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Eric came and picked up Bay about 15 minutes after she had called him. She knew that to make sure everyone had a chance at happiness, minus herself, she had to leave. 

It was too much for Olivia to have her around, because if Bay was around then Elliot was going to be around too.

For Elliot, having Bay in his life was more drama than anyone had thought, and to make sure she didn't hurt her father again, she needed to just leave.

For her stepmother and half-siblings, she was just some bastard child that ruined absolutely everything.

Bay just thought that everything would be better off if she wasn't apart of the lives her, and maybe she may be able to be happy. She could look into just getting her GED, and maybe getting a job to put herself through nursing school, something she's always wanted.

"Are you sure they don't want you anymore?" Eric asked, and Bay nodded from where she sat in the same dirty sedan she had been dropped off in.

"Yeah, I'm just causing trouble. I'd be better off going to a home."

"I'm really sorry kid, I really thought that this would be the best place for you, but I guess I was wrong." Eric frowned, and Bay nodded as she looked out the window.

"I kinda thought so too."


Olivia carried in a bag of Chinese food into the apartment and called Bay's name.

"Bay, you have to eat!" Olivia yelled, but no sound came back. She took her jacket off and sat it on the counter, before heading towards Bay's room. She opened the door and sighed.

"Haven't you slept enough?" Olivia questioned, but then she didn't know what to do when she saw that Bay's room was empty, and everything that she had bought her was folded neatly on the bed.

"Bay?!" Olivia yelled, as she quickly searched her whole apartment, but she never did find Elliot's daughter.

She didn't know if Elliot had her, so she grabbed her phone and dialed Elliot's number.

"Hey, do we have a case?" Elliot sighed, and she could hear the sound of traffic on his side of the call.

"Do you have Bay?" Olivia asked, and Elliot's stomach dropped just from the question.

"No, is she not at your place?" Elliot asked.

"No. I came home with dinner, and she isn't here. All of her stuff is here, but she isn't." Olivia breathed, and Elliot started to feel tears well in his eyes.

"Do you think she ran?" Elliot whimpered.

"I have no idea, El. Can you just come over here? We need to find her, but I have no idea how too."

"Okay, yeah. I'll turn around. See if her original clothes and diary are there."


Everything that had been given to Bay was still at Olivia's apartment. Only the things that she had come with were gone, and neither Elliot or Olivia knew if she ran or if she had just gone out for a bit. Bay didn't have a phone so there was no way they could call her. They were tempted on calling her caseworker, but they didn't want to admit to losing her, well Elliot didn't want to.

"Do you think she went out to your place?" Olivia asked as she and Elliot ate. Both of them were hungry and knew that they wouldn't be thinking right without getting something into their systems.

"Liv, my family hates her. She didn't go out there." Elliot frowned. He grabbed his water and drank from it, before looking at his partner.

"Did I say something? Or did you say something?" Elliot asked. 

Their minds both went to conversations that they've had with Bay, and with each other. Bay is such a sensitive girl, and even if she tries to hide it, she gets hurt by what's happening. She knows that she isn't wanted, so when someone actually says it to her face, it just makes it worse.

"I was a little harsh to her last night." Olivia frowned.

"How so?" Elliot mused.

"I just was short with her. She was talking about you, like asking if you changed your mind about wanting her, and I just asked her to stop... I just couldn't deal with what was happening with her, after what happened between us yesterday."

"I'll address what happened to us at a later time, okay? I just think we need to find Bay. I'm going to call Eric."

"Elliot, what if he doesn't know where she is? What if she's like really gone?"

"Then I'll find her. I don't care where she is, she's my daughter and I'll find her."


Bay laid in the middle of a large storehouse like place. She was on a small lumpy cot and was surrounded by about 100 other kids. Her diary was taken and locked up, and since she didn't have anything else, she didn't have to worry about getting anything stolen. She had been in a group home like this before. It's pretty much prison, but they got to do whatever they wanted after chores, so she'd probably be out on the streets for a few hours before curfew.

Each person had to earn their items back. They had to do chores, and depending if they can prove if they are responsible enough, they get what they brought in, back.

She knew that she'd get lost here, and that's why she wanted to be here. She wanted to be a nobody so that when someone asks if she still had a family, or if anyone came around to find her, she wouldn't be herself anymore. She'd be a complete nobody, and hopefully, no one would recognize her in this room full of other people.


"Bay?" Eric asked as Olivia and Elliot sat in his office the day after Bay left. They couldn't get ahold of him the night before, and they just sat up all night hoping and praying that Bay would come back. Olivia was more concerned for her than her half-siblings or stepmother even were.

"Yeah, do you know where she is?" Elliot asked.

"She said you didn't want her anymore, so I placed her in a group home."

"I never told her that. She was staying with Olivia until we could get her a room. Which group home?" Elliot asked, and Eric swallowed hard.

"I don't remember. She's not my problem anymore. They have her file because now she is considered a lost cause. We don't work those anymore." Eric frowned.

Elliot started to feel anger bubble up inside of him. Bay is wanted by him, even if she didn't come into his life at an opportune time. He'd find her, even if that meant he had to search every group house in New York.

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