needed to see my kids today." Olivia spoke, as she wrapped her arm around Bay's shoulders.

"Getting a little overwhelmed?" Bay asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, I am really overwhelmed. Like, I'm the boss now. You should know that the crew is kinda trouble. It's like I have more kids than I actually do." Olivia replied, before laughing softly.

"You will do a great job, Mom. I know you will. And I can balance school and help out with Noelle. And Wes... my god... my husband loves spending time with Noelle. I don't know how many times he has sat down and played with dolls and play-doh for hours on end." Bay smiled.

"I just don't want to have to rely on you too much. Your siblings and you deserve to have your own lives. If I have you watch her it will be when I can't get a sitter." Olivia spoke, as she and Bay sat down at the table as Noelle settled down on the rug and started to play with a stuffed animal.

"What about Dad?" Bay asked, and Olivia frowned.

"What he did was something that I'm having a hard time forgiving. Trust me." Olivia breathed.

She thought back to when she picked Noelle up and Elliot had two very underdressed and barely of age girls in his apartment. She knew that he had the right to do what he wants, but not when he has their daughter in the apartment. 

"He was dealing with the divorce his way, you dealt with it in a healthier way," Bay spoke, and Olivia frowned.

"You should head home to your husband," Olivia spoke.

"But he's so annoying and needy. He keeps complaining about having his hair cut." Bay spoke and her mother laughing.

"Then he shouldn't have fallen asleep while chewing gum. It's his fault." Olivia smiled.

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