38: Over?

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I felt like I didn't know how to breathe as I walked off the stand and headed right to Ryker, his arms immediately wrapping around me, leading me out of the room without waiting for permission. The questioning took forever and at the end I was ready to freak out and yell but I kept my calm; thanks to those glances at Ryker.

It's over. Sure, I got shot at in a parking lot but it's over.

"It's over?" I asked Ryker as he stopped outside the courtroom looking at me. "Is this really over after five years Ry?"

A soft smile came over the man I loved as he nodded, "Yeah Amara, it's over. They got the last M8s from the parking lot now it's up to the jury. The verdict willbe guilty."

I rested my forehead against him as silent tears came down while I took a shuddering breath. Ryker's head resting on top of mine as he pulled me close to him as this sunk in. I have thought of this day a hundred times and never thought it would be here. I didn't have to live in the shadows anymore. My body melted against Ryker's soaking in his warmth and safety he gives. I felt his lips kiss the top of my head making me smile against my thoughts, I can think past tomorrow and live to be his Luna. I could plan my future with him now.

"Amara." I looked up to Esposito walking towards me making me unwrap from Ryker before sprinting to the man who was like an uncle to me and wrapped my arms around him. "It's over Kiddo."

I nodded against his chest, "may take a while for me to get used to that."

Stepping back from him we smiled at each other before he looked up at Ryker who pulled me against his chest, "Esposito, good to finally meet you in person."

Esposito nodded holding out his hand for Ryker to shake, "Aye I suppose it is. You and I will have to have a talk on a less than busy day. Think Amara has had enough to worry about than her boyfriend being in a cell tied to a lie detector test."

"Esposito!" I cried in protest, "there is no need for that. Ryker has perfectly honourable intentions and has proven himself to you keeping me alive."

"Hm, I am sure that Ryker, the Sergeant of Arms to the Riders of Silence is a perfectly honourable man. Just doing what your dad would do in my shoes. We will have that talk when I am in California once this mess is officially cleaned up. Talk about your work, life and where you live because my girl is not staying in those clubhouses of MCs."

I felt Ryker chuckle against me, "of course Detective and I will be a fully honourable man after I meet Amara's mother. Can't ask her to be officially mine without her blessing."

Esposito only sighed before looking at me, "A biker really kiddo?"

Smiling I nodded rubbing my hand on Ryker's arm that went around my waist, "you did say to get to know the Rider's and find out if I can trust them. Guess that just lead to me falling in love with one. Thanks for the advice Esposito."

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