Chapter 59

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Seth (POV)
I rush to Jellal with Erza. I get to Jellal first and grab him by his neck.
Seth- No way you're dying like this. That ain't an option for you. Erza said you have to face atonement. After you do so, then and only then will you be allowed to die when I'm the one who kills you.
His half lidded eyes just stare back at me and he doesn't say anything. Erza starts to cry and I start shaking him.
Erza- Damn it own your guilt and live!! Jellal!!!!
Her tears splatter in his face and he opens his eyes to his fullest.
Jellal- Erza, don't cry. There's no reason're a good person. And despite the hate you feel for me Seth, you're a good person as well.
He closes his eyes again.
Erza- (gasps) Jellal, you have to pull yourself together.
There's rattling sound and I turn around to see Brain.
Brain- What's the meaning of all this foolishness.
Cobra- He's back.
Erza wipes her eyes and looks at Brain too.
Brain- A magic circle of self destruction.
Cobra- This is Jellal's doing. We've gone through all this trouble to bring about Nirvana and this idiot is trying to destroy it.
Brain-....Spare the hysterics. I don't answer to the name Brain by chance. Do you know how I came to be called that?
Seth- I don't know. Maybe by sucking to much dick?

Zack/Hiryuu/Sora/Itsuki- Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Brain- Why you little brat! No that is not why! I once worked at the bureau of magical development. During my tenure there I produced hundreds of spells including those that bring destruction such as this one. (Walks closer to us and the magic circle) I still hold that knowledge to this very day. In fact, I was the one who taught you how to use them or have you forgotten.....Jellal.
Seth- Well that explains where he got part of his bat shit crazy from.
Brain- It seems Jellal has placed himself under it as well. He intends to take the disarm code with him to the grave does he?
Cobra- I don't think he'll be traveling down memory lane with ya Brain. Sorry but it looks like all that ethernano wiped it all out.
Brain- (evil laugh) Is that so? How comical.
Erza grasps her sword but I hold her hand to calm her down.
Brain- We have no further need of his assistance.
He goes up to the magic circle and places his hand on it.
Brain- I know how to nullify this magic circle. Quite simply.
He lifts his hand straight up into the air and the magic circle starts to break away.
Erza- No!
Jellal- You can't.
Cobra- Woah!
I get up and rush Brain before he could finish but Cobra gets in my way and stops my punch.
Cobra- No no no. We can't have that.
Seth- Out of my way!!
I knew him in the gut then grab him by his face and throw him at high speeds through a boulder. His snake comes for me and tries to bite me but I simply blast it into the ground.
Seth- That's for biting me ya bish. Turn my attention back to brain but I get hit with one of his green dark magic blasts and I fly back into a rock wall.
Erza- Seth!!
Brain- (evil laughter) You tried your best Jellal and Seth Alighieri but now Nirvana is finally under my control!!
I break out of the rock wall and I'm slightly annoyed.
Erza- We'll see about that!!
She gets up and I follow her lead as we rush Brain.
Brain- Nirvana arise!!
The ground begins to crack underneath us.
Jellal- Erza! Seth!
Brain- Reveal your true face!!
Cobra comes from the rubble with a smile.
Cobra- First off ow that hurt like a mofo. And second, Yeah I hear it! The sound of the future! The sound of light crashing to the ground!!! There's an explosion and the ground gives way. I start free falling next to Jellal.
Erza- No Jellal!! Seth!!
She was free falling right above us and sticks her hands out.
Erza- Grab my hands!!
SJ- Erza!!!
There's another explosion as the blinding white light overtakes us.
Mandy (POV)
The light gets bigger and more intense as the sound of an explosion goes off.
Natsu- No way!!!
Grey- Hope that's not as bad as it looks.
Lucy- Yeah I'm pretty sure that it is.
Grey- And once again, Seth and Erza are in the middle of it.
Lucy- Seriously?!
Mandy- Unfortunately yes.
Natsu- This is the most dangerous thing besides Seth's transformations that I've ever smelled!!
Some giant stone somethings start coming out of the ground and the ground begins to shake.
Natsu- Oh great now what?!
Grey- I don't know what it is but it's everywhere!
Lucy- Do you think this is Nirvana?
Lyon- It doesn't seem like magic to me.
The ground shakes even harder.
Natsu- Why is everything shaking?!
Mandy- Try not to puke Natsu.
Natsu- Huh?
We get lifted into the air on one of those somethings.
Everyone- Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Once everything stops moving and the dust clears, I get a good look at what actually happened.

 Everyone- Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!Once everything stops moving and the dust clears, I get a good look at what actually happened

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Mandy- Oh crap.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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