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Bay fell asleep in Olivia's desk chair. Fin had walked by and covered her up with his jacket, and they shut a few of the lights off so she could sleep easier. While she was sleeping, Olivia and Elliot were talking to Loren and trying to figure out what happened in that hotel room. They also wanted to discuss if she wanted to have a relationship with Bay at all.

"Tell us about your night," Olivia spoke, as she leaned against the wall where Bay had leaned on when she came in to talk to Loren.

"I was working my usual street, and this man pulled up beside me and told me to get in. We discussed my pricing, but when we got to the hotel, I got this really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. So I went into the bathroom and told the man that I just needed to clean up a bit."

"Then what did you do?" Elliot asked as he paced around the room.

"I called my pimp and told him that I was with a John, but he didn't seem all there. He told me that he'd come and deal with him if he thought I needed him to. So I told him to come over."

"What is your pimps name?" Olivia questioned.

"He'll kill me." Loren breathed, and Elliot decided to test something.

"What if we let you talk to Bay again?" He asked, and Olivia looked at him with angry wide eyes. He shrugged a bit because he knew that once she told them everything, she wouldn't be able to talk to Bay unless Bay wanted to talk to her again.

"His name is Ty. That is all he goes by."

"Did he shoot the John?"

"Yeah. They got into a fight in the hall, and both pulled out guns. Ty was shot and then they were shooting each other in the room. I was sitting in the bathroom, but since Ty ran, they arrested me. Prostitution and one count of murder. I'm going away for life." Loren frowned, before running her hands through her hair.

"Do you know where the place you stay is?"


"Give us the address, and we will go arrest Ty. Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"I just want to see Bay," Loren spoke.

"She's sleeping right now. When she wakes up we will tell her." Elliot spoke, before leaving the room quietly.


Elliot carried Bay into the cribs, and Olivia went in there and laid on one of the bunks and waited for Bay to wake up. She wanted to make sure her daughter had someone to talk to about this all.

"You know, I'm tired of this whole sleep thing relating to you." Bay yawned, as she sat up and ran her hands through her hair.

"I know. I'm watching you sleep, and I woke you up earlier. I'm sorry."

"What's wrong?" Bay sighed because she was nervous about what as going to come at her next.

"Loren wants to see you again."

"Well, she can fuck off."

"Bay, I know you don't want to talk to her because of how she gave you up. But just think about how you have your father and me now. We love you, and no matter what she does, we will always love you and always be here for you."

"Why does she want to see me? I'm nothing special, clearly. If I was, she probably would've kept me."

"You are incredibly special. You are smart and car-"

"Mom, please," Bay begged.

"Okay, I'll just tell you how amazing you are tonight. Come on. You can eat some breakfast and then you can talk to Loren."


Bay ate slowly, and Olivia and Elliot watched her from a distance. They didn't know if they should force her to talk to Loren or what.

"It may give Bay the closure she needs to be happy."

"Babe, I know that you are thinking about what might be good about this all, but it is also bad." Olivia frowned. Elliot started this all. If something was going to happen to their kid, it was going to be on his shoulders. He was going to be the one who is known for allowing Bay to get hurt... again.

"Okay. Well, once she's done eating, we can both go in with her. She can talk to her and we can be there to support her."

"You guys know that you have voices that carry. I can hear what you are saying." Bay spoke, as Fin sat beside her and grabbed a piece of her toast that she wasn't going to eat.

"Yeah, we heard the whole conversation." He added.

"Great. Well, are you okay with us sitting in on it?" Olivia asked, as she walked over to them and wrapped her arms around Bay's shoulders before kissing the top of her head.

"I don't really know what I have left to say to her. It'll probably just be her pleading for me to forgive her."

"And will you?" Elliot asked his daughter.

"I don't know."


"Can I talk to you alone?" Loren asked as Bay walked into the holding cell she had been moved into. Olivia and Elliot stood outside of the cell, both of them standing with their arms crossed over their chests.

"I don't even know why you want to talk to me. I was nothing to you-"

"I love you, Bay. Every day since the day I gave you up I've been thinking about you. I've been thinking about how amazing you must be, how beautiful and smart. You don't know me, so you don't know what I felt about you."

"There is always a way."

"I couldn't keep you. I didn't want you to get hurt and used as a sex toy."

"I didn't get a family until this year. I've only been with them for about 4 months. I was beaten and hurt over and over again. Sometimes I'd almost be adopted, then they'd magically be able to have children, or they'd find a baby that was way better than me. Being with my mother would've saved me from that. And maybe... maybe you would've changed for me. Maybe you would've been the best person that I could've lived with."

Would you guys like a chapter that could explore what it would've been for Olivia, Elliot[Kathy and kids included], Bay and Loren? Like if Loren would've kept Bay?

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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