Chapter 78

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Seth (POV)
Despite her crying as well, Wendy did her best to try and comfort me.
Wendy- I-I know you're sad b-big brother b-but we h-have to sta-stay strong.
I continued to weep until a sound of movement caught my ears.
Seth- What was that?
We both look to the source of the sound and we see a pile of ground getting bigger?
Wendy- What is that?
Suddenly, Natsu pops up from the pile.
Natsu- Is this a dream?
Wendy- Natsu...
Natsu- Woah bubbles? Where are we?
I get up and pull him out of the ground and into a hug.
Natsu- Woah Seth, you alright bro?
Seth- You fucking idiot. I thought you were gone with the others.
Natsu- Others? What happened to the others? Where's the guild?
Wendy- Wait so you don't have any idea about what happened.
Natsu- Not a clue.
Seth- (let's Natsu go) Unfortunately this is all that is left.
Natsu- Huh?!
Wendy- A giant hole opened in the sky. The guild hall, the town, and everyone else got sucked into it. Besides Seth, I haven't seen anyone. I'm afraid us three are the only one's who made it out alive.
Natsu- Uh Wendy, I think you may have a couple lose marbles in your head.
Seth- You fool! She's telling the truth!
Wendy- Do you think we were left behind because we're Dragon Slayers?
???- That's exactly why.
We turn around to see Carla and Mandy hovering before us.
Wendy- Carla! You're safe.
Mandy- Seth! Oh thank goodness you're alright.
Wendy- I thought I lost you Carla.
Carla- In fact you're lucky that you're a Dragon Slayer or else you'd suffer the same fate as the others. Not that I care. All that matters to me is that you're alive.
Seth- Well Damn bitch. That's fucked up.
Wendy- Carla...
Natsu- That's it! I can't take your attitude anymore! You're saying the others disappearing isn't important?! Wait that crazy story you told me was true?!
Seth- Uh Yeah. Earth to Natsu.
Natsu- Oh my god! Can anyone hear me?!
Carla- Save your breath. There's none one left to hear you. They've been taken by the Anima and therefore no longer exist.
Wendy- Anima?
Seth- Mystogan said something about that.
Carla- Yeah. That giant hole in the sky was actually the gateway to Edolas. The world on the other side.
Wendy- Edolas?
Seth- Like heaven?
Carla- No you dimwit!
Natsu- Would you just tell me where they went!!
Wendy- Calm down.
She holds Natsu back from getting into Carla's face.
Seth- Ok Carla, start talking. You clearly know more than the rest of us here. If we didn't get taken because we're Dragon Slayers, why are you and Wendy still here?
???- What happened Natsu?!
It was Happy.
Happy- Everything went poof! I'm freaking out!!
Natsu- Happy!
Wendy- I'm so glad you're ok.
Mandy- Good to see you ok happy.
Carla- The reason why I seem to be so informed about Edolas is because I'm from there.
NWS- As is the one's you call Happy and Mandy.
Seth- Bitch say wha?
Wendy- You can't be serious.
There's a silence as the realization sets in for all of us.
Seth- Mandy?
Carla- I'm sorry child but it's true. The tomcat, The gentlewoman, and I are to blame for this atrocity.
Seth-.........So this Edolas you speak of, what do you know?
Carla- It's a world separate independently fro the one we know. Unfortunately it's a world that's been losing it's magic.
Wendy- They're running out of magic there?
Natsu- How is that even possible.
Carla- Unlike here, in Edolas magic is a finite resource. Without limits on its use, it will one day disappear forever. In an attempt to restore their rapidly diminishing magic power reserves, the king of Edolas developed a spell that would absorb it from another world.
Seth- Case in point, here.
Carla- Precisely. It is a very powerful spell indeed. He called it Anima. That is what opened the hole in the sky.
She continues to explain that they set up portals along the borderline between worlds and that Mystogan was the one closing them. This one in particular was too large and they went after fairy tail because of our top class wizards.
Seth- So they see us as an energy source and decided take us without our say so? (Evil laughter) This King or whatever has done gone and fucked up now. When I get up there to see him, he's dead. I'll make him regret taking my friends, Master, and Erza.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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