Chapter 5

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Seth (POV)
We get off the train at Onibas station.
Grey- You think the eisenwald guys are still gonna becin this town?
Erza- I have no idea. That's what we're here to find out.
Lucy- I'm still thinking maybe I should go here.
Mandy- You can if you would like to. We won't get mad.
Happy- Hey where's Natsu?
We see the train had already taken off.
Seth- Oops. We did it again happy.
Happy- Yep. There he goes.
Erza- I was so busy talking, I forgot about him. I am such a fool. Natsu hates all forms of transportation. This is all my fault. Seth hit me.
Seth- Ok let's just stop it right there. You are taking this way to seriously. Just stop it. We go and find the emergency shut off and Erza pulls the lever.
Station operator- Hey lady you can't do that!
Erza- It's for our comrade. Please understand.
Station operator- Are you kidding me?
Seth- No.
Erza- Now, I would like you to take our luggage to the hotel.
Station operator- Do I look like a bellhop?
Seth- Kinda.
Erza chuckles at my bluntness.
Lucy- I'm starting to realize that all of the wizards in the fairy tail guild are just a little insane.
Seth- Oh you got that right.
Grey- Yeah well not all of us.
Mandy- Grey your clothes.
Grey- Oh crap!
We get a magic mobile and ride to the train. Erza is using her magic energy to power it while everyone else is inside and I sit on the roof. We come up next to the moving train and Natsu barges right out of a train window and hits me. The magic mobile screeches to a stop and both of us fall off the side. I grab my head in pain.
Seth- Damn it Natsu. You have a hard head.
Erza- Are you two alright?
We get up.
Natsu- How come you guys left me on the train?!
Erza- I'm just thankful you weren't badly injured. I apologize Natsu.
She brings him into a side hug and I cringe at the sound of his head hitting her armor.
Natsu-'s ok. I'm shaken up pretty bad. I got attacked by a weirdo on the train.
Lucy- Are you serious?
Natsu- I think it's the dude that dragged away the guys who were gonna eat happy. Said he was with eisenwald.
Erza slaps the mess out of Natsu.
Erza- You fool! That is exactly who we're chasing after on this mission. Why did you let him get away?!
Natsu- What the? This is the first I heard it.
Erza- I explained everything on the train. You should listen when people talk to you.
Seth- But Erza you forget that you knocked out Natsu so that he wouldn't suffer from his motion sickness.
Erza- You're right. I deeply apologize Natsu.
She pulls him into the exact same hug with the exact same cringe worthy sound. We hop on the magic mobile and prepare to leave.
Erza- So he was in the same train that we were on. Let's find him.
Grey- But what did he look like?
Natsu- He didn't look like somebody from a dark guild but he did have this skull thing. It had three eyes.
Seth- Lullaby!
The magic mobile takes off and I hang onto the roof for dear life.
Seth- Hey slow down Erza! You're using up too much of your power driving this thing. Let me drive. I have plenty of energy. Conserve yours.
Erza- No. I have no choice but to press onward. We're running out of time. If erigor gets his hands on the death magic, trust me when I say lives will be lost.
I hop off the roof and sit next to her and place my hand on her shoulder. Give begin transferring some of my energy to her.
Erza- No. What are you doing?
Seth- We're not catching up to the train if you keep going like this. I'm helping you and I'm not taking no for an answer.
Erza........thank you Seth.
I flash her a smile.
We continue riding until we stop at cliffs over Kunugi station. Apparently the eisenwald guild highjacked the train and continued on.
Lucy- I can understand cars and boats but why'd they hijack a train?
Happy- It doesn't seem like a very good choice for getaways since it can only follow the tracks it's on.
Erza- Yes that's true but they are quite fast.
Grey- Then I guess it's up to us to figure out where those eisenwald guys are going in such a big hurry and why.
Lucy- You're naked Grey!
Grey- Am I?
Seth- Yes. I can see you through the window.
Lucy- The military's already been called to action so it should only be a matter of time before someone catches them.
Erza- I hope that's the case Lucy.
Erza starts up the magic mobile and we head off.
We make it to the next city and we're speeding through streets and narrowly avoiding people.
Grey- Stop Erza. You're going way too fast. You're gonna overload the S.E Plug and tire Seth out.
Erza- There's no telling how many innocent people could die if Lullaby's song is played. I can't slow down! We have to stop eisenwald before it's too late!
Grey- But like Seth said, you're gonna use up all your magic and his along with it if you keep going at this rate. You'll be out before we even start fighting.
Erza- Well, then I guess I'll just have to rely on hand to hand combat. Besides, if Seth is still ok then I'll have him, you and Natsu as backup. We see smoke come from a big building up ahead.
Erza- What's that up ahead?
Seth- It's Oshibana Station.
We get to the building and push through the crowd. Erza steps up to one of the police.
Erza- What's going on?!
Police officer- Why would I tell you lady?
She headbutts the shit out him and he gets knocked out. She does this to another officer and many more.
Lucy- Seems like her questioning method is a little counterproductive.
Seth- That's Erza for ya.
Grey- Erza's got her own way of getting things done.
Seth- Your clothes again Grey.
Erza- The eisenwald guild is inside. Let's go.
Seth- All right! Here we go!
Author- And that concludes this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed the It and I'll see y'all in the next one. Piece.

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